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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1009
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Rereading his wife’s texts repeatedly, Zeke felt all his blood drain from his face.

He hurriedly dialed Lacey’s number, praying desperately in his mind.

Stop it, Lacey, I know you’re just joking with me.

We are the perfect couple. How could you just leave me like this?

Please, just answer your phone—stop fooling around, please?

The only reply Zeke received was the dreaded female automated voice coolly informing that he had gone to

voicemail. Lacey was not answering his calls.

“I’m sorry, but the number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep.”


Thunderstruck, Zeke ended the call.

He knew deep within his bones that Lacey was in trouble.

She had truly left. His wife was gone.

Despair coursed through him. He began a frenzied madman’s search throughout the buildings of Trust Media and

Linton Group.

It was futile.

Zeke immediately contacted Alfred Booth, ordering him to lead search parties for Lacey all over the city while he

sifted through the security camera recordings of the past day, tracking Lacey’s movements throughout the last few


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For the most part of the day, Lacey’s movements were exceedingly normal as she busied herself with managing

the various affairs of Linton Group. Zeke felt pain stab through his heart every time he saw her smile.

He put the recordings on fast-forward. Time zoomed by until it was evening. He frowned when he noticed the

director in charge of the health evaluations approach Lacey.

It had barely been ten minutes since Lacey started speaking with him when she tore out of the exit, a look of sheer

despair on her face.

Hitting the pause button furiously, Zeke quickly contacted the traffic police, requesting footage from the traffic

cameras positioned in the streets.

The new footage he had acquired showed that Lacey had traveled to Atheville Affiliate Hospital. He watched in

mounting horror as she exited the hospital, walking lethargically with pain written across her features. She

collapsed in the middle of the street, the discovery she made in the hospital evidently sapping any remaining

energy she had.

In the end, she stepped into a taxi and vanished from the range of the traffic cameras.

Zeke frantically watched each of the footage. All gave him the same conclusion. Lacey did not appear in Atheville

anymore after she took that taxi.

Fear gave his feet wings as he went to track down Director Kingston and the doctor Lacey had consulted with at the

Atheville Affiliate Hospital.

He found neither of them. Both men had vanished.

A troubling sixth sense told Zeke that everything connected to his wife’s disappearance was too coincidental to be

an accident.

This is a conspiracy!

His hand curled into a fist. Theodore Luna had to be behind it. They had been at odds for quite some time now, and

this underhanded trick was exactly how his foe operated.

Zeke brought down his clenched fist on the table beside him. The impact shattered the table into tiny bits.

Lacey, I promise you, even if you run to the ends of the world, I’ll still find you and bring you home.

And as for you, Theodore Luna, I’m going to break you into pieces when I find you.

I promise you; they’ll never find your body.

At this time, Zeke’s phone rang with a call from Alfred.

He promptly informed Zeke that his search for Lacey in the surrounding streets had not yielded a single trace of

where she might have gone.

“Okay.” Zeke forced himself to swallow a sudden surge of panic.

Lacey’s life depended on him now. He could not afford the luxury of panic.

He inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly, steeling himself. Without any hesitation, his fingers typed out the number to

contact Bloodthirsty Wolf, leader of the Tulle.

“Bloodthirsty Wolf, I want you to lead all the members of Tulle to Eurasia now. All of them.”

Bloodthirsty Wolf was a professional, but even he was shocked at the statement.

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On a scale of one to incredulous disbelief, Zeke’s order ranked somewhere near ‘aliens invading Earth with UFOs’.

For a moment, he wondered if his hearing had finally failed him. The Great Marshal was actually actively ordering

the Tulle to enter Eurasia in full force.

A thought flashed across his mind. The Great Marshal was revolting. There was no other explanation for it.

However, when Bloodthirsty Wolf realized that the Tulle was being summoned to Eurasia just to search for a mere

girl, he was flabbergasted.

What fresh hell is this? What kind of girl could move the Great Marshal to these extremes, to the point of rousing

the entire Tulle to arms?

Bloodthirsty Wolf snickered lecherously, a sudden thought occurring to him. He wagered that it had to be a girl with

the looks of at least seven fairies descending from heaven.

Of course, getting the Tulle into the borders of Eurasia was not an easy endeavor.

At the very least, permission had to be granted by the notoriously finicky Colonel.

But five minutes and a single phone call was all it took for Zeke to settle the matter.

And so, the infamous Tulle, an elite mercenary group to end all mercenary groups, descended upon Eurasia.

Eurasia—and by extension the rest of the globe—was, for the lack of a better word, dumbfounded.

It was common knowledge that Eurasia banned all mercenary groups.

And now, with the Tulle entering Eurasia in full force, rumors started to spread.

However, those rumors were promptly strangled when the real reason for the Tulle’s appearance in Eurasia was

announced. The population’s shocked reaction to the fact that the Tulle was summoned to aid in the search of a

mere girl exceeded even that of Bloodthirsty Wolf’s.

It was both unseen and unheard of.

This girl quickly became the talk of the globe, the target of both admiration and jealousy.