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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24


“Yeah, Corbin just had an episode and bolted from the hospital. He was making a scene out on the street, crying

and causing a ruckus, totally out of control. It was that girl who calmed him down.

And when she left, she even wrote a prescription for the Dentons, with all sorts of calming and restorative

remedies. She must know a thing or two about medicine.

Think about it: a kind-hearted, loving, drop-dead gorgeous woman with medical knowledge to boot. Sounds

perfect for our Elijah, don’t you think?”

Tarquin knew Corbin as his good friend, Keaton Huber’s nephew,

After a kidnapping two years ago, Corbin had been left with psychological scars and bipolar disorder, with

episodes not unlike those of Elijah.

The idea of someone with medical knowledge piqued Tarquin’s interest. Elijah often hurt himself during his fits of

rage. If Elijah’s caregiver understood medicine, that could only be a good thing.

“Tarquin, we got the surveillance footage, and it's-it’s...”

Tarquin snatched the tablet from Lowell's hands and glanced at it, his face darkening,

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“Her? No way!”

Benjamin leaned in closer,

“Yep, it’s her! Look at how she managed to soothe Corbin without any sedatives. Don’t think she’s just pacifying

a crying kid. Corbin was in the middle of an episode. If I'm not mistaken, she must be versed in child psychology;

otherwise, she couldn't have calmed him down so effortlessly. What an outstanding woman!

It's just a uamn shnot knowing which lowlife snatched her away. It’s just inhuman! If we catch the guy, he’s

gonna learn his lesson.”

Tarquin pursed his lips and turned to Benjamin, speechless.

Lowell, standing to the side, interjected quietly, “Dr. Benjamin, the one who snatched her away is Tarquin


“Huh?” Benjamin's eyes widened in shock.

Lowell shifted awkwardly.

Realization dawned on Benjamin, “Oh, it was you! You're the scoundrel? Why on earth would you snatch her off

the street? You two don’t have sfeud, do you?”

Lowell murmured, “Tarquin just threw her in the slammer, even planned to starve her for three




Benjamin was livid, “That's crazy! Why would you mess with the poor girl? Release her Inmediately, and

apologize. Who knows, she might be Elijah’s savior.”

Tarquin brooded with a stormy expression.

The incident with Corbin had him overthinking again.

Was it all a setup by her to get close to him and Elijah, a play put on for his benefit?

After all, since this woman showed up, there had been a string of unusual events. She was definitely not as

simple as she seemed.

After a moment of silence, Tarquin said to Lowell, “Let her go.”

“And then what?”

“Nothing else.”

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Lowell was surprised. “Not even take her back to see Elijah?”

“Not for now.” Tarquin’s face was inscrutable.

He needed to observe her further. If she was indeed scheming to get close to him, letting her go would surely

make her try another approach.

She had a record, and he couldn't risk bringing her to Elijah unverified.

A slight against him was one thing, but what if she harmed Elijah?

Before he could bring her to Elijah’s side, he had to be certain of her intentions.

Meanwhile, as Elysia was dropped off at the curb near the police station and watched the car drive away, she

was baffled.

What was going on?

Had Tarquin realized she was his wife and got scared?

It seemed that despite being the black sheep of the prestigious Bradford family, Tarquin’s nstill carried

weight. The Bradfords were the top dogs in Jindale City; their influence was undeniable.

Elysia didn’t dwell on it. She quickly hailed a cab and sped away from the police station. The last thing she

wanted was to be locked up and kept away from her kids.
