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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25

Elysia stepped back, immediately greeted by the mouthwatering aroma of home-cooking.

Emmett was standing on a stool by the kitchen counter, carefully stirring a pan of scrambled eggs.

She watched her son’s small figure bustling about the kitchen and felt a mix of heartache and pride. The kid

always had a way of warming her heart.

After blowing off ssteam earlier, she felt much more at ease. The divorce hadn't gone through, but the

anger had subsided.

“Hey, Emmett,” Elysia greeted him with a cheery smile.

Emmett turned around, his face lighting up at the sight of her. “Hey, Mommy!”

Elysia washed her hands. “Go play. Let Mommy take over.”

“No need, it's all ready,” Emmett insisted. “Go sit at the table; let's have lunch!”

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He spoke as he swiftly turned off the stove and scooped the fluffy eggs onto a plate. It looked absolutely


Hearing the commotion, Elliot and Evan also emerged, rushing over and chorusing a greeting to their mother.

Elysia looked at them with tender affection, the earlier frustrations vanishing like morning mist. All that remained

was the warm glow of love.

“Is everything sorted with your stuff, Mommy?” Elliot asked.

Elysia shook her head with a wry smile. ‘Not yet, sweetie. Looks like we'll be staying in Jindale City a li

“Why not?”

while longer.”

“The person | needed to see is out of town on business. Can’t do anything until he gets back.” She hadn't told

the kids that she was in town to finalize divorce papers with Tarquin. Shel didn’t want them to be aware of his

existence or the past events.

Kids should just enjoy a carefree, healthy growth; they didn’t need the burden of adult troubles.

“Alright, no need for you guys to worry about my stuff. Let's eat!”


After lunch, the three kids took their afternoon nap, and Elysia sat on the bed counting her money. All in all, she

had less than ten grand to her name. They needed to pay for the hotel. and food, and her boys were growing -

they couldn't live on bread and water. Fruits,

Chapter 25

vegetables, milk, and meat were essentials. Tallying up the expenses for a family of four was no small feat, and

her funds wouldn't stretch far.

Being broke made her anxious. She felt it was best to find a part-tjob, preferably with daily pay. After all, she

couldn't just wait until she was down to her last penny, could she?

But in an age where qualifications and certifications were king, her lack of both made finding a job she liked


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Elysia sighed. Whenever she hit this wall, she’d remember the good university she'd been accepted into and how

life had taken such a drastic turn. It was a past she preferred not to dwell on.

After scouring LinkedIn without finding anything appealing, she decided to settle for a job that paid well.

Bartending cout on top - with a daily rate of $380 plus a 2% commission, it was lucrative work.

Though she wasn’t fond of the bar scene, the thought of the money made her relent.

Promptly at 7 PM, Elysia showed up at Blissful Uncle’s Bar, the city’s most opulent watering hole and a veritable

gold mine.

The crowd here was either loaded or influential. Despite having to wear a slightly revealing black dress and high

heels she detested, she found the job tolerable.

In just over an hour, she had sold three bottles of pricey liquor, each fetching upwards of two grand, which

meant her commission was already over a hundred dollars.

In this society, looks could be as important as qualifications. Elysia was a natural - beautiful, with a great figure

and a pleasant voice; even her hands were exceptionally attractive.

Listening to her talk and watching her pour drinks was a treat, making her quite popular at Blissful Uncle's.

However, beauty could be a double-edged sword