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Chapter 24 An Old Friend Comes Back
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Ken couldn't help but shiver at the thought of the face of the daughter from the Wen family. His father

who was on the other end of the line, however, still wasn't done trying to persuade Ken.

"Stop it, Father. If you really think the Qin Group and the Wen Group should be connected by marriage,

I wouldn't mind if you married someone else and gave me a stepmother. Mother isn't here anymore


Every time Ken was at a loss for words to refute his father, he would always resort to mentioning his

deceased mother. He knew that even though her mother had been dead for many years, she was still

his father's number one weakness.

As expected, his father hung up the phone at once.

With a satisfied smirk on his face, Ken sighed and walked out.

In the ward, Jay looked at his mother with a surprised look on his face as she was put on a drip.

"Mommy, how did you get rid of the fear of injection?"

He still could remember the day when his mom had a fever like it was just yesterday. He couldn't

understand why she was in a coma, so he asked Baron for some help. However, when he arrived at

the hospital, his mother still refused the injection.

"Because Mommy is as strong as Jay now."

Nicole chose not to answer his question directly. She glanced guiltily at Kerr only to find that he was

looking at her with a serious look on his face.

When she felt quite sure that Kerr was not going to expose her, she was subconsciously relieved.

She couldn't believe that she was so used to observing Kerr's change of facial expressions. It was not

a good habit, and not one she could to get used to.

Still sitting on the sofa, Kerr flipped through the files that had been brought over by Jared from the

company. His lips curved into a slight smile when he heard something Nicole said.

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Inside the ward, Nicole and Jay were happily chatting with each other. And as Kerr observed the two of

them, he felt a sense of security that he had never felt before. For the first time, he saw, with his own

eyes, the simple joys that ordinary people experienced.

Then, all of a sudden, the ringing of a phone cut off their conversation.

Nicole quickly glanced at the number on the screen before pressing the answer key and putting the

phone to her ear.

"Hi, Auntie Sandra."

Nicole had only managed to say hi when she heard a worried voice on the other end of the line.

"Nicole, Bonnie still hasn't come back. Last night, you said that you were going to look for her. Have

you found her yet?"

Back then, not long after the Ning family went down, Nicole received the offer from a university in

Manhattan. However, since the Ning family had just gone bankrupt, Sandra Zhang and Bonnie Ning

didn't have the means to live well.

It just so happened that before the tragedy happened to Ning family, her father transferred some part

of their property to his name and wrote a will leaving all of his property to Nicole alone before

committing suicide.

That enabled Nicole to leave that troublesome place while the Ning family was facing a lot of


"I found Bonnie. Don't worry, Auntie. I'll look after her."

Nicole's mother passed away when she was just a child. Not long after that, her father decided to

marry Sandra Zhang, and even though she was very much against it, she did not dare to go against

her father's wishes.

Because while she was not completely okay with it, she wanted her father to live a happy life in the

future. Despite spending all that time in the Ning family, she never became close to Sandra Zhang,

but there was still a fundamental connection between them.

"I'm relieved to have you on my side. Bonnie is st

ill young. I hope you would forgive her if she ever says something to upset you."

Even though the Ning family had fallen, Sandra Zhang heard that Nicole finished her studies abroad

and had a bright future ahead of her. Therefore, she could be the solution to their problem.

That was the reason why she had to bow her head to Nicole.

"Auntie, don't say that. Bonnie is my sister. I will never leave her alone."

As she spoke to Sandra, Nicole looked at Kerr. Even though Kerr had guaranteed that Bonnie was fine,

she really should check for herself.

After she hung up the phone, Nicole turned to Kerr and said,

"I want to see Bonnie. Her mother is very worried about her. Can you help me?"

Even though she wasn't so sure whether Kerr would agree to her request or not, she knew that he was

the only one Ken would obey. Therefore, if she wanted to see Bonnie, she still had to ask for Kerr's


After listening to what Nicole had to say, Kerr nodded and took out his cellphone to call Ken.

"Bring her here."

The moment Ken was back to Good Times, he suddenly received a call from Kerr. He felt a little

helpless at the sight of the girl sleeping on the bed.

He gave her a gentle nudge.

"Wake up!"

In her sleep, Bonnie felt like the night was too long for some reason. Even though she had been

sleeping for hours, she felt like every part of her body was sore, and she had no idea why. In fact, she

was so sore that she didn't even have the strength to turn over.

She raised her hand to block off Ken's touch and turned to face the other side. She was just about to

go back to sleep, but as she turned around, she felt like something wasn't right. Why was there a

stranger in her house?

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Bonnie opened her eyes with a start. In spite of the soreness of her body, she gathered the quilt

around her and sat up abruptly. She looked at Ken with confusion all over her face.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my home?"

She was obviously confused at what was happening.

"Put your clothes on. Someone wants to see you, and you need to take your medicine. I don't want to

be in trouble,"

Ken said coldly. At that moment, he didn't look the way he usually looked in front of Kerr.

He could tell that the woman in front of him was a very simple girl, but she would change after

working in this place for some more time. So, there was no way he was going to waste his time on

such a woman.

More than that, it wasn't like anyone could ever get close to his heart. To him, women were like

nothing more than clothes that could be thrown away at any time.

Meanwhile, it wasn't until Bonnie saw the logo on the clothes that she realized just how expensive

they were. Then, the moment she caught a glimpse of the contraceptive pills in her hands, memories

of the events from last night came rushing back to her.

She knew she wasn't drunk at all after drinking the glass of wine. She glanced down at the red marks

all over her body and tears started flowing from her eyes.

"Last night? Was that you?"

As he listened to Bonnie's timid voice, Ken's back stiffened. Her tears gripped his heart. He turned

around. He felt his heart cry with her.

It made him feel somehow restless. He had never been an impatient person, but now, for some

reason, things were different.

"Don't cry. I won't treat you shabbily. You work in Good Times for some money. You can fill in the

amount as you like."

Ken took out a check from his pocket and handed it to Bonnie. The amount of transfer was blank.

He had always been generous to women. After all, money was nothing to the Qin Group.

Bonnie held the check tightly in her hand.