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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 126
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 129

67 The Meeting Part 1

Brooke POV

Just seeing my parents hold my pups is something I never thought would happen. I knew I would do

anything to find Jocelyn but returning to that ba**ard’s pack was never going to happen. I’m so grateful

that she brought them here. I’m not sure where Adrian and I will end up staying but at least my parents

know we are safe and they have the opportunity to see my pups. “Brooke, Gabby would like us to come

to the dining room. She said it is important.” “Why don’t you two go and we will stay here with the pups”

my mother says. I look at Adrian “go ahead, then your parents can tell me all the embarrassing stories

from when you were a kid.” I chuckle and hug her and my parents before we head for the door. “Jayden

is going to be so happy when he knows that Brooke is safe” I hear my mother say to my father. I feel

bile rise in my throat. They have no idea what that man did to us. I turn before we reach the door. “I do

not want that monster to know anything about me or my pups.” My mother looks like I just slapped her.

“Brooke” my father says sternly like he did when I was a child. “This isn’t up for discussion dad. I

respect you and mom but there are things you don’t know.” I turn back and head out of the door without

another word. I love my parents and I don’t want to argue. Jayden can be very charming goddess

knows that I know that better than anyone. I believed him when he told me he accepted our bond.

“Brooke, please wait” Jocelyn says from behind me in the hallway. “Jocelyn, let’s just go to meet with

your pack please.” “Fine, but we are going to talk about this. You don’t know everything you think you

do.” She walks ahead, leading me to the dining room. A million thoughts are racing through my mind.

What the hell could she possibly mean? She was there with me in that cell being tortured every day.

We reach the door and Jocelyn knocks before we walk in. I hear a gasp and before I know what’s

happening, I’m wrapped in strong arms. I expect to see a man but instead a petite young woman is

hugging me. I smile “Serina I assume.” She looks up with happiness in her eyes. “Yes, I’m Serina. It’s

so good to meet you Brooke.” We all take a seat and everyone is smiling at us. “Brooke, I can’t believe

you’re here. How did you know that Jocelyn was here”, Serina asks. I retell the story and she smiles.

“The goddess led you both here.” She is definitely right. There is nothing else that makes sense about

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us both coming to this pack. I’m so grateful for the goddess’s plans.

Jocelyn POV

My heart hurts for Brooke for the pain I still see in her eyes when she talks about Jayden. She is hiding

her hurt with anger but she needs to know that it is misdirected. He loves her and I can’t let her throw

that opportunity away based on what that ba**ard said. I turn to my parents before I leave to follow

Brooke. “She was lied to, but I promise we will make her see the truth.” My parents nod and I catch up

to Brooke. When we reach the dining room Lake, Gabby, Serina, and Nicholas are sitting at the table.

Serina gasps and jumps up from her chair, heading in our direction. When she hugs Brooke, I smile.

We all take a seat and once everyone has told Brooke how happy they are that she is here, Serina

asks the same questions I did. Hearing Brooke retell the story makes me understand why she is so

protective of Adrian. Just as Serina was my Saviour, Adrian was hers. I’m so glad she was there for

Brooke when I couldn’t be. “Brooke, you’re welcome to join us for the meeting with Alpha Jayden

tomorrow”, Gabby says, and Brooke stiffens. “I would rather not but thank you for the offer Alpha” she

says. “She may change her mind after I can explain all we learned today” I link Gabby.

“Jo will show you and Adrian to the guest rooms near your parents.” “Thank you Alphas for all you have

done for my sister and for your kindness to me.” “We are here not only for Jo but for you and Adrian. If

you decide that you will not be returning to your pack, we would like you to join ours”, Gabby says. I

can see the shock on Brooke’s face. Nothing about Gabby and Lake surprises me after all that they

have done while I have been here. “I understand that Harris is mated to your aunt but you would extend

an invitation to Adrian.” “Of course, I’m sure you realize by now that this pack cares about a person’s

character not who they are as a supernatural.” My sister smiles and she holds back tears. “Thank you”

she manages to get out before we start back toward my floor. I stop her before we go back into the

room. “Brooke, I know you are hurt and angry, but promise me you will listen before you make any

decision.” She nods and we head back into the room where my parents and Adrian have the pups on

the floor. It makes me smile to see Anna and Henry motoring around. I know soon enough my pups will

join them.

I take Brooke’s hand and lead her to two chairs in the corner. “I met with Jayden today along with the

Alphas.” “I know, Willow told us.” “Brooke, I truly believe he had nothing to do with us being taken by

Drayce after I spoke with him today.” “Jocelyn, you are a good person and you want to believe the best

of other people.” “Brooke I am not a child anymore please don’t treat me like one. I was there with you.

I endured the same disgusting treatment, but I still choose to trust people. Everyone is not Drayce.

