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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 152
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 155

8 Friend or Not

Danica POV

I head to my office. I open the door and roll my eyes. I step inside and walk to my desk. “Constance, I

am in no mood this early in the morning.” She smiles “you know you love seeing me.” “If you weren’t

my sister I would kick your a** for being in my office without my permission.” She sticks her tongue out

and I hold back a laugh. “So what happened last night?” I roll my eyes. “Why are you asking me about

that? You have never cared about what the soldiers do, so why do you care now?” She smiles, “oh, this

must be really good for you to be so defensive. You know you want to tell me.” “Constance, I am not in

the mood for this today. The scouting did not go as planned and that is the end of it.” She stands “you

forget that I know you better than anyone else. I also know when you’re hiding things. I’ll figure it out,

that’s what sisters do.” I roll my eyes and she heads out of my office. I haven’t been able to stop

thinking about his eyes. Despite how far away he was, I could see they were a beautiful chocolate

brown color. I knew immediately he was my beloved. I just don’t know how to move forward.

I stand going to the shelf where my father’s books still rest. I pull down the book with the red binding. I

have read it over fifty times trying to find the answers to why my father made me promise to end the

Scarlett Rose. Even on his deathbed he wasn’t honest with me. Making up some story about his

brother’s coven being taken from Drayce. Telling me how I needed to avenge the family name. He

could care less about his brother or his brother’s coven. The more I have read the journals he kept I’m

sure all of this has to do with power. He even brought Milo into the plan, thinking that I would accept

him so readily. I feel like my father knew something that he didn’t want me to figure out. A knock

sounds on my door, bringing me out of my thoughts about my father. I’m glad when I see it’s not Milo.

Jeremiah steps in and bows. He was my father’s most trusted advisor and has been very supportive of

me taking over the coven.

When I first took over, I worried that the men would not accept a female leader. It wasn’t until I allowed

the doubters to take me on that they finally accepted me. “Danica, I heard that there were some issues

with the scouting mission.” “I’m sure you did. Did Milo run right to you?” He smiles “you know him so

well. So do you want to talk about what happened?” “Honestly, the only thing I want to talk about is my

father.” He nods and I continue. “I need to know the true reason that he insisted the coven destroy the

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Scarlett Rose.” I see sympathy in his eyes. “I wish I had those answers for you Danica. Your father

always had his own agenda which I’m sure you know better than anyone. He kept certain things to

himself, but that doesn’t mean that you need to follow his orders blindly.” “I promised him that I would

end the Scarlett Rose. How do I go back on a promise I made while the man was dying?” “I had the

utmost respect for your father as our leader, but a promise made under false pretenses isn’t really fair

to you. Find the answers and make your own decisions. That’s what a good leader does.” I smile and

he stands to leave. “Thank you, Jeremiah.” He nods and leaves my office.

Archer POV

We reach the coven and we are greeted by Porter. “Porter, thank you for making time for us today” my

father says. “Lake, you know that you never have to thank us for helping, in any way we can. I’m sorry

you are stuck with just me. The others are visiting Brooke, Jayden, Adrian, Andrew, and the pups. They

will be having their Alpha ceremony soon. We are hoping you all will be able to attend.” “Of course we

will,” my father says. “Ruby will also be having her ceremony soon and Gabriella will send out the

invitations.” He leads us to an office and we all take a seat. “So you said that you had some questions

about a vampire coven?” My father looks at me to speak. “During our patrol, Wesley and I scented

vampires just outside the pack land. When we went to find out why they were so close to the pack we

were attacked. During the attack, a woman stepped out from behind the trees. She is my mate and she

seemed to be in charge of the others. She called for the men to retreat and left before I could reach

her.” Porter smiles “did she make eye contact with you, Archer?” “She did, that’s when she gave the

orders to retreat.” His smile seems to get even bigger.

“I take that as a good sign that she didn’t try to kill you after she realized who you were.” “She left

without saying a word. I doubt that is a good sign. I have no idea what coven she is from or why they

were near the pack.” “I still have some connections in the surrounding covens. I can reach out and see

if I can find out any details that might lead us to your mate.” “I would really appreciate that, Porter. I

need to find her and we need to know why the vampires were so ready to attack our pack.” “Of course,

I will start making the calls today. As soon as I have any answers, I will call you immediately.” We stand

and I take Porter’s hand in mine. “Thank you, again Porter.” We head out and I shift, we start to run

back to the pack. As we run, I say a prayer to the goddess that Porter can help us find the answers and

I can find my mate. I push the thoughts of rejection that have been plaguing me since the night I saw

her from my mind and focus on finding her.

