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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 163
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Chapter 163 This Is Just Blind Devotion

Chandler spent the whole night in his study while Jazzlyn stayed in an empty room on the first night of

her marriage.

At daybreak, Chandler left the Frost residence.

When Chandler’s car left. Jazzlyn was standing in front of the floor–to–ceiling window in her room on

the third floor, watching her husband leave. Her beautiful face looked tired as she had not slept a wink

the night before.

“How could you do this to me. Chandler?” Jazzlyn looked aggrieved and unwilling to accept defeat.

Tears instantly streamed down her face. Her fingers that were placed on the gold curtains slowly curled

into a fist.

At that moment, Kyle was driving while Chandler was sitting at the back. Kyle then said to Chandler,

“Mr. Frost, we can depart any time after we get to the airport.”

“Alright.” Chandler stared blankly at his phone while deep in thought. He knew that Erin was still asleep

at that time.

Since he had already made up his mind, he did not hesitate anymore. He quickly sent a text to her,

“Erin, I have to make a trip to Saeypolis for an urgent matter. I’ll return to your side as soon as possible.

I miss you.”

Erin slept in, so when she saw Chandler’s text, he was already on his way to Saeypolis in his private

jet. 1

She frowned a little because she really missed him very much, but she did not want to pester him like a

clingy girlfriend.

After giving it a thought, she still could not stop her hand from dialing his number.

Chandler’s phone was switched off at that moment.

She sighed a little and texted him in the end, “I’ll wait for you. I miss you too. Our baby also misses you

very much.”


After she sent the text, the sorrow and her boundless longing for Chandler overflowed. It made her feel

a little stifled, so she chose to immediately get up and take a shower.

Half an hour later, Erin went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of warm water and took a few sips of

it. She was about to call the extension to tell the oceanfront villa’s butler to send the chef over to

prepare breakfast, but her doorbell rang.

Erin walked toward the door. More than ten seconds later, she got to the entrance and saw a man and

a woman on the monitor for the

doorbell. When Erin saw the woman’s face, she got slightly excited and immediately opened the door.

In an instant, Alana, who was dressed in a green sundress, immediately leaned in to hug Erin.

“Erin, we finally meet again!” Alana was all smiles when she let her go.

Erin said with excitement. “Why are you guys here in Mufrana?”

Alana winked at her. “I know you guys are here on vacation, so I’m here to visit you! Where’s

Chandler? Is he still sleeping?”

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She did a great job acting as if she had no clue. In fact, Alana knew Chandler had just gollen married

and had gone abroad.

Chandler had spoken to Alana beforehand, asking her to arrive in Mufrana on a specific day and spend

a few more days with Erin after that. He would return to Mufrana after meeting his mother. He had also

told Alana that Sean already knew the truth.

“Chandler had returned home two days ago because something urgent had come up. I saw his text

when I woke up this morning. He said

he’s going to Saeypolis Erin did not look too sad. She was just doing her best to remain calm.

Alana nodded to show that she understood. Then, she turned to her side and said to her boyfriend,

“Saber, why are you still standing here?

Hurry up and bring our luggage in!”

Jack and Hans were also standing nearby, which meant that they had already met.

Saber Yale had a tall and strong figure. He stood at 6’2“. He had strong features and a slightly tanned

complexion. One could tell at a glance that he had been under the sun all year round. He was not

super handsome, but he looked very masculine and had the strong bearing of a soldier.

“Alana, are you not going to ask what Miss Lane thinks? It’s rude for us to just enter straightaway, isn’t

it?” Saber’s gaze was gentle. When

facing the woman he loved, the toughest man could also become soll.

Erin smiled and said, “Gosh, just come on in, you guys. Just looking at the two of you like this makes

me feel like a third wheel.”

At that moment, someone could be heard saying playfully, “I thought I was an early bird. I didn’t expect

other people to beat me at my own game.”

Sean came up to them, holding a food container.

Alana was a little surprised when she saw him. “Weren’t you missing? Why have you suddenly shown

up here?”

“Who told you I was missing? I just spent a little time traveling across half of Eupath. I suddenly wanted

to come to Mulrana to fish, and I happened to bump into Erin.” Sean scanned Alana from top to bottom.

The expression of Alana’s boyfriend, who was standing next to them, became a little stiff, and his gaze

looked cold.

Sean was sensible. “Don’t look at me like that. I just glanced at your girlfriend. It’s not like she’ll lose

anything. Don’t think that just because you’ve been in the special forces in the past, you can act like

you’re on the job all the time. Who are you trying to scare with that long face of yours?”

Alana and Saber looked at each other, looking a little confused as to how Sean knew about their


Erin felt that something was not right, so she quickly clarified, “Alana, I’m the one who told Sean about

your relationship. We were chatting over dinner last night, then I showed him a photo of you and Saber.

Did I say something I shouldn’t have?”

“It’s fine. Let’s get inside.” Alana wrapped her arms around Erin and walked right in.

Saber brought the luggage in, and Sean followed behind him.

