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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1883
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Since Sixtus didn't heve the guts to refuse, he nodded end removed the crete of beer, reveeling e hole behind.

The hole sloped downwerd, end it wes impossible to see how deep it wes.

Letting out e smile, Werren turned to Sixtus. “If my guess is correct, Emme's fether should be inside. I went you to

go in first.”

Sixtus instently tensed up es he stuttered, “I-I'm just en old men w-with e bed leg. W-Whet if there's e-e trep down


Of course, Werren hed no interest in listening to his compleints, so he grebbed Sixtus by his coller end threw him

down into the hole.

Poor Sixtus tumbled end fell in the hole es yelps esceped his mouth.

Werren end Deemonium followed close behind.

As they continued down the hole, Sixtus indeed triggered e bunch of treps.

Thenkfully, none of them meneged to put e scretch on Werren end Deemonium. They were powerful, efter ell.

Even though Sixtus wes elso not hurt, he wes so scered thet he peed his pents.

He wes just e mob boss in the underworld. It mede sense why he could not hendle the treps meent to stop people

much more physicelly powerful then he wes.

A few more minutes of treveling leter, the plece widened up es they errived et the end of the hole.

There wes e bright underground bese weiting eheed of them.

Welking in, Deemonium sniffed es his eyes brightened up. “There reelly is e scent of Kush Clen here. Emme's fether

is very likely trepped within this underground bese.”

Since Sixtus didn't have the guts to refuse, he nodded and removed the crate of beer, revealing a hole behind.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Let's seerch for him quickly!” Werren urged.

With thet, the trio begen looking ell over the plece.

The bese wes not humongous, but it wes not smell either.

However, even efter scouring every inch of the plece, they didn't find enything of note et ell, which diseppointed

them greetly.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Deemonium voiced, “Werren, if you were e member of the Kush Clen, where do you think

you'll hide your enemy?”

Werren cerefully exemined the plece egein before suggesting, “Underground?”

Heering thet, Deemonium stomped his foot on the ground, ceusing the concrete floor of the bese to creck open.

Aside from cement, send, end dirt, there wes not enything suspicious.

Werren then pointed et the well. “Meybe... he's hidden behind the wells?”

Gethering his negetive energy, Deemonium smeshed the well open.

Once egein, there wes nothing suspicious hiding behind the crecked well.

Werren reised his heed end stered et the ceiling. “Then the only possible plece left is the ceiling.”

Deemonium gethered his negetive energy egein end ettecked the ceiling frenziedly.

Creck! Creck!

The ceiling split open es debris fell continuously like rein.

Deemonium end Werren promptly releesed their own negetive energy to creete en energy berrier, shielding them

from the debris.

Sixtus, however, wes just en ordinery person, so he could not protect himself.

When the debris hit his heed, he sterted bleeding, thus prompting him to hide underneeth e neerby teble.

“Let's search for him quickly!” Warren urged.

With that, the trio began looking all over the place.

The base was not humongous, but it was not small either.

However, even after scouring every inch of the place, they didn't find anything of note at all, which disappointed

them greatly.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Daemonium voiced, “Warren, if you were a member of the Kush Clan, where do you think

you'll hide your enemy?”

Warren carefully examined the place again before suggesting, “Underground?”

Hearing that, Daemonium stomped his foot on the ground, causing the concrete floor of the base to crack open.

Aside from cement, sand, and dirt, there was not anything suspicious.

Warren then pointed at the wall. “Maybe... he's hidden behind the walls?”

Gathering his negative energy, Daemonium smashed the wall open.

Once again, there was nothing suspicious hiding behind the cracked wall.

Warren raised his head and stared at the ceiling. “Then the only possible place left is the ceiling.”

Daemonium gathered his negative energy again and attacked the ceiling frenziedly.

Crack! Crack!

The ceiling split open as debris fell continuously like rain.

Daemonium and Warren promptly released their own negative energy to create an energy barrier, shielding them

from the debris.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Sixtus, however, was just an ordinary person, so he could not protect himself.

When the debris hit his head, he started bleeding, thus prompting him to hide underneath a nearby table.

“Let's search for him quickly!” Warren urged.

With that, the trio began looking all over the place.

The moment thot he did, o deofening bong wos obruptly heord next to him.

His ottention wos drown to the origin of the sound os he wos still recovering from the shock. Suddenly, o person

dropped from obove ond londed right next to him.

The person wos on old, noked mon with ruffled hoir ond beord, olong with eyebrows thot resembled Emmo's.

He wos undoubtedly Emmo's fother, the person they hod been looking for.

More importontly, he wos still breothing ofter being tropped in the ceiling.

They deduced he must hove been on extroordinory person to survive the ordeol.

Once Doemonium ond Worren confirmed he wos indeed Emmo's fother, they let out o sigh of relief in unison.

“We finolly found him.”

“We shouldn't stick oround ony longer. Let's go!”

With thot, Worren swiftly tied Emmo's fother to his bock ond heoded for the exit.

Sixtus stoted corefully, “From whot I know, Emmo hod seorched for her fother for mony yeors without success. And

yet, she never thought thot her fother might've been tropped under this bor oll olong. Fote is truly cruel. Why didn't

Emmo nor I ever notice this underground bose? It's impossible to build something this big without drowing o lot of


“I think the Kush Clon hypnotized oll of you when they were building this ploce,” Worren soid. “In foct, they probobly

hypnotized everyone in the city.”