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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 200
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 200

53 Heat and Shift

Ruby POV

I’ve been staring at the ceiling for half an hour after not getting much sleep. I thought maybe we would

have some peace after Bruce was dealt with, but I just keep replaying Danica’s words in my mind. How

helpless I feel knowing we were there with her but we could do nothing to help her. “You need to cut

yourself some slack, Ruby. It was a witch and Danica is safe”, Gemma says. I know she’s right but it’s

not helping my fears. I’m supposed to be Alpha and keep everyone safe. I manage to slide out of bed

without waking Maverick. I head into the closet and pull on workout clothes. A black sports bra and

shorts. I’m hoping that going to train in the gym will help me focus on something else. I write a note and

leave it on my pillow in case Maverick wakes up. I make my way through the pack house and outside to

the attached gym. I’m grateful to find the gym is empty. Warrior training won’t start for two hours. I start

to hit the heavy bag. I don’t even know what that b**ch looks like but I still imagine it’s the witch who

wants to hurt my niece or nephew. I hit the bag over and over until my body hurts. My knuckles are

bleeding but they will heal in minutes. How could anyone want to hurt pups? I feel tears starting to

stream down my cheeks but I keep hitting the bag. When I’m breathless, I bend over with my hands on

my knees. Pulling in a lung full of air. I smell him before I see him. His hand on my back rubbing in

circles, starts to calm my raging heart. I stand and look into Maverick’s beautiful eyes. He pulls me into

his arms and I lose the battle with my emotions. My tears flow freely and he just holds me. “Ruby, I

know how worried you are, but I have never met stronger people than your family, our family. You don’t

always need to be strong. You’re allowed to be afraid. Being an Alpha doesn’t mean we can fix

everything. You forget that I can feel everything through our bond. I want you to lean on me. We are

partners and we will do everything in our power to keep Danica and the pup safe.”

I pull back and press a kiss on his lips. The goddess couldn’t have given me a better mate. He is my

perfect match. He knows what I need even if I don’t. The door to the gym opening gets our attention

and five warriors walk in. I compose myself before I take Maverick’s hand to lead him back to our wing

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

of the pack house. I take five steps and pain in my abdomen makes me double over. My skin feels like

it’s on fire. “Ruby, what’s wrong”, Maverick starts to ask before several growls rip through the gym. I

look up and the five warriors’ eyes are black as they stare at me. Maverick steps in front of me and I

link Autumn to come now and bring Connor. She appears within seconds. She immediately knows I’m

in heat. “Maverick, go to your wing, now. Ruby needs you” Autumn says. She doesn’t even let him

answer before she wraps her arm around me and teleports us to my room. I scream and the feeling of

burning on my skin is getting worse. “It’s alright Ruby. Maverick will be here soon. He will make it

better. Let’s get you into a cold shower while you wait.” She leads me in to the bathroom and helps me

peel the sticky clothes off my body. I step into cold water and it helps a little. The bathroom door swings

open and Maverick is staring at me with black eyes. Gaylen is at the surface. “Leave Autumn”, he says

and she disappears. He is stalking toward me like he’s a predator and I’m his prey. My body craves his


He steps in the shower completely unaffected by the cold spray. “Mine” he growls, and I’m picked up

and slammed against the wall of the shower. There is nothing soft or gentle at this moment. I want him

to ravish my body. He reaches down, running his fingers through my folds and I’m already dripping wet.

“Maverick, I need you inside me now.” He impales me with one thrust. He sets a relentless rhythm. He

reaches between us and begins to rub my cl*t. I buck against him trying to reach my release. I can feel

the familiar tingle in my core start to build. When he bites down into my mark, I scream out his name. I

feel his seed empty deep in my body. His eyes are back to their beautiful blue color and I smile. He

brushes the tendrils of hair that cover my face away. “Ruby, are you alright? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Goddess, I love this man. I slam my lips down on his and kiss him like he’s the air I need to breathe. I

press my forehead to his as we both come down from our high. “I promise you that I can take anything

that you give. I’m in heat, Maverick, and it will probably last at least three days. We won’t be able to

leave this room till it passes. I can’t risk being around unmated males when it hits again. The only thing

that will make me feel better is you.” “Mine” he says again. “Yes, yours and only yours. Let’s clean up

before the next wave hits. Autumn will bring us food and drinks till it’s over.” “Three days of non-stop

s*x with the love of my life. I think I can handle that” Mavericks says as he begins to wash me.

