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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 78
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My Husband Is A decad

Chapter 78

Jane was stunned.


She looked in the direction that Kate was pointing and saw Carl Sherwood not far away!

Although the room was dimly lit, it was not very difficult to recognize him.

“What’s wrong?” Kate asked inexplicably, “Is Mr. Sherwood also your husband’s… boxing fan?”

Jane bit her lip gently.

Thinking of how Carl had been inquiring about Dan a few days ago, Jane felt that it was very strange

for him to be here.

Did he really have a grudge against Dan in the past?

This was a boxing match, and it was very common for boxers to be injured. Wouldn’t it be very easy for

him to play tricks here?

The more Jane thought about it, the more apprehensive she became.

The field was already crowded, and the competition would start in a few minutes. She was unfamiliar

with the road here and could not go backstage to inform Dan…

After a brief hesitation, she took out her phone and called Josh.

The competition was in full swing.

Dan fought well in the first few rounds, and although the man had been a reigning champion, he was

no match for Dan. The more Dan fought, the more enthusiastic the atmosphere on the field became.

The audience was screaming, and many people were waving flags to cheer for the men in the ring.

Dan was as fierce as a beast. His fierce eyes were enough to repel his opponent.

With a few beautiful h ook-and-loop movements, Dan struck his opponent’s vital parts with ease!

After this round, the opponent leaned against the iron cage, gasping for breath and looking at him with

timid eyes. The referee called for a pause, and both sides adjusted slightly. At this moment, Dan looked

down the stage but did not find that petite figure.

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Dan frowned.

He glimpsed Jane sitting there when he was backstage!

All of a sudden, his heart became empty.

However, when the bell rang, Dan continued participating in the competition with a poker face. He

glanced at the audience out of the corner of his eye, but at this moment, Carl Sherwood suddenly came

into his sight!

His expression froze, and a fierce light flashed through his eyes!

Why was Carl here again? How did Carl know that he had a competition today?

And what was the purpose of Carl following him?

A series of questions lingered in Dan’s mind. In the blink of an eye, he suddenly realized that he

shouldn’t have been so eye catching in the past few rounds! Even if Carl wasn’t with Edward, it was

very likely that Carl was against him. Dan couldn’t let Carl find out his true identity!

Yes, he was Dan Murphy..

He was not Dominic Campbell.

He stood in the boxing ring in a daze. His opponent had already thrown a punch, but he did not dodge


He purposely froze on the spot. That fist smashed heavily into the space between his brows,

immediately splitting his skin and flesh, blood splashing in all directions!


The audience booed. Those who were cheering excitedly just now were now staring at the field in a


“What’s going on? Was he asleep?”

“Wasn’t he fighting well in the past few rounds?”

“It seems that this man is only at this level! Boring!”

In the crowd. Carl also frowned and looked at the arena in confusion.

In the remaining half of the competition, the opponent became more and more ferocious. It seemed

that Dan was sleepwalking. He was beaten so badly that he could not fight back at all. He just held his

head with both hands and kept defending himself.

“That… That doesn’t look like Mr. Dominic at all, Mr. Sherwood,” one of Carl’s men said with a scoff,

“How could Mr. Dominic act so cowardly?”

“Yeah, I think this kid did a good job in the past few rounds. Maybe he took illegal drugs! Now that the

drug effect has passed, so he become a coward again!”

Carl became more and more suspicious.

Hector and Tristan were worried about Dan, especially Hector, who was so anxious that he kept asking

Tristan, “What’s wrong with Dominic?”

Tristan pressed him down on his seat and looked around. He could vaguely see Carl.

“Shh!” He motioned for Hector to be quiet. “Dominic must have his reasons for doing this. Don’t


“Is it because Jane didn’t spare him a glance?”

As soon as he finished speaking, another ear piercing scream was at the scene. Dan was half kneeling

on the ground, covering the lower left rib with one hand. Sweat mixed with blood slowly. dripped from

his forehead.


But at this moment, Jane quickly returned to the field and was stunned when she saw this scene!

She was terrified.

In her eyes. Dan had always been like a G od of War. She had never seen him bleeding like this!

Jane burst into tears and was anxious. She rushed to the boxing ring but was stopped by the security

guards when she approached.

Her anxious shouts were drowned out in the crowd…

Jane didn’t know how she got through the competition. She became more and more afraid to look at

the boxing ring. When the referee blew the whistle and the winner was determined, she rushed out of

the crowd and ran backstage.

“Don’t worry, Jane.” Josh rushed over and continued, “Based on my understanding of Dan, his body is

healthy, and this injury shouldn’t be enough to harm him!”

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“Dr. Green, please..” Jane’s face was pale, and tears welled in her eyes, “Tim really scared…

“It’s fine! Take me backstage first!”

At the same time, Carl led them to the back.

“Is that necessary, Mr. Sherwood?”

“We must go!” With a sullen expression, Carl said, “Dr. Miller, have you brought the tools?”

“I did bring the tools, but..

“I must take this opportunity to get close to him and get something that can do a DNA test on him!”

Dr. Miller frowned slightly, but he still nodded.

Carl did not believe that he was really Dan Murphy.

Although Edward repeatedly emphasized that Dominic Campbell was in Spinelli and that the person in

the boxing ring looked weak and cowardly, a thousand miles away from Dominic Campbell.

He didn’t believe it

They hurried backstage and bumped into Jane and Josh at the locker room door.

“Mr. Sherwood?” Jane was surprised, but she still pretended to be calm. “Why are you

Carl smiled unnaturally.



“I… I said before that I was very interested in boxing. It just so happened that there was a competition

here, so I bought tickets to watch it. Heh… I didn’t expect that the contestant would be Mr. Murphy!”

“Okay.” Jane nodded slightly. Just as she was about to enter, she was stopped by Carl

“Mr. Murphy seems to be badly injured, Ms. Fallon. My friend happens to be a doctor. Why don’t you let

him have a look at Mr. Murphy?”

“No need.” Jane refused and then raised her eyebrows at him. “Mr. Sherwood, why do you bring a

doctor with you to the competition?”

Carl was embarrassed and couldn’t say anything for a moment.

“My husband doesn’t like outsiders to get close to him.”Jane smiled, “Coincidentally, this person beside

me is also a doctor, and he is my husband’s friend. It’s enough to have him.”

“Ms. Fallon…”

“Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Sherwood.” Jane stood in front of the door, “But my husband really

doesn’t need it. Mr. Sherwood, please leave!”
