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Chapter 31 Nothing Is Impossible
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Nicole raised her right hand to her forehead as Lily was curious to hear what Nicole had to say.

"I guess that whatever the rumor is, it has spread until the last corner of this company, am I wrong?"

Even though she never cared about gossiping, she wanted to know how people were talking about

her. "Do you know what everybody is saying?"

She had always believed that there was no need to feel guilty about something that had never

happened. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to bear the pressure of bringing her son to life.

However, if the circumstances were different and the rumor was related to Kerr, she would totally

mind it without doubting.

Kerr was the unhealthiest and most dangerous person for her to have around. If possible, it'd be the

best if there was no contact with him in any aspect.

Lily looked at Nicole as she leaned towards her a bit and cautiously told her the rumor.

"From my perspective, it isn't something of a big deal to be honest. Somebody spread the word that

you deliberately wanted Mr. Gu to accompany you to the bathroom and that his feelings for you were

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Kerr was the type of guy to keep a low profile, even though he was famously known as a legendary

figure throughout the city since he became the CEO of the Gu Group. It was rare for most of the

employees of the company to see him in person.

Curious about their CEO's private life, the staff didn't stop spreading the rumors. After all, even if they

had never met him, he was still the idol of many female employees in the company.

"So they said that I seduced Kerr, right?" Nicole could tell the hesitation on Lily's face and instantly

found out what the rumor was truly about. "So now all the women here will hate me because I

supposedly seduced their biggest crush."

She took a deep breath and sighed as a helpless feeling emerged inside of her.

She obviously couldn't control and be aware of what people said in the company's corridors. It seemed

that she should really distance herself from Kerr from now on. However, avoiding him had always

been a hard mission to accomplish, especially now since she apparently was a subordinate of him.

And he certainly would be glad about all this arousing suspicion.

"I don't think that the situation is that bad, Director Ning. S

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night

filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back

to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

have the planning proposal right here. I'll explain the details to you." She just proceeded to open the

folder as she was sitting opposite to Kerr and noticed his serious look on his face. All of a sudden, she

ran out of words.

She started to feel a bit disappointed because she couldn't vent her anger at all. Her face was still

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heated up after her emotional explosion.

If Kerr hadn't turned the situation into a business matter, the story would've been different.

It was so hard for her to see through his mind. Kerr was not an ordinary and simple man to break.

There was just no clue to find out what he wanted to get. Thus, it seemed like her mouth was

automatically shut in front of him.

It was time for seriousness to come into the office.

"I have made some adjustments to our partnership with the Chu Group. The only thing they're asking

me to do is to provide some technical support under their charge.

If this is the case, then our profits can't be maximized anymore. Therefore, I suggest that we can

come into other agreements with them. Since this is our first time cooperating with the Chu Group,

they will obviously have their concerns.

But I think that they will be down to be involved in a new long-term partnership contract."

Nicole was an excellent student when she was studying in Manhattan. She was recognized to be quite

talented in business as if she was born for it. Although she had her own problems and struggles in her

life, she would make sure to leave no error or mistake behind at work.