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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 78
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 81

Jessica POV

I can’t believe this is happening as I watch Brian shift running back toward the pack house. I stand

there just holding the bag he gave me. The patrol guards that are still standing there growl. “Leave

rogue, you aren’t welcome.” “You heard the Alpha, I suggest you get out of our sight” they say before

they shift. I shift into Blossom and she picks up the bag, carrying it in her mouth until we are far from

the pack. I shift back and sit on the ground. I open the bag praying that was an act Brian was putting on

for the pack guards. I know what the Elder and Lake said would happen to any pack that helped me.

I’m sure my brother wants them to think he isn’t helping me. He would never treat his own sister this

way. It contains a wad of cash, some clothes from when I lived in the pack, our mother’s pendant, and

a letter. I open the letter and start to read.


I know how much you hate that name, but you will always be Jessie to me. I wish things could have

been different. I remember how close we were as kids and what a bright light you once were. I wish

you could have just been the happy kid I remember instead of the spoiled adult you’ve become. You

think this world and the goddess owes you something and they don’t. What you did the day you found

your mate was disgusting and I knew that day you were lost. The fact that you so easily mated with a

man you didn’t love because he was an Alpha speaks volumes about how far you will go for status. I

will always love you because you’re my sister, but that doesn’t mean I have to like you. I don’t like who

you have become, Jessie. I have given you all the help I will ever give you again. You no longer have a

brother, as I no longer have a sister. I hope you find that girl you once were and find happiness.

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How could he write this to me? How could my own brother discard me so easily? He speaks about a

stupid warrior that I should have never been mated to by the f**cking goddess. Fine, I’m not his sister

anymore, then he can pay with that little ba**ard Lake for casting me out. He has his perfect little family

without me in it. I’ll make sure that is taken from him for what he has done. “Where are we going to

go?” “We will figure it out, Blossom, but I promise you that I will make all these fvcking wolves pay for

what they have done to us.”

Esmerelda POV

I call her three times before she finally picks up. “What the hell is wrong with you?” “If it didn’t work, I

can’t do anymore then I already have Esme.” “Shut the hell up and listen to me Megan.” “Belinda is in

trouble.” The line goes dead. I immediately dial her back. “Hang up the fvcking phone I’m right here

Esme.” “What the hell happened?” “I’m not exactly sure what happened but Lake knows what she did.”

“He is going to kill my niece.” “Please help me, she is like my own daughter.” “Calm down Esme, I will

help but we need to be careful.” “That wolf should never have been able to fight against my power.”

“What are you saying?” “I don’t know what I’m saying I just know I’m a strong black magic witch and his

wolf should have submitted to my spell and he didn’t.” “Whatever we can figure that out later right now

we need to help my niece before they kill her.”

“Does your brother know what is happening?” “How can they just kill an Alpha’s daughter?” I feel sick

to my stomach when I think about Blane allowing this to happen. “He knows and he agrees with her

punishment.” “He also threatened me so I have no brother anymore.” “Oh my goddess what the hell.”

“We can deal with his a** later.”

Lake POV

Blane follows us back to my office. Elder Bradford is sitting in my guest chair with Archer when we walk

in. He stands walking over to Alpha Blane. He takes Blane’s hand offering his support. “Everyone,

please have a seat.” I sit on the couch with Gabriella next to me. “Elder Bradford, I appreciate you

coming so quickly.” “After what you told me, I knew I couldn’t wait.” “Alpha Blane I can’t imagine how

hard this is for you and if you don’t want to be here for me telling Elder Bradford, we can take you

downstairs.” “No, I need to see this through to the end but thank you Alpha Lake.”

“Belinda had been staying here because my father wanted us to mate.” “He wanted me to take over

Alpha Blane’s pack making our pack even bigger.” “When I refused, he and Belinda apparently came

up with a plan to trick me into doing it.” “My father gave me an enchanted watch that made me feel the

pull toward Belinda.” “I’m glad it didn’t work but can I ask why it didn’t.” “I’m honestly as confused as

you are Elder Bradford.” “Razor never felt the connection and I’m so grateful for that otherwise I’d be

mated to the wrong woman right now.” He looks at me confused. “I’m getting to that part” I chuckle.

“Thankfully I had a meeting with Gabriella and Archer planned today.” “Before they arrived Esmerelda

arrived with a witch that was utilizing a shimmer spell to look like Alpha Blane.” He growls “a black

magic witch dared to step foot into your pack?” “Yes, Elder and apparently she performed a spell

directly on me before Archer and Gabriella arrived.”

“This time the spell affected both me and Razor.” “I could feel him but he was very distant and I couldn’t

fight the pull to Belinda.” “When Gabriella walked in she immediately knew I was her mate.” Elder

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Bradford looks toward Gabriella and smiles. “You are a very special young lady.” She smiles and I take

her hand. “I agree she definitely is.” “The goddess put her in the right place at the right time.” “If they

hadn’t showed up when they did, I hate to think but I may have marked Belinda.” Alpha Blane speaks

for the first time “Gabriella and Lake I’m so sorry for all that has happened because of Belinda and my

sister.” ” “My sister and that witch will pay for their parts in all this.” “As I told you Alpha Blane you don’t

owe me an apology.” “I know that the witch and your sister will pay for their part in all of this but I think

we need to move forward with Belinda’s punishment before they try to interfere” I say and Alpha Blane

nods. “Alpha Lake, after you carry out her sentence may I take her body back to bury her in our pack.”

“Of course, Alpha Blane” I say my heart still breaking for him. “Thank you” he says. I link the guards to

bring her to the pack yard. “Alpha Blane, with all due respect, I don’t think you should be there for what

is about to happen.” I can see he is torn. “Please I hate that her punishment is going to hurt you I won’t

be able to carry it out if you’re there watching.” He walks until he is standing in front of me. “I’m proud of

the man you have become, thank you.” We head downstairs and I ask Atticus to take Alpha Blane to

the living area. “Yes Alpha” he says leading him away.

“Elder Bradford, once this is dealt with, I would like to speak to you about our packs and our plan to

move forward with our future mating.” “Of course, Lake” he says before we head outside. Belinda isn’t

a pack member, so I did not call for my pack to be present for this punishment. Despite that several

pack members are in the pack yard. Two guards are holding Belinda, who is screaming. “Enough”, I

say using Alpha command. Elder Bradford is standing on my right and Gabriella is standing on my left.

“Lake, please don’t do this.” “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have tried to trick you.” “Please have mercy on me.”

“Enough you should have thought about what the consequences of your actions would be before you

worked with a pathetic black magic witch.” She smiles at my words and it makes me uneasy.