Lucy POV

I still feel like this is all a dream. The last few days spending time with William, Gwen, Luca, Jade, and

Luna has been amazing. Gwen let us pick out some things to make our rooms our own. We are

supposed to go shopping this afternoon and honestly, I can’t wait. We were rarely allowed to leave the

cottage. As I got older, Madelena would give me clothes she didn’t want anymore, which were always

too big. “Everything is going to be better from now on, Lucy” a voice in my head says. I jump off the bed

and look around expecting to see someone, even though I know it came from inside me. “Who are

you?” “I’m your dragon, silly girl. My name is Gia. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you through all the

bad those people did, but you will always have me now. Our new family will always take care of you

and Liam. I can feel their love for us.” “My birthday isn’t for a few days. Why would I be shifting now?”

“The goddess is very proud of you. This is the goddess’s gift to you for doing the right thing. For caring

about others, even knowing it could cost you everything.” “I’m so happy that your here with me. I’m

ready to shift.” “Well, first we need to be outside. Second, you need to get William or Luca so they can

help us. I won’t lie your first shift is going to hurt. I need you not to fight the shift. It will make it more

painful if you fight it.”

I rush from my room and Gwen is the only one sitting on the couch. She looks at me and concern

flashes on her face. “Where is William or Luca?” “They are busy sweetheart. Can I help you with

something” Gwen asks. “I need them. My dragon, Gia, is here and I’m going to shift. I need them with

me.” I see panic flash on her face as she tries to link. Liam rushes out of his room and takes my hand.

“I will go with you sissy. I can be with you while you shift.” I smile and put my hands on his shoulders. “I

need you to stay here with Gwen. I love you. When I’m all done with my first shift, I will come get you

so you can meet Gia.” I can see he wants to protest but, thankfully, he joins Gwen on the couch. I don’t

want him to see me in pain. “Lucy, they have a block up because they are in the cells. Let me link

Jade.” A few minutes later, Jade comes in with Luna on her hip. I tell her everything that Gia said and

she immediately starts to link Luca. After a few minutes she smiles at me. “They are both on their way.

Let’s get you outside.” Gwen takes my hand. “I’m proud of you Lucy. I can’t wait to meet Gia.” She and

Liam hug me before I follow Jade outside. I’m excited but nervous at the same time. “Lucy, I can’t hold

it back any longer”, Gia says. Pain rushes through my body and I fall onto my knees. “Don’t fight me,


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Luca POV

I feel a push of someone trying to link me. I know it has to be Jade as my block with her is thin. I don’t

want her to feel my rage while I’m in the cells, but if she needs me, I want her to get through to me. I

drop the block and Jade’s panicked voice makes me freeze. “Lucy is going to shift. She needs the two

of you right now. I’m taking her outside.” I cut the link and grab my father. “Secure the two of them now”

I yell at the guard as we head out of the cells. I run as fast as my legs can carry me through the castle.

I bust through the door that leads outside with my father on my heels. Lucy is writhing in pain on the

ground. I rush toward her. “Lucy, I’m here. William is here. We will be with you the whole time. Don’t

fight your dragon. Try to relax your body.” Her eyes are flashing back and forth between her green eyes

and her dragon’s black ones. “Sebastian, what can we do to help her?” “Shift and I’ll reach out to her

dragon.” I do as he says and shift into my huge blue dragon. I sit back and let Sebastian take complete

control. “Shift little dragon. Focus on me and push forward. Lucy, sit back and let your dragon free”,

Sebastian says. I watch through his eyes as Lucy’s bones start to move and change position. Her skin

takes on a pink hue before her scales grow. It takes ten minutes before a beautiful pink dragon stands

before my father and I. Sebastian rubs his cheek against hers before my father’s dragon does the


She turns and goes toward Jade. I watch her lay down and Jade places her hand on the dragon’s

head. She is imprinting on her family. That is how your first shift is supposed to happen. My father was

with me for mine. I’m glad that Lucy has all of us for hers. The door opens and Liam and Gwen step

out. Liam rushes over to the pink dragon. She lays down and he climbs up on her neck, squeezing her

tight. “You’re beautiful Gia”, Liam says. The dragon preens at her compliment. After a few minutes,

Liam rejoins Gwen and Gia turns to me. I can see panic in her eyes. Lucy doesn’t know how to shift

back. I shift and my father throws me shorts, which I pull on. “Lucy, picture yourself as a girl. Picture

your face, arms, and legs.” After a few minutes my beautiful sister is standing in front of me. I hand her

a shirt and she slips it over her head before she launches herself into my arms. “Thank you, Luca. I’m

so glad you’re my brother. I love you.” “I love you too, Lucy.” I set her down and she wraps her arms

around my father. “Thank you, dad. I love you too.” My father is smiling like he just got the best gift he

could ever have. We all did.