It was after Hans and Jack saw the door close that they left.

Before Hans left, he gave some instructions to the bodyguards outside the villa. He also had to tell the

chef to check out fresh ingredients from a specific restaurant at the hotel every day.

After Hans walked into the distance. Jack immediately turned and headed toward where he was

staying. When he got to his standalone suite, he took out his private phone and made a call while

looking serious.

As soon as the call was answered, Jack immediately asked, “What’s the progress of the arrangement?”

At the same time, Alana signaled Saber with her eyes, asking him to pretend to be interested in Erin’s

oceanfront villa. Erin was very

hospitable, so she brought him to check out every single room.

Alana then pulled Sean into the bathroom closest to the living room.

After she locked the door, she warned him, “Sean, you’d better leave Erin and Chandler’s relationship

alone! Don’t be a busybody!”

With his back against the porcelain wall, he glanced at her hand that was on him and smiled without

any fear at all. “What if I want to care? Are you going to let your boyfriend silence me by killing me?”

Of course, he was joking. However, Alana was not joking at all. “Don’t act frivolously in front of me! You

know about Chandler’s reasons! Erin is a stubborn woman. This is already a very tricky matter to deal

with! Don’t create more problems!”

“Alana, be honest with me. The news about you and Chandler getting engaged is also fake, right?

You’re a surprisingly loyal friend. To help him break the engagement, you were willing to get someone

to secretly take a picture of you “having an affair‘ with your boyfriend as evidence. Chandler’s father

was so mad that he immediately called off the engagement. But you never would have expected that


grandfather had long handpicked the most ideal granddaughter–in–law.”

Sean’s words made Alana let go of his collar. She stared into his eyes and asked, “How did you know

about all these?”

He walked to the mirror at the basin and gently flattened out the creases at his collar created by her


Looking at Alana in the mirror, Sean said, “I hate people like you guys the most. You think your

execution is flawless when the

opposite is true! After all these years being the president of Truffleberry Media, I have a few

experienced reporters that I can use. If I really wanted to look into something, what can’t I dig up? Do

you think just because all of your people are willing to risk their lives for you, they won’t reveal

a little bit of information?”

Alana’s face turned pale when she heard what Sean said. After thinking carefully, it was only natural

that a person with abundant resources would not end up empty–handed if he really wanted to look into


“Every era has one thing in common–with money, things can be done easily.”

Alana did not wish to listen to his lecture anymore, so she bellowed impatiently. “Il you still treat

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Chandler as your friend, don’t mess with this with the mindset of wanting to watch the world burn. If

Chandler had another way, he wouldn’t deliberately hurt Erin. If Erin could understand him, he wouldn’t

need to bear so much pressure-”

Sean cut her off angrily. “Alana, are you done? Listen to yourself. You’re a woman, yet you didn’t look

at this problem from Erin’s perspective at all! If it’s your man who treats you like this by getting married

to another woman behind your back, what would you think?”

Alana was instantly dumbfounded by his question.

Sean sneered. “Even if Chandler didn’t love that woman, it’s a fact that he deliberately lied to Erin!

Nobody could fucking deny that! Don’t

fucking use his reasons as an excuse! You’re taking Chandler’s side because you really treat him as

your friend. What about Erin? Who’s

taking her side?”

Facing Sean, who had turned around to look at her at that moment, a sense of guilt surged in Alana’s


She reflected on herself.

It was for the sake of her good friend, Chandler, that she deliberately became friends with Erin and was

actively nice to her during that time. The goal was so that she would be in a suitable position if she

needed to persuade Erin one day.

If she was just Chandler’s good friend, of course, she would not be convincing at all. However, she had

actually become friends with Erin.

Looking at Alana’s complicated and contradicting gaze, Sean figured that she was already reflecting on

hersell. His gaze became a little

warmer and was no longer as cold and hostile as before.

He sighed a little, then said calmly. “I know Chandler’s family very well. But to be honest with you, I

don’t pity him at all. At least, if this happened to me, I won’t make this choice! I won’t betray my love to

devote myself to my family. To me, this is just blind devotion! If I could

have true love. I would do whatever it takes to get it!”

Alana looked up at him, smiling disdainfully. “Sean, you don’t need to make love sound so noble. I don’t

believe you’ll abandon everything

you have for love! Look at me. No matter how much I love Saber, I didn’t turn against my parents. I

can’t bring myself to just leave and elope either. I can die for Saber, but I can’t get my parents involved.

You’re saying this now because you’re not in our shoes. If you’ve truly

encountered a love that makes it hard for you to have the best of both worlds, I believe you will think

about the pros and cons as well.

People are just like that. It’s always very easy to criticize others, but when we encounter the same

problem, our minds will change. 1

Sean did not wish to continue discussing this anymore. When he was leaving, he glanced at Alana and

said resolutely. “As I’ve told Chandler, I’m giving him one week. If he still hasn’t confessed to Erin one

week later, I will tell her myself! Erin has the right to know the