What proof do you have that Jayden helped him besides his words?” “What did he have to gain by lying

to us, Jocelyn?” “I don’t believe he was lying, I just don’t believe it was Jayden.” “You’re making no

sense right now.” “Did he ever use Jayden’s name when he said the Alpha?” I can see her confusion as

she is trying to think back to what happened in the past. “What are you trying to get at Jocelyn?” “I

believe the Alpha that Drayce talked about was Joseph.” I watch as the color drains from her face.

“Alpha Joseph did this to us.” “I don’t know for sure but after our meeting today I know it wasn’t

Jayden.” I can see how torn she is after believing for all this time that Jayden betrayed her.

Brooke POV

“Brooke just meet with him”, Jocelyn says, but I can’t. Even if he didn’t give us to that ba**ard there is

nothing left for me and Jayden. Jocelyn wants to believe that we will live happily ever after like in a

fairytale, but this isn’t a fairytale. This is real life and I’m not the virgin waiting for her mate to swear his

undying love. I have pups and I haven’t been untouched whether it wasn’t by my choice or not. I’m glad

that I can at least let go of the anger I’ve had about his betrayal. “I’m glad to know that he didn’t help

Drayce, but it doesn’t change that I’m no longer his mate.” “But you are,” Jocelyn starts to say. “Jocelyn

I listened and I believe you but I can’t see him.” I stand before she can say anymore and scoop Henry

up in my arms. I need to hold my pup. I sit in a chair and begin to feed Henry. Adrian is looking at me

and I can see sympathy on her face. “Are you alright” she mouths to me. I smile and nod. After a little

while longer, Jo leads us to two rooms down the hall from my parents. I chuckle when I walk in and the

pack and plays are already set up. I hug Jo and kiss my niece and nephew before she leaves for her


Adrian helps me get the little ones to sleep. She leads me over to the bed and we both sit. “I’m not

going to tell you what you should do but I just want you to listen for a minute.” I take a deep breath and

nod. “I understand you are afraid of what may happen if you see Jayden. I understand that you think

your chance for happiness with your mate is over. I just want you to think about this. What if you’re

wrong?” “I know what you’re saying, Adrian, but” she stops me. “You don’t have to answer me. You

don’t owe anyone an explanation for how you feel. You need to think about it for yourself and find the

answer for you.” She stands and hugs me before she heads to her room. Candance has been quiet

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since our conversation with my sister but I can feel her pain and wanting for her mate. “Candance, I

know you want to see him.” “I do, but I am with you no matter what you decide, Brooke. I think you

should listen to Adrian and decide if wondering is better than knowing.” I head into the shower before I

slide into bed. The bed is so comfortable but I know it will do nothing to help me sleep tonight.

The Next Day

Alpha Jayden

I don’t know why I’m anxious about our meeting at the Scarlett Rose today, but I am. Storm has been

on edge too. “Andrew, please make sure you keep an eye on my father. I know he isn’t innocent in all

this but I need to figure out exactly what he has done.” “Of course, I will call you if I see anything

suspicious.” I go to my office to grab some paperwork before I head downstairs. “Jayden” I turn and my

father is walking toward me. “Are you sure it is a good idea to enter an alliance with this pack? What do

you really know about them?” I laugh “father, have faith in me as an Alpha. I will always do my research

and find out the truth.” I hope he catches my meaning but his face never changes if he does. I turn

heading out the pack door and down to my SUV. I drive for an hour before I pull down a twisty road.

When I approach the gate, a guard approaches my window. “Alpha Jayden” he says. “Yes I am.” “The

Alphas are expecting you. Follow the driveway and it will lead you to the pack house. They will be

waiting for you.” “Thank you”, I say, and the gate opens. When I reach the pack house, Lake is waiting

for me. He sticks out his hand and we shake. “Welcome to the Scarlett Rose pack Alpha Jayden.”

“Jayden will do just fine.” “Gabby, Serina, and Nicholas are waiting for us in the office.” I don’t question

who the others are thinking that they are probably the pack Betas.

Once we reach the office, I shake everyone’s hand. Storm is pacing in my mind, making it difficult to

focus. “Are you alright Jayden”, Gabby asks me. I try to push Storm down so I can focus. “Yes, sorry

about that.” “Jayden, this is Serina and Nicholas. They are also Alphas of the pack.” “That’s amazing,

four Alphas in one pack.” “Yes, please take a seat and we will discuss our pack and the alliance.” I do

and we start to talk about how we can attack the coven once the alliance papers are signed. As we

talk, the scent of vanilla invades my nose. “Jayden, I smell our mate.” “Storm, that is not possible.

Brooke is our mate and she is not here.” “I understand but I know it’s our mate.” Before I can say

anything, a knock sounds on the door. The door opens and Jocelyn is standing there with a smile. She

steps inside and I feel like all the air is gone from my lungs. She is standing there. Brooke is standing

ten feet from me. I feel like I’m dreaming. “Go to our mate” Storm growls in my head. I rise and start to

walk toward her but she raises her hand. “Brooke, please, I have missed you.” “We need to talk” she

says and all the hope I just felt is fading. Goddess, please don’t let her be here to reject me.