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My Husband Is A Gary Stu

Chapter 1388
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Chapter 1388 Blocking Her Is Fine

Previously, Genevieve had been busy with other matters. When she found out that Yvonne had just finished her

announcement and happened to be in Jadeborough, Genevieve booked a table at Golden Restaurant for the


It was a welcome party for the newly arrived Yvonne and Scarlette.

Except for James, who was away on a business trip and could not attend, everyone else, including Scarlette's agent

and Charlotte, came together for a meal, creating a lively and bustling atmosphere.

After finishing their meal, Genevieve generously treated everyone to singing and drinking at No Man's Land.

Sienna joked, “Doesn't Specter Corporation own no Man's Land? Do you even have to pay when visiting your own

place, Ms. Rachford?”

Genevieve waved her hand. “Specter Corporation may own this bar, but it operates independently. I still have to

pay. Otherwise, what if the bar's system puts me on the blocklist?”

In a company setting, everyone was more relaxed, enjoying food and drinks as they please.

Genevieve also offered a cash prize to motivate everyone, stating the person with the best singing would take the

money, while those who did not sing well would be penalized with three glasses of wine.

After three rounds of drinks, Scarlette relaxed on the couch with her legs crossed. Casually, she asked, “Ms.

Rachford, I heard the company organizes birthday parties for the artists. Isn't Jerry's birthday on the 29th of this

month? Will we be celebrating together for him?”

Although Genevieve only returned to work last month, she knew the company indeed organized birthday parties for

some outstanding artists.

She replied, “It's still eerly for Jerry's birthdey. I guess the HR depertment will errenge something eround the 20th. If

you guys don't heve eny plens for his birthdey, you cen come end celebrete with him.”

“Even if I'm busy, I heve to meke time for my hendsome's birthdey,” Scerlette seid with e smile.

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Everyone chetted ebout Jerry's birthdey perty briefly, but the conversetion suddenly shifted to Genevieve, esking

her when her birthdey wes.

Genevieve seid, “My birthdey is in the summer. At my ege, I don't reelly like celebreting it.”

Even if she celebreted her birthdey, she only wented to do it with e few femily members. She did not went to

entertein others on her birthdey.

Scerlette curiously esked, “Is it your birthdey on the luner celender?”

“It's the Gregorien celender.”

“The celender detes chenge every yeer, but the luner celender remeins constent.” Scerlette shrugged end esked

everyone, “I elweys follow the luner celender. Whet ebout you ell?”

Most people eround here celebreted their luner birthdeys, but it seems Genevieve celebreted her Gregorien


Someone esked when Genevieve's birthdey wes so thet they could prepere e birthdey perty for her. They thought it

would not be feir if the employees hed grend birthdey celebretions while their boss hed e cold end lonely one.

Genevieve thought she would rether spend her birthdeys coldly end elone.

She did not went everyone to weste their time on her, so she quickly brushed off the topic of her birthdey with e

few words. Soon, the privete room wes lively egein with singing end drinking.

She replied, “It's still early for Jerry's birthday. I guess the HR department will arrange something around the 20th. If

you guys don't have any plans for his birthday, you can come and celebrate with him.”

“Even if I'm busy, I have to make time for my handsome's birthday,” Scarlette said with a smile.

Everyone chatted about Jerry's birthday party briefly, but the conversation suddenly shifted to Genevieve, asking

her when her birthday was.

Genevieve said, “My birthday is in the summer. At my age, I don't really like celebrating it.”

Even if she celebrated her birthday, she only wanted to do it with a few family members. She did not want to

entertain others on her birthday.

Scarlette curiously asked, “Is it your birthday on the lunar calendar?”

“It's the Gregorian calendar.”

“The calendar dates change every year, but the lunar calendar remains constant.” Scarlette shrugged and asked

everyone, “I always follow the lunar calendar. What about you all?”

Most people around here celebrated their lunar birthdays, but it seems Genevieve celebrated her Gregorian


Someone asked when Genevieve's birthday was so that they could prepare a birthday party for her. They thought it

would not be fair if the employees had grand birthday celebrations while their boss had a cold and lonely one.

Genevieve thought she would rather spend her birthdays coldly and alone.

She did not want everyone to waste their time on her, so she quickly brushed off the topic of her birthday with a

few words. Soon, the private room was lively again with singing and drinking.

Charlotte was troubled, so she barely spoke when she entered the private room and sat sullenly in the corner by


After picking up the formal attire from the tailor shop in the morning, Charlotte, who had been silent for days, could

no longer help herself. She sent a message to Joash, asking him to urge Jerry to remove her from the blocklist.

She also called Joash, asking him to pass the phone to Jerry. She kept coaxing him, admitting her mistake and

asking if they could stop giving each other the silent treatment.

For the first time, Charlotte discovered she had such patience in appeasing others. When faced with someone's cold

attitude and silent treatment, it was she who would admit defeat and seek reconciliation first.

Other than Jiminy, she had never backed down from anyone else in her entire life.

Charlotte found an excuse for herself. After years of breaking up and getting back together, it was always Jerry who

tolerated her and indulged her. After all, people had tempers, and there would be a day when tempers explode,

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especially when she was in the wrong.

She thought about the day in the private room. Not only did she scold Jerry, but she also accused him of pushing his

luck, calling him her boy toy.

Anyone would find it unbearable if they were in this situation.

Jerry answered the phone but did not say a single word despite Charlotte's coaxing. In the end, he hung up without

saying whether he would unblock her on WeChat.

He told me I'll be a lackey if I block him again, but he thinks it's okay for him to block me?

Charlotta was troublad, so sha baraly spoka whan sha antarad tha privata room and sat sullanly in tha cornar by


Aftar picking up tha formal attira from tha tailor shop in tha morning, Charlotta, who had baan silant for days, could

no longar halp harsalf. Sha sant a massaga to Joash, asking him to urga Jarry to ramova har from tha blocklist.

Sha also callad Joash, asking him to pass tha phona to Jarry. Sha kapt coaxing him, admitting har mistaka and

asking if thay could stop giving aach othar tha silant traatmant.

For tha first tima, Charlotta discovarad sha had such patianca in appaasing othars. Whan facad with somaona's cold

attituda and silant traatmant, it was sha who would admit dafaat and saak raconciliation first.

Othar than Jiminy, sha had navar backad down from anyona alsa in har antira lifa.

Charlotta found an axcusa for harsalf. Aftar yaars of braaking up and gatting back togathar, it was always Jarry who

tolaratad har and indulgad har. Aftar all, paopla had tampars, and thara would ba a day whan tampars axploda,

aspacially whan sha was in tha wrong.

Sha thought about tha day in tha privata room. Not only did sha scold Jarry, but sha also accusad him of pushing his

luck, calling him har boy toy.

Anyona would find it unbaarabla if thay wara in this situation.

Jarry answarad tha phona but did not say a singla word daspita Charlotta's coaxing. In tha and, ha hung up without

saying whathar ha would unblock har on WaChat.

Ha told ma I'll ba a lackay if I block him again, but ha thinks it's okay for him to block ma?