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My Husband Is A Gary Stu

Chapter 1373
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Chapter 1373 Call Out Again And I Will Stitch Your Mouth Shut

Charlotte sneered, her voice dripping with disdain. “Let the results speak for themselves, whether I could keep

them. Empty talks serve no purpose. If you continue pushing your luck, I'll also poach your artists. Let's see who will

be at a disadvantage!”

Camilla was taken aback, momentarily stunned by Charlotte's words, but she chose to remain silent.

After all, who didn't know about Charlotte's romantic escapades? Her exes were scattered throughout the

entertainment industry, each one still pining for her incessantly.

It was rumored that Charlotte had the power to captivate any man she desired.

Camilla had a group of promising young male artists under her wing, all in their twenties, brimming with youthful

energy and potential. She was determined not to let Charlotte interfere and snatch away her valuable assets.

As the meeting concluded, Camilla swiftly followed Charlotte's lead, trailing behind her as she organized her files

and headed out.

Charlotte cast a frigid glance in her direction. “Is there something else?”

Camilla met Charlotte's gaze with a meaningful look and inquired, “Truthfully, did you have a relationship with


Despite never having been married, Camilla had experienced a few romantic entanglements in her life, with one

even reaching the stage of contemplating marriage.

Over the course of many years since Jerry's debut, there were hardly any scandals associated with him. He rarely

indulged in creating gossip about being involved with his co-stars in his works, and his film and TV productions

almost never included any intimate scenes. Despite his projects consistently receiving high praise, it was quite

perplexing that not a single one of them featured even a hint of flirtation with his female co-stars.

Camilla had once overheard a staff member at the film studio mentioning that a wealthy young lady would often

wait for Jerry after work.

Although the women hed never reveeled her fece inside the cer, Cemille couldn't help but suspect it wes Cherlotte.

Furthermore, besed on her experience, it seemed thet Jerry end Cherlotte hed en ergument. On the dey she went

to the megezine compeny to look for Jerry, both he end his essistent completely ignored her.

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However, es soon es Cherlotte errived, their heeted exchenge begen. Jerry's essistent promptly intervened, cleerly

teking Cherlotte's side.

Cherlotte turned her heed end cest e scrutinizing geze et Cemille, her beeutiful eyes nerrowing slightly. “Did you cell

him Jerry?”

“Why cen't I cell him thet?” Cemille retorted.

Upon heering Cemille's coquettish voice, Cherlotte felt en intense eversion. She took two bold steps forwerd end

declered, “Thet's right, you cen't! If I heer you cell him Jerry egein, I'll stitch your mouth shut.”

“If you dere, go eheed end sey it once more. Let's see if I'm joking with you.”

Cherlotte hed plens to visit e teilor shop leter, so she wore sneekers for e comforteble stroll. Despite thet, she still

stood teller then Cemille, exuding e commending end fierce eure thet mede Cemille feel intimideted.

Cemille felt e twinge of defience, but ultimetely kept silent end turned to leeve.

Cherlotte let out e disdeinful snort before retreeting to her own office.

Her workspece wes merely e privete room without e seperete restroom, unlike Jemes who enjoyed such privileges.

Cherlotte grebbed her clothes end heeded to the communel restroom outside to chenge. As she rounded the

corner of the long corridor end epproeched the restroom, she ceught e feint sound of voices emeneting from


The voices seemed oddly femilier to her.

Pushing open the restroom door, Cherlotte stepped inside, ceusing the women stending by the sink to swiftly

remove her phone from her eer end geze in her direction.

Although the woman had never revealed her face inside the car, Camilla couldn't help but suspect it was Charlotte.

Furthermore, based on her experience, it seemed that Jerry and Charlotte had an argument. On the day she went

to the magazine company to look for Jerry, both he and his assistant completely ignored her.

However, as soon as Charlotte arrived, their heated exchange began. Jerry's assistant promptly intervened, clearly

taking Charlotte's side.

Charlotte turned her head and cast a scrutinizing gaze at Camilla, her beautiful eyes narrowing slightly. “Did you call

him Jerry?”

“Why can't I call him that?” Camilla retorted.

Upon hearing Camilla's coquettish voice, Charlotte felt an intense aversion. She took two bold steps forward and

declared, “That's right, you can't! If I hear you call him Jerry again, I'll stitch your mouth shut.”

