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King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 38
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38 A Grudge ALEJANDRO My eyes widened in shock; | wasn’t expecting that.

“Was it an accident?” Rayhan asked, his eyes burning green. Elijah scoffed, “Accidents are forgivable. I'm not discussing this out here.” “Then we'll get in the f*****g car. | want to know.” | growled. That f**+r hurt Raf, and | actually dined with him? Hell f*****g no. “Yeah, sounds like a plan.” Rayhan added, his voice dangerously low. | knew he was angry but was trying to remain calm.

Ever the perfect one. | walked around and got into the front whilst the other two got in the back.

“Dad said it was a training accident or something.” Rayhan mused. “I heard a few different stories, but never frexkxg bothered about sf****r’s heroic tactics.” | remarked mockingly as Elijah scowled.

“Well, the Shadow Wolves Pack are powerful yet private. Rumour has it, they excel in experiments and such.

Healing remedies, poisons, energy vials.” “We all know that s**t, it's baseless research and they ain’t gotten far. We had sdealings with them, there’s nothing special.” | remarked taking a drag on my cigarette. “Oh, they definitely got farther than we think. You may not know but Kenneth has a lot of links abroad, not only will his mate's pack bechis, but he has several research labs here and abroad.” I knew that.

“Yeah, | don’t get what this s**t has got to do with Raf and you being a blue-eyed d**k-faced hero?” | hated when people took tto get to the d**n point. “Can you ever keep that f****g mouth shut and listen? Or shall | drive off?” Elijah replied smirking coldly.

My eyes flashed as Darien sighed. “Can we hear the story, if anyone sees the four of us sitting in a car they will be d**n confused.” “We were on a camping break after our exams. When it cto tactical and strategy, there were three of us who were chosen to go forward for the annual recognition award.” He smiled humourlessly looking into the distance and | wondered what he was thinking. “Me, Arden and Rafael, ultimately Rafael took the award. Unlike me, who was happy with being known for my combat skills, Arden had an issue... one he didn’t forget.” “What did he do?” | asked coldly. “Cut to it.” “He gave Rafael a drink, said to him to drink to his victory. Not even a few minutes after he drank it, he began convulsing and bleeding from his mouth, nose and ears. There were only a few of us, but no one seemed to move. | remember making him puke it up and cutting him in several places to bleed it out. Grandma Amelia taughtthat. She said a wolf can die of poison but we won't die of heavy blood loss. It slowed it down and | managed to get him back to camp as he bled out. We found that the drink had contained a high level of silver and wolfsbane, and it was so strong it could have killed him. If I hadn't done what | did.” “Didnt dad smell it, that it contained something?” Rayhan asked.

“Strangely no. The rest of it was spilt and there was no proof but even when | smelt the remnant of it, | didn’t pick up on anything either.” Elijah replied. “And if that’s the case, why is he still a f*****g Alpha?” | growled.

“It was my word against the other seven. Arden was adamant he didn’t know how it was poisoned and said perhaps someone was trying to poison him. Rafael said he had a drink, but he didn’t want it to cause trouble with other packs. He was a young Alpha with no father behind him and the Arden’s had a lot of influence, so Raf toldto drop it. He madepromise to drop it, although we both knew that b*****d was behind it.” Elijah sighed.

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“I don’t get it; didn’t they even look into it?” Darien asked as | sat back taking in what he had said.

| hated that man a thousand f¥***+g times more.

“They did, there was no proof, but I'm sure with their research they could have made very concentrated pills or something to transport with ease. Either way,and Rafael knew what happened, but The Shadow Wolves Pack are one of the richest packs in the country and unlike the Rossi's whose wealth may be higher, The Shadow Wolves Pack have ties to allies across the borders. They may not be the Pack of the Lycan King, but they do hold power. Rafael was a peacemaker and said let it be when that f****r apologised, saying to forgive him if he had done anything wrong, but he stuck by his word that he didn’t poison the drink...” Elijah scoffed bitterly “I swear if Rafael didn’t makepromise to keep my mouth shut about it I'd have f***+*g destroyed him.” “So, he basically got away with attempted murder? Because Rafael had no one...” “Yeah, at the the wasn’t mated to Maria, so he didn’t even have the support of her pack. I told him my dad would help but he refused. So, I've told you, now | don’t want to talk about that b*****d again.” Elijah said coldly.

“And now you're going to say to honour Raf, | can’t f*****g do s**t?” | growled. “Yeah but kick him off your pack grounds.” He replied. Yeah... | will... and although Elijah made a promise to Raf, | didn’t... The moment I find sdirt on this f**¥*r, I'm fx<*x*g destroying him. | just needed sproof.

Elijah had left, Rayhan and | had gone for training as | knew Kiara needed sspace. She got all tense aroundand seemed to enjoy spending twith the kids and women.

Maria had told her about her healing, and she had used it on Delsanra, | knew Kiara’s healing was the only thing keeping her able to stay upright. The spitfire | knew was weakening and we needed to move fast.

| had told Kiara about Enrique because | knew she’d wantto tell her, and as expected she had brought him down to join the family. Although he sat silently ignoring everyone.

It was now late in the afternoon, Rayhan, Darien, and | were in my office. There had been a lead up north and we were hoping for sanswers. The f¥*#r still didn’t seem to give a s**t about his son.

“Is Tia down?” | asked Darien as | know his daughter was meant to come, she had found her mate in a neighbouring pack not long back.

