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I’m Sorry But I Love You

Chapter 16
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“Antonio is keeping that cat. Do you want to go and take care of it?”

Sienna swaggered triumphantly and finally pointed at Catherine and said, “You already don’t have the

support of the Johnson family now. You have nothing. Don’t think of entering the Clark family using the

children as an excuse, it’s impossible. Anderson is already thinking to sell your children!”

After Sienna left, Catherine stayed beside the hospital bed and was overshadowed by a dark cloud of


After she knew that her mother passed away, she had asked Owen countless times how her mother

died. Owen only told her that her mother died from sleeping pills but he did not tell her about the matter


She also never dared to think deeply about it.

She never dared to regain the memory of this matter.

But, Sienna’s words today made her felt that she could not ignore and sidestep that.

She still remembered that the cat was found by her and Anderson together. She still remembered that

the sun was shining brightly that day and she went to school to watch Anderson play sports. On her

way home, she saw a snow-white creature lying in the middle of the road with a very large wound on its

hind leg. After she and Anderson took the cat to the pet store, because Anderson was allergic to cat

fur, she kept it herself after it got better. She kept it herself until she and Anderson got married.

Worrying that Anderson would have an allergy again, she left the cat in the Johnson family to let her

mother take care of it…

She did not know whether what Sienna said was true or not. Although Antonio was obviously in the

hospital, she did not dare to find him to confirm with him.

As long as it was not confirmed, she could comfort herself that it was fake. It was just a lie that Sienna

deliberately made up.

“We’re going to do the intravenous injection.”

After hearing Antonio’s words, Catherine was so shocked that her body quivered violently out of the


Antonio was puzzled, “What’s wrong? Why does your face look so pale? You don’t feel well?”

Catherine shook her head.

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Antonio signalled the nurse to give Sophia an intravenous injection. He comforted Catherine, “You don’t

have to worry about Sophia’s health, trust my ability.”

Catherine barely showed a smile, “I believe in your medical skills.”

Antonio’s talent in medical science was extraordinarily good. When he was in high school, he had

already studied medicine with a group of medical experts when everyone was still struggling with

examinations. After he graduated, he even directly set up Antonio Hospital that was specifically for

high-class people. Not only the environment was good, but the doctors in the hospitals were also

experts from all over the world.

“Just trust me,” Antonio said with some hesitation, “Catherine, I don’t know what happened exactly

between you and Anderson that year, but you have excessive concerns with troubles in your mind now.

You should find a trustworthy person to talk to. If you trust me, you can also find me and talk to me

about it. I assure you that this will be a secret between us.”

Catherine twitched her lips and still did not dare to ask him how was her mother when he saw her

mother at that time.

‘It’s okay. It’s okay to talk about it later since you haven’t thought about it.” Antonio smiled and hugged

Catherine, “The person by the name of Catherine I knew in the past was not a coward. She had always

been brave.”

“What are you guys doing?” Anderson’s voice that crackled with anger came from the doorway. If the

coldness on his face could be turned into a real weapon, Catherine and Antonio would probably die

several times now.

Antonio did not care and just shrugged his shoulders at Anderson. He spoke while smiling friendly, “I’m

just comforting my old friend.”

Catherine did not look at Anderson.

The nurse had already finished injecting. Antonio checked Sophia’s body again before leaving with the

nurse. When he left, he said to Catherine, “You can come to my office anytime if you encounter

anything, I’ll wait for you.”

Seeing this, Anderson was boiling with rage. He gazed at Catherine coldly and used his fingers to clasp

her jaw. His lips slightly curled, “Your ability to seduce others these years is getting better and better.”

“I’m still not as good as you.” Catherine moved away from him.

When she saw Anderson now, every part of her body was showing an aversion to him, “Does Mr. Clark

have any matter?”

The more her aversion was, the more Anderson’s wicked sense of humour was. He moved closer to

Catherine, “Il come to see my child.”

“They didn’t have a father a few years ago, so they also don’t need a father now.” Anderson sat

leisurely on the sofa with his long legs crossed, “I think Sophia doesn’t think that way.”

