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Mr. Billionaire and Ms. Broken Girl

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79 Graduation Gathering
Hearing this, Denny had his face darkened.
Jade swaggered towards the Information Center.
As soon as she entered the ball, an intelligent robot that looked like a cat walked over and greeted her. “Jade, you have come.”
“Eddie, get out of the way. I don‘t have time to play witli you today.” As he spoke, he skipped over the robot und walked in.
Eddie, who was behind, spoke in a dissatisfied tone, “How many times have I told you not to call me Eddie? Stupid Jade, stupid
Jade turned around and glared at him. If you don‘t shut up, I‘ll tear you apart.”
“I‘ll shut up. Don‘t tear me down.”
Walking into the high–end main Information Center, there were the world‘s top servers and all kinds of top–notch equipment.
Charlie and a few assistants were guarding in front of the entire wall LCD display. She was wondering what they were busy with.
They seemed to have no time for her.
She had wanted Charlie to help her find Lilly, and she wanted to get the necklace that her mother had left for her.
However, it seemed that he had no time. Jade walked to a supercomputer and started to operate it herself. After entering the
information, she found the information of hundreds of people named Lilly in Britain. Then, she deleted the information according
to the conditions and finally confirmed the information of Lilly.
The information showed that seven montis ago, Lilly spent money in the bar, and then there was no more news.
Later, she used Lilly‘s ID card information to check her traces, but there was still no information. There was no information about
cars, trains, or planes, whether it was traffic or shopping
It was strange.
Lilly came out of the bar and disappeared?

There was still no information!
She silently looked at Charlie who was busy. She could only give up temporarily and think of other ways to try.
Jade returned to the main building and walked into the flower room. She sat on a comfortable bed and enjoyed the beautiful
scenery. She looked at the blue rose that had been specially cultivated and slione,
Jade suddenly wondered il Lilly liad changed hier name.
Thinking of this, Jade immediately returned to lier room, picked up her notebook, and decided to hack into the account
management department of Britain!
After a series of operations, she broke through the firewall of the management department of Britain and successfully hacked
into the database, inputting Lilly‘s identity number, but it showed that Lilly did not change her name, which was strange.
What the hell was going on?
Jade cleared all traces to prevent the side from tracking her IP address. After that, she threw the computer to the side in

Then, she picked it up again and logged into the hacker forum to see if there were any customer messages recently. After all,
money still had to be earned.
As she watched, she felt sleepy. It was all because of Valentino, that monster. She was so sleepy during the day and had no
messages. She should sleep first.
Jade slept all the way until the evening. It was not until Lexie called that her phone rang that she woke up.
She suddenly opened her eyes. It was already past 6 o‘clock. She immediately picked up the phone.
“You finally picked up the phone. I haven‘t been able to contact you for the past two days. I thought you were missing!”
“What is it?”
“I invite you to the graduation party. We‘re all classmates. Let‘s get together. Tonight is the last party. Everyone lopes you can
Chapter 79 61aduation Gathering

This meant that these people had been together for two days!
Jade thought for a while. After all, they had been classmates for two years, and some of the students in the class were actually
good, so she agreed, “Alright.”
“Okay, I‘ll wait for you. I’ll send you the location and room number later. By the way, dress up well. You must be prettier than
Jade touched her face. She was such a natural beauty. Why would she dress up?
She received a message from Lexie on his phone. The party was at the Prosperity Times,
Valentino‘s territory. He should agree.
As he thought about this, he dialed Valentino‘s number. In two seconds, the man‘s deep
voice sounded, “What is it?”
“Valentino, I want to attend the graduation party tonight. It‘s at the Prosperity Times. Is that okay?” Jade said in a consulting tone
and deliberately mentioned the gathering place.
After a few seconds of silence, “Sure.” After a pause, he said in a commanding tone, “You must come back before eleven
Eleven o‘clock!
“But the end is twelve!” Jade blurted out.
“Ten.” The man‘s tone clearly carried a trace of displeasure.
Jade held her phone and stared at the screen. She could not move her lips. “Eleven o‘clock! eleven o‘clock!”
After hanging up the phone, Jade changed into a white tassel dress. Her long hair naturally fell down behind her back. She put
on light makeup and set off.
At the Prosperity Times.

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Jade was led by the waiter and arrived at the private room Lexie mentioned.

The interior of the private room was very well–equipped. There were karaoke and all kinds of table games. In the middle of the
room was a very long table. Everyone who was sitting looked over.
Jade, who usually wore a school uniform with no makeup, was pure and beautiful. She had changed her dress and put on light
makeup. She was pure with a hint of charm.
Some of the boys were stunned and unconsciously blurted out, “So beautiful!”
Some girls were dissatisfied. “Who are you trying to seduce by dressing up so nicely?”
Lexie rolled her eyes and said, “She just pul son some makeup. Stop saying.”
“You!” The girl glared at Lexie.
Another girl pulled the girl‘s arin. “Forget it, forget it.”
Lexie waved to Jade. “Jade, come here!”
Jade walked to Lexie and sat down. At this time, the door of the room opened again and Elliot came.
Drake also came.
The girls were excited and wanted to sit next to Elliot.
Without any suspense, Elliot walked to Jade and said to the boy sitting on the seat, “Move way.”
Although the boy was very reluctant, he still changed his position.
“Drake, why are you here too?” Jade asked. .

“I accompanied Elliot here,” Drake said naturally. Then, lie walked to the seat next to Lexie. When the girl saw Drake walk to his
side, she could not help but smile.
Drake was handsome, and he was the second generation of the military. He was popular.
In the end, Drake said, “Excuse me!”
Hearing this, the girl had her face sink. She stood up and sat down at a side.
Drake and Lexie looked at each other. The atmosphere was a little subtle.
A boy looked at Jade and said, “Jade, can I have your Line?”
“What for?” Jade looked at the boy who spoke with a puzzled look.
The boy was a little embarrassed. “Don‘t misunderstand. I really admire you. You are actually a super–powerful hacker. I wonder
if you could help my family company in the future!”
It was business.
Jade smiled and said, “Of course. To deal with backers, you have to find inc.”
As soon as Jade agreed, several boys wanted to add Jade on line with the same excus
Jade thought that she could make a lot of money and was still very happy.
However, Elliot, who was standing to the side, had a dark expression on liis face. “No one is allowed to add hier.”
Jade looked at Elliot, pulling a long face.
Elliot shot a murderous glare at the boys and threatened them coldly, “Let‘s see who dares to try!”
The boys who picked up their phones all stopped moving, and the scene was a little awkward.
Jade was speechless and unhappy. Damn! How dare you block my way to money!