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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 15
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 18

18 Served

Archer POV

I’m sitting in the pack house living room having a drink when my mother walks in the side door. “Good

evening, mom” I say with a smile on my face. She jumps and puts her hand to her chest. “Archer, you

scared the hell out of me.” “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, where were you this late?” “Why are you

sitting down here like a creeper?” “I was waiting on you.” She comes over and sits down next to me.

“You know where I was don’t you?” “I’m the Alpha I know everything” I say and laugh. She rolls her

eyes at me and slaps my arm. I wrap my arm around her. She seems so much happier now that she

isn’t bonded to my father.

“How was the story?” “It was wonderful and I’m already in love with both of them.” “Liza loves her grand

pup already.” “It’s so strange how our wolves have accepted our pup.” “The goddess made them both

for you.” I smile because my mother’s right. It’s not just about Sabrina. The goddess doesn’t make

mistakes and Gabby was always meant to be mine. “So, what is your plan to get her to accept you?”

“Honestly mom I’m still working on it.” “I don’t want to scare her away and she has already been

through so much.” “She has no idea we even exist.” “I can’t exactly say hey I’m a werewolf and by the

way your my mate for life.” My mother laughs and she takes my hand.

“Archer she is a strong woman and you need not treat her like glass.” “She won’t break.” “Don’t keep

things from her because even though I have no idea what she has been through, truth is the most

important thing in a relationship.” “What if I tell her what I am and she runs or rejects me?” “What if she

finds out what you are and finds out that you kept it from her?” “I wish you weren’t always right.” “That

would definitely be worse.” “I will figure out the best way to tell her exactly what we are.” “I can’t lose


The Next Day

Sabrina POV

I wake up and Archer has his head between my legs. I feel every inch of his tongue as he dives in and

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out of my p**sy. He pushes two fingers deep inside me. “Does that feel good Sabrina?” “Don’t stop,

make me c*m, Archer.” He starts to circle my cl*t with his tongue. I can feel the orgasm building in my

core. I’m just about to c*m and scream out his name. A knock on the door brings me out of the dream.

“Mama, Mama I’m awake.” What the hell was that? I’m not even divorced and I’m dreaming about

another man. What the hell is wrong with me? Apparently I’ve learned nothing from Greg’s behavior.

I take a couple deep breaths before I slip out of bed heading for the door. I open the door to a smiling

little face. “Mama it’s breakfast time.” “Your right little one it is.” I pick her up heading for the kitchen. I

put her in her booster seat and give her juice with cheerios. “Are you excited for your new school

today?” “Yes mama” she says in her tiny voice. After she finishes breakfast, I let her pick out her outfit

and I pull her hair back into a ponytail. She looks like a princess in her blue dress. We head down a

path that leads to the school. This place is beautiful, I look around as we walk.

When we reach the daycare there our three women waiting for children to arrive. “Hi I’m Sabrina,

Archer said he let you know that Gabby would be coming today.” They all smile warmly. “Yes he did”

the older woman says. She bends down extending her hand. “Hi Gabby my name is Ms. Kate.” “Hi Ms.

Kate” Gabby says and she takes her hand. I follow them in just to see the new school. The classroom

is amazing and the kids playing seem very happy. “I’ll be back for her at two.” “Ok Sabrina, have a

good day.” I leave heading back to the cottage to relax for the first time in a very long time.

Greg POV

I’m sitting at my desk in the station speaking to Joe when a very pretty woman walks up to me. “Can I

help you miss?” “I think you can.” “Is your name Greg Piper?” I smile “why yes, it is.” She takes an

envelope out of her purse and hands it to me. I take it flipping it over. “You’ve been served, have a nice

day Mr. Piper.” She turns and walks away. I rip the envelope open taking the papers out. I squeeze the

papers in my hand as I read the divorce decree. I stand walking out of the station without saying

another word to Joe or anyone else.

I take the phone out of my pocket and dial Lilth. “Greg what’s going on.” “She served me with divorce

papers at work.” “I can’t believe she is doing this.” “I don’t know what to do Lilth.” “I never expected her

to take it this far Greg.” “We will come up with a plan.” “Bring the papers to my house and we can call

my lawyer.” “If Sabrina thinks she will lose Gabby she will do whatever it takes to not let that happen.”

Thank god I at least have Lilth in my corner. I hang up and speak to my captain about taking a few days

off. I have more than enough time.

