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Mr. Sallow's Sinful Wife by Maisie Chasey

Chapter 213
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Chapter 213 Jealous (2)

As Nancy approached, she found Nicholas lying beneath a tree with his eyes closed. “What’s wrong? Let me take a

look,” she asked, concerned.

However, he remained silent, keeping his eyes shut.

She persisted, “Are you in pain? Is it the wound or the bullet bothering you?”

Nicholas didn’t respond. Sensing his discomfort, Nancy pressed her lips together and chose to stay quiet.

Eventually, unable to bear the silence, he reluctantly opened his eyes, his expression filled with discontent. He

spoke, almost like a wounded puppy, “So, you still care about me?”

“Of course, I care about you.”

“I was coughing and in agony from my wound. I called out, but you didn’t bother to check on me,” he grumbled.

“But I’m here now.”

“It’s different now. You only came because you were already done treating Christian.”

“But I bandaged your wound first, and he was hurt worse than you, and his wound wasn’t bandaged. It was a

critical moment just now. I couldn’t get distracted. I had to focus,” said Nancy.

Nicholas looked away and grunted. “In the end, you think he’s more important. He’s number one, I’m number two.”


“I didn’t say that.” Nancy shrugged.

“But your actions proved it.”

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She immediately countered inwardly, dismissing the accusation, Hey, that’s slander. I didn’t do anything. Then she

clarified, “He has a name. Christian. You shouldn’t call him Zayn. It sounds bad.”

Nicholas’ face fell, and he became frustrated. He closed his eyes and leaned on the tree, refusing to look at her. He

threw a little tantrum. “What I saw was that you only cared about him and not me. I’m mad, Nancy.”

Justin struggled to contain his laughter, realizing how priceless this moment was. He thought, Oh, this trip was worth

it. I’d never have seen this side of Mr. Sallow.

Nancy stood beside Nicholas, contemplating for a moment, before asking, “Does your wound still


“The pain’s gone,” he said.

“I see.” Nancy nodded. She said, “They’re already gone. Why don’t we leave right now? You should get that bullet

removed soon.”


“Nah. It’s just one bullet. It wouldn’t hurt me,” Nicholas replied sarcastically.

Perplexed by his sudden change in behavior, her thoughts raced. Huh? What’s wrong with him? Everything was fine

just now. What happened? She realized he had changed after she had bandaged Christian. Then, it struck her-

jealousy. Nicholas was jealous because she had shown concern for both of them. The bullets may not have hit their

vital organs, but as long as they remained lodged in their bodies, she couldn’t help but worry.

With a mischievous grin, she playfully prodded, “Open your eyes, Nicholas. Open your eyes. Are you ignoring me?”

Nicholas remained seated like a statue, unresponsive. Nancy tilted her head and plucked a long leaf. She used it to

tickle his face, teasingly saying, “Open your eyes, Nicholas.”

After a few minutes of playful teasing, he couldn’t resist the tickling sensation, so he finally opened his eyes. Seeing

her beaming smile deepened his internal turmoil. I was already annoyed, and she didn’t even notice why. She’s still

smiling like nothing’s happened.

She leaned in closer, gently pressing her hands against the corners of his lips, and then playfully tugged them

upward. She teased, “Come on, Nicholas. Show me that smile. You look so tense, not cute at all.

With his arms crossed, he maintained his icy demeanor. “Well, I can’t muster a smile as effortlessly as your


Nancy couldn’t help but suppress a quiet laugh, realizing his jealousy. She dropped the act, lowering her hands, and

regarded Nicholas with a more serious expression. “You are jealous, aren’t you?”

He was caught off guard by her accuracy and retorted internally, Of course. You’re so stupid, you only realize it

now? Aloud, he responded, “No. Do you think I’m that petty?”

She looked at him and said slowly, “I see. Then, you don’t need me to cheer you up.”

As Nancy began to step back, Nicholas swiftly extended his arms like a striking leopard, seizing her by the arms and

pulling her into a tight embrace. “Where do you think you’re going?” he growled softly. holding her firmly.

“Since you don’t want to see me, I’ll just stay away from you.”

“No. You’re staying here.”

She beamed with sweetness. “So, you’re not mad at me?”

“Not when my girlfriend’s trying to run away.”

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Chuckling, she looked down.

“But I’m still mad that you ignored me, Nicholas stated.

They say women change easily, but men do too.

He turned Nancy around and said seriously, “Do not ignore me ever again.”

She nodded in response.


“And don’t get cao close to any other guva in front of m

I never do that?


it even get close to them.”

do that. Nicholas. That’s too demanding,” she protested.

I can’t help it. I become demanding when I love someone. I’m not the gentle, generous guy you knew After I started

dating you, I became petty and narrow-minded. I get easily annoyed, and I’m bony Now that I have all these flaws,

do you still like me?”

Nancy reached out, gently touching Nicholas lips, her eyes welling up. “You’re being silly. Do you think I love you just

because of your flaws? I love everything about you. The complete Nicholas. No matter what, as long as you’re

being yourself, that’s who I love”

He couldn’t contain his emotions any longer. Cupping her cheeks, he leaned in for a kiss.