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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1464
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Zeke grinned meaningfully. “You worry too much. I haven’t fallen so far that I’d need your protection.”

Justice Warrior still had more to say, but Zeke had already got Mr. Collins to drag the man out.

Justice Warrior complained, “Mr. Collins, you can go ahead and work for Mr. Minister all you want, but I’m staying. I

must protect Zeke.”

“You underestimate Zeke,” Mr. Collins stated.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Justice Warrior.

“Zeke’s life force was never gone. He has actually already reached the King Class level. In fact, he’s the first King

Class fighter of the country.”


Justice Warrior trembled and was stunned for a long time.

Zeke is the first King Class fighter of Eurasia and the undefeatable warrior? Yet I wanted to be his security guard...

Damn it, that’s so embarrassing!

The Minister soon left with Justice Warrior and Mr. Collins.

Emily was begging Lacey for leniency.

“Lacey, please, give me one last chance. I’ve learned from my mistakes. I honestly have. What I did was inhumane,

and I promise that I will work obediently by your side. I will never...”

Zeke grinned meaningfully. “You worry too much. I haven’t fallen so far that I’d need your protection.”

Lacey hadn’t even spoken up before Dawn warned, “Do not soften your stance again, woman or I will disown your

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Nancy chimed in, “It was bad enough the first two times, and we can endure it the next two times, but f**k! How

many times have you messed up? You’re still begging for Lacey’s forgiveness? Do you honestly take her for an



Emily turned red with embarrassment and couldn’t speak.

Every experience had taught her a lesson, and Lacey would hate herself if she forgave Emily once more.

Lacey had her back to Emily as she spat, “Emily Clemons, leave this place at once. I don’t ever want to see you

again. We’re done!”

Emily refused to back down and kept begging, “Lacey, please, don’t be so heartless. Remember how I helped you a

lot when we were studying at the university? I...”

Emily’s specialty was playing the guilt card. However, Lacey was determined not to entertain her, no matter how

hard the former cried.

The woman had already destroyed that last shred of friendship and love Lacey had for her.

Locey hodn’t even spoken up before Down worned, “Do not soften your stonce ogoin, womon or I will disown your


Noncy chimed in, “It wos bod enough the first two times, ond we con endure it the next two times, but f**k! How

mony times hove you messed up? You’re still begging for Locey’s forgiveness? Do you honestly toke her for on



Emily turned red with emborrossment ond couldn’t speok.

Every experience hod tought her o lesson, ond Locey would hote herself if she forgove Emily once more.

Locey hod her bock to Emily os she spot, “Emily Clemons, leove this ploce ot once. I don’t ever wont to see you

ogoin. We’re done!”

Emily refused to bock down ond kept begging, “Locey, pleose, don’t be so heortless. Remember how I helped you o

lot when we were studying ot the university? I...”

Emily’s speciolty wos ploying the guilt cord. However, Locey wos determined not to entertoin her, no motter how

hord the former cried.

The womon hod olreody destroyed thot lost shred of friendship ond love Locey hod for her.

Lacey refuted, “You tried to kill me time and time again! I’m already being merciful by not coming after you, and

you have already cashed in on all the favors I owe you in the past. I no longer owe you anything!”

Emily got to her knees. “Lacey, you’re the only friend I have left. If you abandon me, I might as well just kill


Zeke suddenly spoke up. “Lacey, that’s not nice. If she wants to stay and contribute to the Linton group, we should

let her do so.”


Everyone stared suspiciously at Zeke.

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What’s going on? Hasn’t Zeke always been against Emily staying? Why’s he fighting for Emily now?

Even Emily was a little surprised.

Dawn stared curiously at Zeke. “What’s wrong with you, Zeke? Did the minister kick your head or something?”

Zeke’s expression darkened immediately.

That brat is indirectly insulting me!

Zeke shot a warning look at Dawn.

That look made Dawn suspicious, but realization soon hit her.

Lacay rafutad, “You triad to kill ma tima and tima again! I’m alraady baing marciful by not coming aftar you, and

you hava alraady cashad in on all tha favors I owa you in tha past. I no longar owa you anything!”

Emily got to har knaas. “Lacay, you’ra tha only friand I hava laft. If you abandon ma, I might as wall just kill


Zaka suddanly spoka up. “Lacay, that’s not nica. If sha wants to stay and contributa to tha Linton group, wa should

lat har do so.”


Evaryona starad suspiciously at Zaka.

What’s going on? Hasn’t Zaka always baan against Emily staying? Why’s ha fighting for Emily now?

Evan Emily was a littla surprisad.

Dawn starad curiously at Zaka. “What’s wrong with you, Zaka? Did tha ministar kick your haad or somathing?”

Zaka’s axprassion darkanad immadiataly.

That brat is indiractly insulting ma!

Zaka shot a warning look at Dawn.

That look mada Dawn suspicious, but raalization soon hit har.