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Mine – The Alpha's Possession by Kylie

Chapter 89
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Mine – The Alpha’s Possession by Kylie Chapter 89
The following morning I woke up in Jackson’s arms and he was already awake staring up at the ceiling. He just looked very
content and we lied there for ages in silence. I would start to think about other thoughts and Jackson would snap me out of it
pretty quickly. He was pretty obviously sick of all the drama that has been going on around here. And we’ve just added to our
work load. We had Alpha Richmond’s pack to deal with now. There was something wrong going on there and we needed to deal
with that. Someone had to. And we were the ones that Carter came to for help.
I would have loved to stay in bed all day, but we both knew that wasn’t an option. Especially not when Wyatt knocked on the door
and opened it suddenly.
Jackson quickly made sure that I was covered up so that Wyatt didn’t see anything and started yelling at him for barging into our
“I’m sorry Alpha. But Lennox is back. And he’s got the rest of the council with him.” Wyatt says. So Jackson and I looked at each
other and Jackson told Wyatt to get out.
Jackson and I got up quickly and got dressed and headed downstairs to the council who were sitting around the living room. And
the omega’s had already set them up with teas and coffees and Jackson, nor I, looked too impressed that they were all here.
There were five men sitting down around the living room and Jackson was holding my hand as we walked into the room.
“Taylor. This is Alpha Alexander, Alpha Grayson, Alpha Hudson and Alpha Charles.” Jackson introduced me. And I looked
around to see Jackson’s siblings around the room as well.
“Why do I feel like this is an intervention or something?” I asked, looking at Jackson. And he raised his eyebrows at me.
“It could be. They do think that you’re crazy.” He says.
“No. If I was crazy then your parents would be dead already.” I say sitting on a spare chair and Jackson sat on the armchair of
my chair.
“I’ve discussed the whole situation with the rest of the council and I’ve tried to authenticate the photos. But the tests came back
Lennox,says. And I rolled my eyes.

“I’m sure they did.” I say being sarcastic.
“Well, we can’t be sure that they’re real and not photoshopped.” He says.
“Why the hell would I want to set your parents up? Before I found out that Elias was working with the Hunters I was trying to get
Jackson to talk to him. To make amends. I actually got between them while they were fighting which could have killed me when
he was here last time.” I yelled at Jackson’s siblings. And they remembered me helping them get out of here alive.
I saw a couple of them looking at each other confused but then

Maverick stepped forward.
“But you are Jackson’s mate and you will do anything for him.” Maverick says.
“Yeah. Which included him not killing his own father.” I snapped.
How could this bastard be using that against me? I saved his father’s life and now I want him executed. If I was really on
Jackson’s side in that way then I would have just let Jackson rip them apart. Or I would have done it myself in the office after I
Elias at the Hunters headquarters. But I have been doing everything I can to make sure that Jackson doesn’t do anything stupid
with his father. I wanted them to make up again. I wanted them to have a relationship and put all this bullshit behind them. But
now I know that’s never going to happen. Not now that I’ve seen Elias’ true colors. Knowing the way he treated Jackson when he
was a child. The way he used to torture him in order to toughen him up. 1
And then Elias obviously made him too tough and he didn’t like it. So he’s trying to replace him with his brother. His father has
shown to be a hypocritical bastard and deserves everything he gets. It really does prove that looks can be deceiving.
No wonder he refused to let me stay with Thomas and Victoria when we first met. He didn’t like to see the way that they were
treating me. So, he ordered that I come back here. They rarely got physical with me, and when they did, it was nothing compared
to what Jackson went through. And I hate his father for that. No child deserves to be treated like that.
“Well, I would love to stay and talk about the same old shit that we’ve been talking about for days. But I have a friend that needs
to be homed.” I say standing up.
“What are you talking about?” Lennox asked.

“Well, while you are wasting your time here, Alpha Richmond has gone missing and his Beta has taken over the pack. And the
teenage girls of that pack are being mistreated. Grossly mistreated. A friend of mine escaped that pack and has come here for
refuge. So, if you really are the great and powerful werewolf council, why are you worrying about a case of treason in this pack
when you should be looking into possible human trafficking in that pack?” Lasked, taking everyone completely off guard and I
grabbed my bag and headed for the front door.
I put my boots on and my coat and I left the packhouse and headed straight to the hospital.
Once I got there Carter was released to me and I took him to the house of the young couple who had a spare bedroom. Carter
had only a bag full of clothes. That was all he could pack while he was in a hurry to get the hell out of there. So I made sure that
he was settled in and I thanked the couple for taking him in and then I left him to get to know his new roommates. And then I
headed downtown.
As I was walking along the street someone ran up behind me and grabbed my arm roughly and instinctively I turned around and
punched him in the face.
It took me a few seconds before I realized that it was Stefan.
“Holy shit. Are you alright?” I asked.

“No. I’m not.” He says holding his nose.
“You could have just sung out to me, you know.” I say defending myself.
“Next time I will. But I just went by our house.” He says. And then
I remembered that Jackson torched their house. And I looked at him with sorrow in my eyes. I knew that it happened because of
me. Jackson hated that they defended me that night and of my friendship with Stefan.
“Yeah. I know. That’s why I told you to leave town that night. I’ve already got another house set aside for you guys if you want to
stay here. If not, then you don’t have to.” I say.
“Well, this is my mother’s home. She’s devastated. And we’ve got nowhere else to go.” He says.
“Where is your mother now?” I asked.
“At the diner with Damon.” He says. So I went to the diner with Stefan and met up with Fiona andFollow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Damon. Fiona was obviously upset and Damon looked pissed. I apologized for what happened, but a lot has happened since
I tell them about the house that I have set up for them and I made sure that it is fully furnished and that they don’t need to worry
about Jackson anymore. He knows that it’s not something
I’m going to stand for again.
Stefan asked me what else has been going on around here and I started laughing at that and then told him that he really didn’t
want to know. I couldn’t even wrap my own head around everything that’s going on around here, I wouldn’t know where to start.
Things were pretty messed up and they didn’t look like they were going to be settling down anytime soon.
I wish I did have friends to talk to about this. But it’s not allowed.
This is high ranking stuff.
Packhouse business. No one in the pack could know unless the
Alpha called a pack meeting to let them all know what was happening. And we weren’t ready to do that yet.
But watching Stefan and Damon with their mother really got me thinking about Jackson and his mother. They didn’t seem to
have a bad relationship. I think they got on alright. But then it got me thinking about my mother. And how I would never get to
have that ever again.
I snapped myself out of those thoughts before they really started to bring me down again and I took Fiona, Stefan and
Damon to the house that I put aside for them and fully furnished for them. They looked pretty happy with it, so I left them to get
settled in and headed back home.
As soon as I got there I noticed that everyone was still in the living room arguing about what was going to happen with Jackson’s
“Alright. This is what will happen. We will hold a proper pack trial. And then we will decide if your parents should be executed.”
Lennox said above everyone else while I stood in the foyer.
“They are working with the enemy and got Taylor’s mother killed. How the hell can you show them leniency?” Jackson yelled.

“I told you. We can’t prove that those photos are real.” Lennox insisted. And then Jackson turned around to see me standing
“If you think that I would actually set them up like this if they were innocent, then why the fuck am I Luna around here?
Maybe you should put me on trial too.” I said through gritted teeth.