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Mr. Ford is Jealous

Chapter 61
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Chapter 61

The woman yelled out curses as the car receded into the distance. Stella looked away. She was about to

leave when she heard the woman shouting at her.

“Hey! What’s your name?”

Stella paused her steps. She turned around and looked at the woman but said nothing.

“Why are you all alone in such a place?” the woman continued, not minding that Stella didn’t answer her

question. “Hmph! I bet you got dumped by a scumbag just like me, didn’t you?”

Stella raised her brows. The woman wasn’t wrong… She shrugged wearily.

“Do you want to walk home together?” Stella asked.

“No,” the woman shook her head. “It’s your lucky day. I just called someone to pick me up. You can come

along with us.”

Stella gave it a good thought before she finally agreed.

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“Thank you,” she said earnestly.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. We’re in the same boat, after all! Dry your eyes, sister. Let’s never get involved

with scumbags, ever again!”

“Yes,” Stella laughed. “I agree!”

Meanwhile, in the car on the road ahead, the so-called scumbag Xavier Ford glanced at the angry

woman through the rearview mirror and tugged at his collar nonchalantly. Sounds of rapid wind filled his

ears. He picked up his phone and called a number.

“This is the first time you ever asked for my help, and it’s all for a woman,” he said. “Aren’t you worried

that Guinevere would blow up if she finds out?”

“Thanks for helping,” the man on the other side replied simply before hanging up.

Xavier snorted at the beeping dial tone.

“Should’ve shown more respect for your uncle, kid!” he grumbled as he tossed his phone aside.

As he turned the steering wheel, he suddenly thought of the woman he had just met, and his expression

turned mischievous. He’d heard of the woman who committed suicide, but when he tried to investigate

the matter, he found that all information about Stella Sealey had been completely wiped clean. The

culprit was obvious. But he couldn’t find any news about her anywhere in Ahn City either, so he thought

she must’ve died and left it at that.

But then, who was that woman that he had just met? All these years, his nephew had never messed

around with women before. The only woman in his life had always just been Guinevere Cohen. So what

was it with his sudden change recently? There was even that mysterious unknown woman that suddenly

popped up…

It was already dark when Stella finally got home. Just as she stepped through the door, she saw Roger

preparing to go out.

“Where are you going?” she asked, a little alarmed.

Roger’s tense body completely relaxed when he saw Stella. “Where have you been?” he asked. “I’ve

been worried to death!”

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Roger heaved a long sigh of relief before continuing, “I went to the training center to find you, but they

told me that you left long ago, so I came back home, but you’re not here either. I thought that something

happened again…”

Ever since the kidnapping, Stella had always been back home on time every day. If she was even slightly

late, Roger would instantly grow concerned and get antsy, fearing the worst. That horrible incident had

been hanging over the two siblings like a dark, heavy cloud, but they never talked about it because they

were afraid of upsetting each other.

Stella’s eyes reddened, and the tears welled up. She stepped towards Roger and rested her head on her

brother’s shoulder.

“Something happened again, didn’t it?” Roger asked as he gently patted his sister’s back. “It’s all going

to be okay, Sis. You still have me by your side.” Roger was right, thought Stella. She still had him. At the

very least, she still had one family member who loved her.

“Everything’s fine, Roger,” she assured him, looking up at him with a smile. “Come on, let’s eat out
