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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 22
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Chapter 22 A Surprising Kiss

Erin was surprised. How did he know she was still in the office? Had he arranged for someone to spy

on her? Was it Caleb?

She decided to dismiss her thoughts. After all, she didn’t believe an upright person like Caleb would

help Chandler spy on someone.

She was too tired to resist. Chandler had her photos, and she couldn’t do anything to him.

After leaving the office, she took the elevator to the president’s floor. She saw Chandler still working in

front of the computer and asked, “Aren’t you supposed to accompany someone for shopping tonight?

Why are you still in the office?”

“Oh, it seems like you’ve learned how to eavesdrop on others’ conversations.” Without looking up, he

continued, “Sit on the couch and keep me company.”

Erin gave him a cold look and said expressionlessly, “I don’t have time. I have to go back to work and

edit some designs.”

Hearing her annoyed tone, Chandler raised his head and asked, “Do you have any grievances against


Upon hearing his question, Erin scoffed. “Why would I have any grievances against you, Mr.


Her frank response surprised Chandler a little, but he remained calm and said, “I guess you know my

identity now.”

His words eliminated the last trace of doubt in her heart. After learning his true identity, she wasn’t

afraid anymore. Perhaps it was because of their unique relationship.

“Chandler, is it fun to deceive others like this? If I hadn’t found out, did you plan to continue lying to

me?” No one would be happy to be deceived like that.

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Chandler stood up and strode toward her. His eyes were dark, and there was a hint of a smile on his


Nervous, Erin took a few steps back, only to find herself pressed against the door with nowhere to

escape. She trembled and said, “I’m warning you! Don’t come any closer!”

Chandler’s lips curled into a light smile, mocking her futile attempt. He was getting closer and closer to

her. As she turned around to open the door, his towering figure immediately pinned her against it.

Chandler smirked slightly and said, “Now that you know, I can do whatever I want…”

“Let go of me!” Her voice sounded slightly panicked.

His large hand wrapped around her waist and hot breath spilled over her ear as he asked, “Don’t you

want me?”

“I don’t!”


Erin tried to break free from his grip, blushing as she exclaimed, “Don’t hold me down! I can barely


Seeing her resist and struggle, Chandler narrowed his eyes and mocked. “Do you always like to play

such tricks?”

“What?” Before she could understand what he meant, he reached out from behind…

An hour later, Chandler finally released her. Erin quickly adjusted her clothes, feeling embarrassed.

Looking at her panicking as if she were cheating on her husband, he felt somewhat uneasy. Suddenly,

he said, “I‘ve warned you that no man can touch any woman I slept with. Do you understand?”

With each interaction they had, his possessiveness toward her grew stronger.

Erin’s black pupils flickered, but she didn’t answer directly. “I have a husband who hasn’t divorced me


“I know.”

She was shocked to learn that he knew.

“But didn’t you say he never slept with you?” His tone was affirmative, but to Erin, it sounded very


She’d been married to Ian for a year but had never slept with him until now. He would rather sleep with

Tracy than be intimate with her. It was her greatest shame.

Erin doubted herself as a woman and felt insecure at times about not being loved by her husband.

Perhaps Chandler’s perfect appearance was boosting her confidence. After learning that he was the

president of Frost Corporation, she was somehow happier. Although Ian didn’t appreciate her, it didn’t

mean other men wouldn’t!

However, she didn’t think too highly of herself. After all, she was akin to a prostitute in Chandler’s eyes.

There were no real feelings between them. Even if there was a slight hint of liking, he probably only

liked her body.

Erin was still in a daze, whereas Chandler had already straightened his clothes. He lifted her chin with

his fingers. “What are you thinking about?”

He noticed the complicated gaze in her eyes.

Chandler began to have the urge to occupy her entire mind.

After thinking for a moment, he said, “Divorce your husband as soon as possible.”

His words always sounded like commands. Erin immediately snapped out of her thoughts. Although

she was already planning to divorce, Erin wanted to resist his dominering attitude. “Whether I divorce

him or not, it’s my freedom!”

Chandler’s face immediately fell when he heard her response. “What do you mean? Do you still love

your husband?”

Seeing Erin’s hesitation and the faint hint of love flashing across her eyes, Chandler asked

sarcastically, “Erin, are you crazy? What do you still expect from a man who hasn’t even slept with you

after a year of marriage?”

Erin had no expectations, but she simply couldn’t leave Ian. She didn’t hide her thoughts either. “He

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wanted back the five million dollars I gave you before divorcing me. I don’t have that much money.”

Chandler’s sharp gaze softened slightly. He walked to his desk, picked up his wallet, and took out the

bank card that belonged to Erin. Then he approached her and handed it to her. “Give him the money,

and divorce him quickly.”

Stunned, Erin couldn’t believe it. “You’re willing to give me the money back?”

Looking at her dumbfounded expression, Chandler waved the bank card in his hand. “Silly girl, do you

want the money or not?”

He pretended to slowly withdraw the bank card, and Erin anxiously snatched it away. “Yes! Of course I

want it!”

Chandler casually wrapped his arm around her slender waist and spoke in a flirtatious tone. “What do

you want? Haven’t you had enough just now? Then let’s continue…”

Shocked, she pushed him away with both hands. She then clenched the bank card in one hand and

turned her head while whispering. “Thank you for giving me back the money.”

Chandler quickly held the office door before she could leave and pressed her against the wall with a

thud. His tone was colder as he said, “Divorce him as soon as possible. Do you understand?”

Erin nodded her head obediently. Even if he hadn’t said it, she would’ve divorced Ian anyway.

Looking at her naturally flawless V-shaped face and soft lips, Chandler subconsciously kissed her.

The sudden moment made their heads spin. They felt as though they were floating in the clouds, and

everything around them became ethereal. Only the breath and touch between their lips felt real, making

their hearts beat heavily.

Chandler wasn’t satisfied yet, but Erin pushed him away out of shyness.

The trace of an unfamiliar smile appeared on Chandler’s face as he saw her fleeting in her fair and long

legs. “That little demon…”

Her faint jasmine fragrance was still lingering on his nose. His slender fingers couldn’t help but touch

his lips. However, his black eyes gradually became cold. He’d actually kissed her!

It was his first time kissing a woman…