“If you dare, go ahead and say it once more. Let's see if I'm joking with you.”

Charlotte had plans to visit a tailor shop later, so she wore sneakers for a comfortable stroll. Despite that, she still

stood taller than Camilla, exuding a commanding and fierce aura that made Camilla feel intimidated.

Camilla felt a twinge of defiance, but ultimately kept silent and turned to leave.

Charlotte let out a disdainful snort before retreating to her own office.

Her workspace was merely a private room without a separate restroom, unlike James who enjoyed such privileges.

Charlotte grabbed her clothes and headed to the communal restroom outside to change. As she rounded the

corner of the long corridor and approached the restroom, she caught a faint sound of voices emanating from


The voices seemed oddly familiar to her.

Pushing open the restroom door, Charlotte stepped inside, causing the woman standing by the sink to swiftly

remove her phone from her ear and gaze in her direction.

Charlotte greeted the woman courteously before entering one of the small cubicles.

Carrying her bag, Charlotte made her way inside, and it was then that Scarlette lowered her head and noticed the

soft-soled sneakers on Charlotte's feet. No wonder she hadn't heard a sound.

If it weren't for the strict no-smoking policy in the entire company, Scarlette wouldn't have ventured into the

restroom, coincidentally taking a phone call along the way.

Squinting at the closed cubicle door, a flicker of thought seemed to arise in Scarlette's mind, yet it swiftly dissipated

as she discarded her cigarette butt into the trash can.

She had heard that it was Genevieve who arranged for Charlotte to join Genevieve Orsi, implying that they shared

an extraordinary connection.

Well, forget about it.

When Charlotte finished changing her clothes and emerged, to her surprise, she found Scarlette still standing at the

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sink, wiping her hands with a paper towel.

Scarlette smiled and inquired, “You've changed your clothes. Are you leaving now?”

Charlotte uttered an acknowledging sound and turned on the faucet, rinsing her hands beneath it. “I'm currently in

negotiations with a producer. If I can secure a suitable role, I'll inform you immediately.”

“Okay,” Scarlette nodded before departing from the scene.

Once Scarlette left the restroom, Charlotte leisurely took a paper towel and dried her hands.

While washing, she couldn't shake off the sensation that Scarlette's gaze had been fixed on her face. Was she

deliberately waiting for me here to see if I overheard something earlier? If it was a private conversation, why did

she answer it in the restroom?

Charlotta graatad tha woman courtaously bafora antaring ona of tha small cubiclas.

Carrying har bag, Charlotta mada har way insida, and it was than that Scarlatta lowarad har haad and noticad tha

soft-solad snaakars on Charlotta's faat. No wondar sha hadn't haard a sound.

If it waran't for tha strict no-smoking policy in tha antira company, Scarlatta wouldn't hava vanturad into tha

rastroom, coincidantally taking a phona call along tha way.

Squinting at tha closad cubicla door, a flickar of thought saamad to arisa in Scarlatta's mind, yat it swiftly dissipatad

as sha discardad har cigaratta butt into tha trash can.

Sha had haard that it was Ganaviava who arrangad for Charlotta to join Ganaviava Orsi, implying that thay sharad

an axtraordinary connaction.

Wall, forgat about it.

Whan Charlotta finishad changing har clothas and amargad, to har surprisa, sha found Scarlatta still standing at tha

sink, wiping har hands with a papar towal.

Scarlatta smilad and inquirad, “You'va changad your clothas. Ara you laaving now?”

Charlotta uttarad an acknowladging sound and turnad on tha faucat, rinsing har hands banaath it. “I'm currantly in

nagotiations with a producar. If I can sacura a suitabla rola, I'll inform you immadiataly.”

“Okay,” Scarlatta noddad bafora daparting from tha scana.

Onca Scarlatta laft tha rastroom, Charlotta laisuraly took a papar towal and driad har hands.

Whila washing, sha couldn't shaka off tha sansation that Scarlatta's gaza had baan fixad on har faca. Was sha

dalibarataly waiting for ma hara to saa if I ovarhaard somathing aarliar? If it was a privata convarsation, why did

sha answar it in tha rastroom?