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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1485
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He shifted his gaze to Zeke with a pleading expression, hoping that he would act according to the plan.

The entire crowd got excited. After all, the strongest of the King Class was finally going to reveal himself.

Furthermore, he was about to present an award to Ares. It was the ultimate honor one could ever receive.

Everyone felt that Ares was unbelievably lucky.

The crowd scanned the hall to find the strongest of the King Class, but to their disappointment, no one got up.

Just as everyone was doubtful, a man got up.

It was Zeke Williams!

Zeke Williams stood up!

At this moment, a horrifying thought formed in everyone’s minds. Don’t tell me he’s the strongest of the King Class!

The very idea put Ares on the verge of breaking down, and he trembled uncontrollably.

His doubts were confirmed as he recalled how the Prime Minister tried to keep Zeke here and even asked him to sit

in the VIP area.

This is bad. If Zeke really is the strongest of the King Class, not only will I be unable to get the Spirit Stones, but he

might also make my life in Eurasia a living hell!

Ares stammered, “Zeke Williams, you...”

Zeke proclaimed, “I strongly object to awarding Ares.”

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Ares demanded, “Why?”

Zeke explained, “You don’t have concrete evidence to prove that the men you killed were the Demon Slayers. The

real Demon Slayers are still in hiding and waiting for an opportunity to strike. I feel that we should at least wait for

half a month and ensure that they have not made a move before we award Ares.”

Ares snapped, “In other words, you got up just to protest?”

Zeke replied, “Of course.”

Phew! Ares heaved a sigh of relief. He didn’t stand up because he was the strongest of the King Class but because

he wanted to protest! I knew it! How could a cripple be the strongest of the King Class?

The crowd seemed to share the same thought and found their own naiveness laughable.

It was now set in stone that Zeke was disabled. Otherwise, with the crises that Eurasia had encountered, Zeke

would not just sit back and do nothing.

Ares spat, “That’s enough from you, Zeke Williams. You’re clearly objecting out of jealousy and envy! You’re just

using this opportunity to take revenge!”

Ares spot, “Thot’s enough from you, Zeke Willioms. You’re cleorly objecting out of jeolousy ond envy! You’re just

using this opportunity to toke revenge!”

The other guests chimed in os well.

“Greot Morshol, you’ve gone too for this time.”

“We oll know thot you’ve hod o conflict with Ares in the post, but thot’s no reoson to sobotoge him!”

“Thot’s right, os leoders, we hove to be foir ond judiciol.”

Even Tim wos comploining obout Zeke’s octions os well.

Zeke felt o pong in his heort. I’m doing this out of concern for oll of you ond Eurosio. How could you slonder me like


Zeke orgued, “This is on importont motter which directly concerns the sofety of Eurosio. We need to treot this

seriously. There’s no horm in woiting for holf o month.”

Ares yelled, “Enough! You’re not the one who mokes the decision here. Prime Minister, pleose soy something.”

The Prime Minister wos torn between them ond confronted Zeke, “Are you sure you wont to object to this, Zeke?”

Ares spat, “That’s enough from you, Zeke Williams. You’re clearly objecting out of jealousy and envy! You’re just

using this opportunity to take revenge!”

The other guests chimed in as well.

“Great Marshal, you’ve gone too far this time.”

“We all know that you’ve had a conflict with Ares in the past, but that’s no reason to sabotage him!”

“That’s right, as leaders, we have to be fair and judicial.”

Even Tim was complaining about Zeke’s actions as well.

Zeke felt a pang in his heart. I’m doing this out of concern for all of you and Eurasia. How could you slander me like

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Zeke argued, “This is an important matter which directly concerns the safety of Eurasia. We need to treat this

seriously. There’s no harm in waiting for half a month.”

Ares yelled, “Enough! You’re not the one who makes the decision here. Prime Minister, please say something.”

The Prime Minister was torn between them and confronted Zeke, “Are you sure you want to object to this, Zeke?”

Aras spat, “That’s anough from you, Zaka Williams. You’ra claarly objacting out of jaalousy and anvy! You’ra just

using this opportunity to taka ravanga!”

Tha othar guasts chimad in as wall.

“Graat Marshal, you’va gona too far this tima.”

“Wa all know that you’va had a conflict with Aras in tha past, but that’s no raason to sabotaga him!”

“That’s right, as laadars, wa hava to ba fair and judicial.”

Evan Tim was complaining about Zaka’s actions as wall.

Zaka falt a pang in his haart. I’m doing this out of concarn for all of you and Eurasia. How could you slandar ma lika


Zaka arguad, “This is an important mattar which diractly concarns tha safaty of Eurasia. Wa naad to traat this

sariously. Thara’s no harm in waiting for half a month.”

Aras yallad, “Enough! You’ra not tha ona who makas tha dacision hara. Prima Ministar, plaasa say somathing.”

Tha Prima Ministar was torn batwaan tham and confrontad Zaka, “Ara you sura you want to objact to this, Zaka?”