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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 144
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Chapter 144

Jane’s face turned pale, and she quickly lifted his T–shirt to examine his injury.

Sure enough, there was a clear mark on his lower back.

“It’s red!” She gently rubbed it, then turned to look at Kate.

“Kate, look! Aaron kicked him like this!”

Aaron, who had just been showing affection to Kate a moment ago, was taken aback by her sudden

change of attitude.

“That’s right, why were you so reckless!”

“Kate,” Aaron looked innocent, “weren’t you on my side?”

“On your side for what?” Kate put her arm around Jane’s shoulder. “My Janey is upset now! Go, go, go,

get some medicine for Mr. Murphy!”

Aaron widened his eyes.

“My Janey?”

Wasn’t she just calling me Aaron dearie a moment ago?!

Did that mean sisters were more important than men?!

So does love disappear?

Aaron stood there stunned for a moment, then raised his eyes and met Dominic’s slightly smug


“So, Mr. Wilson, can you do me a favor and buy some medicine?”

At six in the morning, Aaron not only bought the medicine but also brought breakfast for everyone. After

he set the table and utensils, he opened the balcony door and handed the medicine to Dominic with a

cold sneer.

“Just a little kick to see you being dramatic! Trying to frame me?”

Dominic smiled, “You flatter me. I’m just returning the favor.”

Aaron rolled his eyes, almost rolling them to the heavens.

This little thing didn’t need medicine at all, so Dominic just put the ointment aside.

Jane and Kate enjoyed their breakfast happily, while the two men leaned against the balcony railing,

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wearing the same smile on their faces.

“By the way, let’s talk about something serious,” Aaron said with a serious expression.

Dominic was taken aback, “What’s the matter?”

“Give me a cigarette first.”

Dominic glared at him.

Aaron gestured for him to hurry up and get one.

With a snort, Dominic reluctantly took out the remaining half–pack of cigarettes from his pocket–his

limited stock.

He took one for Aaron and then the two of them hid in a corner of the balcony where the two women

couldn’t see them, quickly lighting up their cigarettes.

Chapter 144

“What’s going on?” Dominic furrowed his brow. “Don’t even have money to buy a pack of cigarettes?”

“All my money is with Kate,” Aaron replied nonchalantly. “She didn’t allocate a budget for cigarettes

my pocket money.”


“Oh,” Dominic nodded, suddenly feeling a little sympathetic.

Compared to Jane, Kate was much stricter about controlling his spending.

As a result, he was now barely managing with this half–pack….

Aaron wanted another cigarette, but Dominic suddenly opened his hand and put the cigarette back in

his pocket.

“Tell me the important stuff!” he said in a low voice. “Otherwise, they’ll come looking for us in a bit!”

Aaron sighed, taking one last drag before looking at him. “Kevin has been in touch with me these past

few days.”

Dominic’s eyes darkened.

“He got in touch with me for no other reason than to ask about your whereabouts. Didn’t the news of

you secretly returning to the capital city reach his ears?”

“I returned secretly,” Dominic said, his voice low, “and I only stayed for two days. It’s normal that Kevin

didn’t know.”

“Yeah,” Aaron nodded. “I didn’t tell him anything else, just said that you weren’t in England. We need to

continue searching for the exact location.”

Dominic patted his shoulder.

“Also, I got some more information.”

“What is it?”

“They are secretly training Mr. Dan Murphy to imitate you. The real Dan Murphy. From dressing to

mannerisms, even small gestures and micro–expressions, they’re making Mr. Murphy mimic you


Dominic’s expression changed slightly, lost in thought.

He had already expected this.

After finally catching Mr. Murphy, they wouldn’t easily waste such a valuable pawn.

“They must really want him to replace you,” Aaron played with his lighter, “when I said you weren’t in

England, Kevin smiled in a strange way.”

“My second uncle has been wanting the land in the western suburbs of the capital city,” Dominic

mused, “but he doesn’t have enough money. It would be very difficult for him to take on that project.”

“If they could mobilize a British consortium at this time, my second uncle could easily obtain that piece

of land.”

“So… Aaron frowned.

“So, if I’m not mistaken, my second uncle wants Mr. Murphy to sign in for me and get the money from

the British consortium!”

Aaron suddenly understood.

He thought Kevin would immediately take action against Dominic after capturing Dan Murphy. So

during the time Dominic was away from Cardiff, he didn’t want Jane to be alone and came with Kate to

keep her company.

-Now it seemed that Kevin wasn’t foolish enough to directly harm Dominic; instead, he first used Dan

Murphy’s face to deceive people.

“Aaron,” Dominic smiled slightly, “Saying that I wasn’t in England actually did me a big favor!”

Aaron was a clever person and quickly understood what he meant.

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“If they think you’re not here, they can send a fake Dominic, and since your consortium is full of

foreigners, they won’t be able to tell the difference between you and Mr. Murphy!”

Dominic sneered, “Then let them have what they want!”

“But when Mr. Murphy arrives in England, Aaron grinned, “we can catch him in the act!”

As scheduled, the Fallon family’s board meeting was held, and Jane took a deep breath as she entered

the building, heading straight for Mr. David Fallon’s office.

Before the board meeting, she needed to talk to Mr. Fallon.

Mr. Fallon was preparing meeting materials, and he was slightly startled when he saw her.

Jane didn’t call him “Dad” and politely addressed him as “Chairman Fallon.”

Mr. Fallon’s brow furrowed.

Jane pinched the documents in her hand and placed them in front of Mr. Fallon.

“What does this mean?” Mr. Fallon’s face suddenly changed.

The documents clearly stated “Return of Shares” in black and white.

Below was Jane’s handwritten signature.

Ever since she learned that she wasn’t Mr. David Fallon’s biological daughter, she had decided to cut

off all ties with the Fallon family.

“I’m here today to return these shares,” Jane said clearly, “Chairman Fallon, I believe you must know…

I am not your biological daughter.”

Mr. Fallon’s face turned even uglier, his sharp fox–like eyes fixed on Jane, showing complex.


Jane’s heart pounded as she had two possible scenarios in mind before coming.

First, Mr. Fallon would accept her request to return the shares, and she could sever all ties with the

Fallon family.

However, this possibility was very low.

If Mr. Fallon had known all along that she wasn’t his biological daughter but still gave her shares, then

there must be something suspicious, and that was the key she needed to figure out.

Therefore, returning the shares was just a pretext.

The actual test was David Fallon’s attitude.

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