For Catherine, every second of staying in the same place with him was a torment to her. She simply

ignored him and stayed beside Sophia, looking at the drip bottle.

Fortunately, Anderson did not stay in the hospital for long. He left after Joshua called him.

When he left, he clasped her jaw with a cold expression and made her body leaned against the

window, “Catherine! You should know that you’re now the mother of your children. Don’t go around to

flirt with others and make my children think that their mother is a promiscuous woman of loose morals!”

A promiscuous woman of loose morals?

So, this was surprisingly what his impression about her was. Catherine laughed.

She felt that she had improved a lot when facing Anderson as this kind of humiliation could not harm

her anymore.

Sophia’s condition was getting better very quickly. The day that she could be discharged from the

hospital was around the comer.

On the day of being discharged from the hospital, Madison and Bentley came very early with a few

bodyguards. It seemed that they were afraid that Catherine would secretly bring the children away.

Seeing this, Catherine had a self-deprecating smile. Under the power of the Clark family, where could

she take her children to? She could not keep hiding from them for the rest of her life.

“Mommy, I want to go home.” When Sophia saw a group of bodyguards, she hid beside Catherine in


“Doesn’t Sophia miss your dad? Grandma will ask your dad to take you to Disneyland.” Madison smiled


Sophia said hesitantly, “Can’t both Mommy and Daddy accompany me to go?”

“Your mommy is very busy with work,” Madison looked up at Catherine and said while smiling, “Am I

right, Catherine?” Catherine remained silent and felt very sarcastic.

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“Then I won’t go to Disneyland.” Sophia bit her lips and embraced Catherine’s laps, saying, “I’ll go

when both Mom and Dad are free.”

The smile on Madison’s face stiffened. She asked the bodyguard beside her to grab Sophia.

Watching this scene, Lincoln secretly took Catherine’s phone and hid in the washroom.

When Lincoln called him, Anderson was dealing with some old guys. His heart was smouldering in

resentment towards Owen.

When he heard the phone ringing, he answered the call without even looking at it.


‘This is Lincoln.”

Hearing Lincoln’s voice, a trace of surprise flashed in Anderson’s eyes, “What’s wrong?”

‘ll stay in the Clark family. You let Sophia and Mommy leave.” Lincoln’s calm voice was apparently


Anderson’s lips curled and he felt quite interesting. He lazily played with the pen in his hand, “Why

should I promise you?”

“If Sophia isn’t with Mommy, she will continue to refuse to eat and this will let her get sick again. So, I’ll

go with you. Let Sophia and Mommy leave. Anyway, you guys don’t care about Sophia, right?”

Lincoln was full of confidence. He knew it early when he was in the Clark family. The members of the

Clark family cared more about boys. The reason they pleased Sophia was just that it was easier to

coax Sophia, who could hold him back.

Anderson smiled even more. His son was really as arrogant as him! But at a young age, it was not

possible for him to win his father. Anderson’s eyes narrowed, “What if I don’t promise you?”

Lincoln bit his lips and a trace of blood soon oozed out of his delicate lips. Since Mommy met this man,

she was not in the right state. That day, he saw a serious injury on Mommy’s neck. It was surely

caused by Anderson. Mommy and Sophia had already suffered a lot so he wanted to protect Mommy

and his sister.

“As long as you let Sophia and Mommy leave, I assure you that I’ll stay in the Clark family obediently

and I’ll never contact Mommy again. You can transfer me to another school or you can change my

domicile and my name, whatever Mr. Clark wants to do.” Lincoln’s tone was very domineering with

unquestionable certainty. But, his eyes secretly turned watery.

Anderson sneered. He was still so domineering although it was already up to this point? “Call me dad.”

The only thing that responded to Anderson on the other side of the phone was silence.

A bolt of lightning flashed in Anderson’s eyes. His tone was slow and the smiles on his face became

more evil and wicked, “Lincoln, is this your sincerity?”