I slide into my car and head for the house. I debate for ten minutes before I change direction heading

toward Gabby’s daycare. I pull in and park the car heading for the door. I ring the bell and Gabby’s

teacher opens the door looking confused. “Mr. Piper what can I help you with?” “I wanted to pick Gabby

up today.” “I’m sorry Mr. Piper but Sabrina told us yesterday was her last day here.” “She is going to a

new daycare.” “No one thought to tell me this was happening.” “Mr. Piper, I have no idea what’s

happening with you and Sabrina but we can’t question her if she says Gabby is not coming back.” I

take a few deep breaths. “I’m sorry, Sabrina and I have been having problems and she didn’t tell me.”

She nods and closes the door.

I head back to my car and start to drive. I take the phone out of my pocket and dial Sabrina’s number. It

rings five times before she finally picks up. “Hello Greg” she says coldly. “Do you know they served me

at work today?” “I’m I supposed to feel bad that your pride was hurt after what you did to me.” “I’ll fight it

Sabrina.” “How dare you take Gabby out of her daycare without telling me.” She laughs “the only

reason she went to that daycare Greg is because I worked at the hospital near it.” “Since I quit my job

after you f**ked my coworker I no longer need to take her there.” “I am her father, you have no right to

just make decisions without me.” “I want to see my daughter.” “I will talk to my lawyer and get back to

you after the stunt you pulled at the house the other day.” “You mean the lawyer your f**king.” “This

conversation is over Greg.” The phone clicks and I throw it on the seat heading to Sabrina’s parent’s


I pull into the driveway and park the car. I head to the door and before I can knock it flies open. Harold

looks like he is ready to kill me. “Turn your a** around and get back in your car.” “Don’t you ever come

back to this house after what you did to my daughter.” “Harold that’s enough, I invited him.” He whirls

on her. “If you allow him in our home after what he did to our daughter I’m leaving and I won’t ever be

back.” The look on her face is a mix of hurt and anger. “I’m trying to do what’s right for Gabby and

Sabrina Harold.” “No your not, all you care about is him which is sick” he points at me. “Make your

choice Lilth.” She doesn’t say anything and he leaves heading up the stairs. She ushers me in and I

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take a seat at the table. “Lilth I’m not trying to cause problems for you and Harold.” “Nonsense he will

get over it so don’t worry about it.” “He is all talk and no action.”

Willow POV

“What are your plans for your two days off?” “Honestly Tracey I think I’m just going to go my brother’s

property and check on Sabrina.” “I also want to check in with the hospital there.” As were talking

Melissa walks in and as soon as she sees us she puts her head down. “I’ll be glad when I don’t have to

see her for even two minutes again” Tracey says. “She isn’t worth wasting energy on honestly.” “Do you

think I can head to the property with you and hang out with Sabrina too.” “I’m sure that can be

arranged, I’ll let Archer know.” “We can surprise her with a girl’s night in.” “That would be awesome”

Tracey says. “I will pick you up in the morning tomorrow and we can bring her breakfast.”

After I leave the hospital, I dial Archer. He picks up on the second ring. “What’s wrong Willow?”

“Nothing I don’t just call you when things are wrong.” “Sorry after everything yesterday I’m still on

edge.” “No I was just wondering if you would mind if Tracey comes to stay with Sabrina for a couple

days.” “I’m hoping it will help her to be around friends.” “Absolutely just be careful where she goes in

the pack.” “I’ve given orders for no shifting around the pack house or cottages.” “Alright sounds good,

I’ll see you in the morning.” I hang up and head back to my apartment.

When I wake up I grab my essentials because I still have my room at the pack house. I head outside

my apartment and I get a weird feeling of being watched. I smell the air but nothing seems out of the

ordinary. I look around but I don’t see anything out of place. I’m being paranoid. I hop in my car driving

over to Tracey’s house. I beep and Tracey comes out with her bag thrown over her shoulder. She

slides in the passenger side. “Are you ready for a girl’s weekend?” “Absolutely” I say and head in the

pack’s direction. I link Archer that we are on our way. “I’m in my office at the pack.” “Until everything is

settled with Sabrina I’m working from here.” I smile and we pull up to the gate.

As soon as the guard sees me, he opens the gate. “Holy sh*t that’s some serious security.” “My brother

protects the people he cares about.” “Does he care about Sabrina” she smiles like she knows a secret.

“What are you talking about Tracey, he’s her lawyer?” “Don’t bullsh*t me Willow, I saw him at the house

when he thought Greg was going to hurt Sabrina.” “He has feelings for her whatever they may be.” I

stay silent. “I’m glad he does but if he hurts her brother or not, I’ll kick his a**. I burst into laughter and

she looks at me like I’m crazy. “I’m serious she is like a sister to me, I want her to be happy.” “I promise

you he would never hurt her.”