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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1561
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“B*****ds!” Zeke hissed through clenched teeth, his hands curling into fists.

With seemingly too much time on their hands, the Four Great Martial Houses were all busy sticking their hands into

the pie that was the Martial Artist National Examination.

They all need to be taught a lesson.

On the other hand, whoever had been following Missy last night to try and harm her needed to be taught a lesson

as well. But this time, the lesson would be permanent.

Zeke loosened his iron grip on Sesame Cookie’s neck. “You, take me to the people from the other three Houses who

were following Missy last night.”

Rubbing his face, Sesame Cookie trembled as he stood up. “Okay, okay, I’ll do that!”

As he bowed and scraped to Zeke, he was signaling his henchmen with a pointed look.

Once Sesame Cookie reached a safe distance, any remaining concerns he and his underlings had vanished. They

pulled out their guns immediately, aiming at Zeke.

Zeke just sneered. At that point, threats like these were nothing compared to what he had lived through.

“Hey! Sh*thead!” Sesame Cookie let out a furious shout. “Did you really think we wouldn’t make any preparations

after your men surprised us last night?”

He growled, “I swear to God, if you don’t kneel and apologize to me right now, we’re going to use you for target

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The Principal nodded in agreement. “Letting this scum live is just a waste of resources. I strongly suggest that you

kill him and his wife too. If that happens, Missy Williams will become an orphan at the mercy of the Ancient Tomb


“Rest assured,” the Principal said, “The Ancient Tomb Sect will help you settle any backlash you might face for their


Sesame Cookie leered darkly at Zeke. “I like your suggestion. It does put a smile on my face but killing them so

easily is too lenient of a punishment for them.”

“Listen closely,” Sesame Cookie sneered at Zeke. “Go get your little sidekick - the one who fought my men

yesterday. If you two slap each other and apologize to me, I’ll consider letting you die quickly. If you don’t... well,

rumor has it that your wife is a very beautiful woman. I’d hate for anything to happen to such a lovely lady.”

His henchmen joined in his mockery as well, lecherously extolling the many virtues of Zeke’s wife and what exactly

they would like to do to her in gross detail.

Zeke regarded them as one would regard a dead body. “Our Ancient Tomb Sect? I never expected you to be a

member of the Ancient Tomb Sect as well, Principal. Regardless, I suppose you did do your fair share of human

trafficking over the past few years.”

“I originally wanted to sentence all of you to execution on the spot,” Zeke said coldly. “But apparently, execution is

just letting you all off the hook too easily. I’m going to get to the bottom of this matter personally, but rest assured

that once I do, all of you will be paying the appropriate price for it.”

Zeke’s speech had shocked Sesame Cookie, even if the latter was not willing to admit it. The shock he felt soon

manifested itself as anger.

“You’re going to regret mouthing off, scum,” Sesame Cookie growled. “Brothers! Stop standing there and attack!

Cripple his arms and legs first, then torture him slowly.”

Without any hesitation, his four henchmen opened fire. Gunshots rang through the air.

However, the instant the fired bullets left the muzzle of their guns, Zeke inexplicably vanished. He disappeared into

thin air, just like that.

Saying Sesame Cookie and his henchmen were surprised did not do justice to the current situation. They were

stunned and truly dumbfounded.

As they looked around the area frantically, they wondered if Zeke knew how to make himself invisible. They could

not shoot if they did not have a target.

The henchmen searched the surroundings immediately, turning over every single nook and cranny, but Zeke was

simply just not there. A very bad feeling began washing over them.

“Up here.”

The cold voice rang from the rafters. With a growing sense of horror, everybody turned to look up. Zeke was

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hanging onto a wooden beam easily, a chilly expression on his face. No one had seen how he managed to climb


The henchmen raised their guns quickly, but Zeke was even quicker. A flick of his hand sent dozens of silver needles

flying with deadly accuracy, sinking into the arms of the gun-holding henchmen.

Their guns clattered onto the ground as their grips loosened unwillingly. Zeke dropped from the rafters like a

vengeful spirit, landing in the midst of the four paralyzed henchmen. He swept a powerful kick around him and sent

all four of them crashing onto the ground.

A gleaming dagger shot into his hand, appearing from under his sleeve. In the span of a single heartbeat, Zeke

quickly severed their tendons with the dagger.

The dust finally settled. Agonized cries echoed through the office as the fallen men groaned and whimpered. Their

groans sounded almost like pigs being strangled alive.

Worried it would disturb the children in the kindergarten outside, Zeke kicked all the henchmen into

unconsciousness. They fell silent abruptly as his foot stepped on their heads.

His gaze then fell on the Principal. The man fell to his knees limply, his entire quaking body betraying his fear.

“I... I... I was wrong! I’m sorry! Please, I’ll apologize to you.” He prostrated himself pathetically at Zeke’s feet.

“Please... forgive me.”