“Yes, she and Serena are catching up. She isn’t here for long.” Darien remarked.

| nodded. “Then you should go spend stwith her.” He looked surprised. “You sure?” “Do | f¥**+*g look unsure?” “Alright, I'll go.” He nodded, closing the file he was looking at. Life was short and family was important.

Although at one point | never thought I'd say that s**t...

Once he left, | looked at Rayhan who was making smarks on one of the maps, frowning in concentration as he scanned simages.

When we had sclues, the both of us were meant to go, we were both excellent trackers... but with the state Delsanra was in and if s**t got worse, | couldn’t let him. It had to be me... When the tcame, | wasn’t going to let him risk his life. If something happened to me... he needed to be here...

“Maria said you were ok with her going?” | asked, taking out a cigarette. He paused, his brows furrowing as he looked at me.

“She didn’t really givean option.” He replied icily. “I know it’s not what you want... but she’s a Rossi.” “We aren't invincible.” He replied with a bitter smile. Yeah, | know... Raf, Kiara, Del.. they were all proof of that...

“She’ll be safe, I'm sending my best with her, plus she’ll be spelled to appear human, they all will.” “There's always a risk, Uncle. I've lost Dad already | don’t want to lose Mom.” He said quietly, trying to mask the pain from his voice.

He was a strong f****r I'd give him that. “I know, but imagine being told you can’t f*****g do anything, it's driving her crazy, she needs this.” | said quietly. | didn’t want to say | was seeing her spiralling... | hoped it wasn't true, | f*****g did, but | had seen the signs many times.

He didn’t reply for a moment and nodded.

“You both won't listen to me, so I'm not having this conversation.” He said curtly, his eyes flashing green when he looked at me.

| took a long drag on my cigarette. “I'm sorry for all the s**t you're going through, I'm going to fix this. | promise.” | replied, standing up.

He nodded, looking down at the map once more, his hair curtaining his face.

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“We will.” “Yeah.” No. | would Because he was right, no one was f***+*g invincible and I'm going to protect my family, with everything | had and until my last f**+++g breath.

KATALEYA He didn’t even look at me, it was all my fault, his papa hurt him because ofand now he hatedtoo... | didn’t want to cry but it hurt inside. He was sitting there just staring at the TV, but | knew he wasn’t watching. He was angry “Kataleya, are you alright?” Mama asked me, she smiled at me, | tried to smile back and nodded.

“Go play with Sky, Kat...” Dante said coldly. He was angry attoo. | don’t know what I did wrong to upset him.

“Dante, be gentle.” Mama scolded gently before she cover and put her arm around me. “I'm ok.” | whispered forcing a smile. “Queen Luna, may | go to my room?” Enrique asked Mama suddenly. He wanted to go already? He didn’t talk unless someone talked to him...

“Yes of course.” Mama smiled.

“I'll take you.” Aunty Mari offered. He stood up silently, | hoped he'd turn and look at me, but he didn’t. Not even once... “Don’t bother trying.” Dante's angry voice came, | blinked and looked at him. “Dante...” Delsanra said gently, shaking her head at him. “No. She needs to realise he is the enemy. “He isn’t.” | said feeling sad and upset. Why didn’t Dante get it? Enrique isn’t bad. “Dante, please.” Mama murmured. “Heed my warning Kat, stay away from him. Remember he is not a friend.” “Stop it! Stop saying that! Enrique hasn't done anything for you to hate him! Stop being nasty!” | cried, jumping up from Mama's hold.

Tears filled my eyes as | stared at Dante. “Dante don't. Please, for me.” Delsanra said weakly. “She’s going to do something stupid and regret it. Trust me. | don’t trust him.” Dante shot back; his red eyes full of anger. 1 | don’t understand why he hates Enrique, why Daddy has Enrique watched like a prisoner. Enrique didn’t do anything wrong. What Daddy and his papa were doing to him was wrong! “Baby, don’t cry.” Mama whispered trying to hug me, but | pulled away. “I hate you!” | cried at Dante, casting him a final glance before I ran from the room. | don’t like being mean, but Dante was makingsad. | feel miserable inside. I'm always scared, and | know Mama isn’t well. Dante isn’t well either and I'm horrible for being mean to him too.

“Kat!” Mama called.

| ran faster, | wanted to hide. | needed to get away. Turning a corner, | quickly hid behind one of the large vases, wrapping my arms around my knees as | breathed steadily. | didn’t want anyone to find me... “Kataleya...” | jumped to see Mama kneeling on the ground in front of me. How did she find me? | looked down realising she must have seen my dress. | broke into tears, feeling awful for behaving like that, but she simply pulledinto her arms and huggedtightly. “Things are going to be ok. | promise.” She whispered as | cried into her chest.

“I'm sad Mama, it’s hurting here.” | sobbed patting my heart. 1 “Oh baby, I'm so sorry.” Mama whispered tears in her eyes too. She heldtightly, rockingas we sat on the floor in the hallway. The beating of her heart and her smell soothing me. We stayed sitting there until | heard Daddy approach, | kept my eyes closed, | didn’t want to talk to anyone...

“Why are my girls sitting on the floor out here?” Daddy's deep voice came. “She had a small argument with Dante.” Mama replied, kissing my forehead. Daddy sighed, and | heard him bend down, kissing my forehead, his beard tickling me. “It’s going to be alright.” He promised.

| wanted to believe him. | wanted to hope that everything was going to be ok. | wanted Dante to be ok, | wanted Enrique to be ok... Mama to be ok... | wanted the bad man to go away... Delsanra to be ok...

“Promise?” | whispered, opening my eyes. Daddy smiled, his dark eyes glittering, and he nodded. “| fx**¥