Ruby POV

As soon as we are safely in the car, I turn to Autumn. “Thank you for healing her.” She leans up and

wraps her arms around me. “She is important to our Alphas, which means she is important to me.” I

nod and turn back to the wheel. “Oh no, we aren’t done talking Ruby.” I figured she was going to bring

up what Gwen had said about Maverick’s engagement. When Gwen spoke about Maverick she didn’t

seem upset. I felt like she wasn’t so much checking on Maverick as telling me that he was available,

but that wouldn’t make any sense. Gemma was prancing in my mind and the little hope I felt after his

conversation with Jennifer just got a lot bigger. “What is she talking about,” Jade asks. I roll my eyes

but turn back to the girls. “Apparently Maverick is no longer engaged.” Screams fill the car and I cover

my ears. “Ruby is going to get her man” Brooklyn chants. “My man, what are you fifteen?” We all start

to laugh. I turn back and start the car. I told the secretary that I wouldn’t be returning to the office when

we left for the hospital. I need to talk to my grandfathers Stephen and Archer today. “It’s time to come

up with a plan to get our mate” Gemma says. “Settle down Gemma. I have every intention of getting

our mate now that I know he isn’t with that woman.”

We reach the pack and I head for the pack house. I reach my grandfather Archer’s office. “Come in

Ruby” he says, scenting me before I even knock. I smile and when I walk in I’m wrapped in strong

arms. He sets me on my feet. “How is everything going at the office” he asks. I’m sure he is pretending

he has no idea why I’m here. I am sure my grandmother told him about my mate. “The office is fine but

I need to talk to you about my mate.” He smiles, “I had hoped you would come to speak to me about

him.” “I just never expected my mate to be human and in a relationship.” He laughs “yep I remember

that was a hard pill to swallow. Your grandmother was in the process of leaving Greg but I had no way

to know if she would accept me or love me like I did her.” “What did you do?” “I did exactly what you’re

doing. I was patient and let her make all the decisions about ending the relationship with Greg.” “How

and when am I supposed to tell him what we are?” He smiles “that I can’t tell you. All I can say is you

will know when the time is right. Just remember to be honest and accept that his response might not be

what you expect a mate to say. Imagine having no idea that werewolves exist and now you are chosen

to be mated to one.” I laugh “that would be a lot.” I stand going around the desk to hug him. “I have

faith that you will have your mate and run this pack better than anyone before you.” “Thank you,


I head to the cottage that my grandfather Stephen shares with Maryah. I knock and Maryah is smiling

when she opens the door. She motions her head “he is in the living room.” She hugs me before I join

him on the couch. He wraps me in a hug. “To what do I owe this visit from my favorite granddaughter?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I laugh “you say that to all of us.” “Well, it’s true.” “I wanted to talk to you about the deal with Bernard

from today.” I tell him everything that happened and he just sits listening. I tell him what Maverick did

and that the deal won’t be happening. “First of all, that a**hole is lucky Maverick has a cool head. I

would not have been so calm. Secondly, we will never do business with a man that has views like that.

So enough about that ignorant ba**ard. How are things going with Maverick?” “We just lost a huge deal

and you’re worried about my mating.” “I worry about the important things in life. There will always be

other deals but you will only have one mate. Now tell me how things are going.” I tell him about our trip

to see Gwen and her healing. “I always liked Gwen. I’m sure she saw through Delilah’s bullsh*t.

Sounds like we will have a new Alpha soon.” “I hope so, grandpa.”

Maverick POV

After I leave the hospital, I decide to head back to the office. I have nothing to rush home to, so I would

rather just occupy myself with work. As I drive back, I think about how happy my mother was when I

came back into the room. She even told the nurse she wanted to have more scans before she would

take anymore chemo. I’m glad she felt like the healing helped her, but I don’t want her to stop the

treatments. I believe in miracles but we still need to be practical. As I pull into the parking garage,

someone walking out of the office building catches my attention. What the hell was she doing here? I

park my car and rush upstairs to my floor. As soon as the elevator door opens, I rush over to the desk. I

don’t even care that Jennifer is the only one sitting there. “What can I help you with Mr. Colwell?” “I just

saw Delilah leaving the building. Did you send her away when she came looking for me?” “I’m sorry sir,

she wasn’t here to see you.” The anger that was only a low roar is now a full on rage. “Who was she

here to see?” She must hear the anger in my voice. “She was here to see Mr. Blakely.”

I take a deep before I head to Connor’s office. I push open the door and Connor looks up from his

desk. He smiles at first but he must realize that the look on my face is one of anger. “Maverick, what

the hell is wrong with you?” “How long have you been f**king her?” I see the moment he realizes who I

am referring to. “No way man. I wouldn’t never do that to you.” “Really, because you f**k everything that

doesn’t move. The fact she came here to see you seems like she is part of everything.” He starts to

walk toward me. I’m not even hurt about Delilah sleeping with him. All the love I had for her has slowly

started to fade away. I’m angry that he thought so little of our friendship that he could betray me. I have

always thought of him as a brother. As soon as he gets close enough, I don’t know what comes over

me, but I punch him in the face. I don’t even wait for a response. I head back down the hall to my office

and lock the door once I’m inside. I have never hit another person in my life, but his betrayal feels far

worse than hers.