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Kids from One Alpha

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17: Too Human

Serena helped her mom bring all the boxes of toys and clothes into the house. The kids were

wildly running around in excitement, chattering about what they thought was in each box. “Alright,” Sere

na said, getting their attention. She set the last box down. “If you two want these new things, you‘re goi

ng to have to bring them all up to your rooms and put them away, okay?” “Yes!” Olivia

said jumping up and down. “Can we start, mommy?” Oliver

asked. Serena nodded. “Go ahead,” she said, waving her arms over the boxes. The kids giggled and c

heered, diving into the boxes. They started divvying things up and then running them up and down the

stairs. Serena sighed, going to the kitchen to get

herself a glass of water. “Do you want anything?” she asked Charlotte when her mother followed her int

o the kitchen. “No, I’m fine,” Charlotte said, taking a seat at

the kitchen table. “You don‘t seem that grateful for my contribution.” Serena sat across from her mother,

looking at the glossy surface of the wooden table. When she‘d been in medical school, her parents

had paid her tuition and sent her monthly installments of money to support her. She had used most of

it on the twins, even though they didn‘t know that‘s what it was

used for. While she‘d been grateful for the support, she‘d felt guilty accepting so much from them.

“Mom, it isn‘t that I don‘t appreciate it, I just…” she trailed off, meeting her mother‘s eyes. Charlotte wait

ed expectantly. “You and dad supported me all through medical school. I took the job here in Night Sky

to become more

independent.” Charlotte laughed, tossing her hair over her shoulder and waving her daughter‘s concern

away. Serena crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at her mother.

Upstairs, Serena could hear Oliver and Olivia running

around with their new things. They were playing some elaborate game to sort the toys and

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decide what belonged to who. Every now and then, they‘d run back downstairs and collect a new armlo

ad of things to bring

back to their rooms, Everything was an adventure to them. To be a kid again, with no worries and no

responsibilities. Serena shook her head. No, she loved being a mother and a doctor! “Serena, you beca

me a little too human while in school,” Charlotte teased her. Serena rolled her eyes. “What

is that supposed to mean?” she asked. “Honey, this is what a pack does,” Charlotte said. “We

support each other, we help each other.” “This is different,” Serena argued. “You can‘t just drop by and


my kids all these toys. They need to learn that they can‘t have everything they want.” Again, Charlotte s

hook her head. “These notions of ‘independence‘ and learning they can‘t have everything, these are hu

man concepts. They have not place in the

head of a pack doctor,” she said. Serena sighed. Maybe her mother was right. She had

missed being in a pack when she‘d lived in the human world. Being

back, she suddenly felt like the pack was overbearing. It was possible to

have her independence and still

be part of the pack. At least, she hoped it was. “You‘re just going to have to get used to this again,” Cha


said. “When you and your brother were younger, pack members doted on you all the time. I‘m not just y

our mother, I‘m their grandmother.” “Fine, fine,” Serena said, holing her hands up in surrender. “Thank y

ou for helping out.” Charlotte smiled. “Olivia, Oliver, get in here!” she called to the kids when they came

downstairs for more toys. The twins appeared in the kitchen, big smiles on their faces, cheeks flushed f

rom all their running around. “Thank your grandmother for the new gifts, please,” she said. “Thank

you, Grammy!”

Olivia said, throwing herself across Charlotte‘s lap. Serena smiled at the teary look in her mother‘s eye

s. Oliver hugged Charlotte next.

“Thank you so much! We love it all,” Oliver said. “Anything for you two, my little loves,” Charlotte said. “

Can we go back to playing?” Olivia asked, looking to Serena for permission. “Yes, that is fine,

go on and play,” Serena said, waving the kids away. They took off once more, happily sifting through an

other box. “It makes them happy,” Charlotte said. Serena nodded. “Tell me about their father.”

“I told you, mom, I don’t know who he is.” Serena said, shifting her

weight uncomfortably in her chair. Charlotte raised an

eyebrow at her daughter, resting her elbows on the table. “You don’t have a clue who

it could be?” she asked. “You never struck me as that promiscuous.” Serena growled. “If you

must know, I had a one–

night stand and due to… alcoholic influences, I can‘t remember who it was with,” she

said bluntly. Charlotte hummed in her throat. It was as much of the truth as she could give without givin

g away too much. “You made no effort to track him down?” she

asked. “I was in medical school,” she said. “I didn‘t

have the time to track down an unnamed wolf whose face I could barely remember while raising twins a

nd focusing on my studies.” “That‘s a fair point,” Charlotte agreed. “Well, I think you should make an eff

ort now.” Serena shrugged. She couldn‘t tell her mother that she thought she had met him

already. Based on the timing, similarities in appearance, and how good Logan was

with them, it was hard to dispute. But she was working on getting actual proof. “Mom, can we not talk a

bout this?” Serena asked sharply. “My life is fine the

way it is, so are the twins‘.” “Very well,” Charlotte said with a dismissive wave.

Serena sighed, biting back her anger. She understood why her mother wanted to know, but even if she

could get the proof that Logan was the father, what could she do about it? He was very involved

with Holly, and knowing he had kids could disrupt that. She still didn‘t know if he‘d reject

them or welcome them. Serena didn‘t think Logan would be thrilled beyond all belief. “I won‘t ask about

it anymore,” Charlotte offered. Serena

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nodded. “Thank you,” she said. As much as it bothered her to have her mother ask about it, Serena kne

w that it was an issue that would continue to come up. Her own twin was curious, her father was too. T

he people she worked with and made friends with in Night Sky. It would always be there, whenever so


found out she was a single mother. It was a question she would never get to escape now that she was

back in the pack. “I did want to ask one more thing,” Charlotte said, pulling Serena from her thoughts. S

erena winced, expecting it to be something else she didn‘t want to talk about. “What is it?” she asked.

“On the weekends, do you think

I could take the kids?” she asked, giving her daughter a pleading look. “I want to spend time with them. S

is okay with them,” Serena said. “I think they would

love spending time with you, dad and Santino.” “Great!” Charlotte said, jumping up. Serena stood too ad

her mother. Charlotte sighed,

rolling her eyes. “Take care of yourself, and my grandbabies,” she said, hugging her daughter.

“I will. We will see you soon,” she promised. Charlotte left and Serena headed back inside. It was

later than she wanted it to be, and she still had to feed the kids.

Directly into the kitchen, she went to the pantry and found something easy to make. One pot on

the stove, she brought water to a boil and

tossed in the pasta. In a sauce pan, she began heating the meat sauce. Thinking back, Serena did reme

had been incredibly close knit and she had never lacked for friends, toys, clothes, or anything. Things w

different in the human world. She had to give herself the time to readjust to pack life. “Dinner‘s

ready,” Serena called to her kids who were still having some fanciful adventure with their

new gifts. She dished

up their plates while they ran down the stairs. Once they were seated, she got them each

a cup of milk. “Mommy, we got so many new things!” Olivia said, ‘pasta sauce smeared on her lips. “I

can‘t even fit it all in my room,” Oliver said. Serena sighed. She would force herself to be okay with this,

for the kids, they‘d have to move to a larger house!