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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 121
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Chapter 121 [MIA] Softer hands than Alex's stranglein a hug before I open my eyes. My stranger danger must be lacking, because I just snuggle more into my pillow, trying to bury my head further.

I did not want to wake up.

It's not like I had much to do any way, except stay locked in a room and binge read a book.

"Mia! Get up!" A familiar voice giggles in my ear, and a kiss is placed on my cheek.


My eyes fling open and I straighten up on the bed the very next moment, tossing the little girl off me.

"Oh, God! Jenny!" Fear consumes me, "What're you doing here?" The panic that sets in my veins is immediate.

"You didn't miss me?" She pouts, tears filling in her eyes. "It's been two months. I was alone." Guilt flashes in my eyes. "Of course I miss you," I collect the seven year old in my arms, squeezing her as tight as I could without hurting her. "Jenny, you can't be here. If Alex finds out.." "Alex..." She blinks, "Oh, you mean the scary man?" Twas dumbfounded. "You-You- What?" "He was the one who cto getfrom the hospital. He said we would surprise you." My heart drops so fast. Alex knew about Jenny. Did he find out after I told him about Alina? Running background check on my story is something I wouldn't put against him. Or did he knew about Jenny all along? "Jenny," I gulp. “The hospital let you go?" "The scary man told my doctor if he doesn't letgo, scary man will put the doctor in my hospital bed." She giggles, finding it funny.

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Anxiety consumes me.

Alex knew about Jenny.

Alex knew about Jenny.

Alex knew.

"Where is- Where is he?" I ask, and she points to the open door of my room.

"Come, sweetheart." I give her my hand and she holds it begrudgingly, still mad at the fact I hadn't visited her since two months. I promise to make it up to her with loads of cupcakes, and the sugar monster agrees as we make our way out and to the man in question.

1/3 OX ReelShort RealShort R Will your mate abandon you when he 4.4★ FREE discovers who you really are Google Play INSTALL Chapter 121 Jenny leaves my hand almost immediately when we reach downstairs, running to Alex and hugging his leg. She was shorter and smaller than most kids of her age due to her medical problems, reaching just up to his waist.

"Off, kid." Alex wriggles like a demon had latched onto him.

I hide a smile, it not reaching anywhere near my eyes.

"Jen," I call her off and she leaves him with a grin.

"Scary man boughtso many toys. Can I show them to you?" "Of course," I smile at her, and she runs off.

Alex's eyes meet mine, and I freeze.

"So," His smile is smug. "Surprised?" I didn't know what to make off this. Was it a good gesture? "I- How did you know?" I mumble.

"What? That you're a liar?" He mocked, "Call it instinct." "About Jenny." "Mia, the Mafia runs by my orders and strategies. Seeing through people is sort of my job. Did you really think I wouldn't be able to figure out your secret? A poorly kept one at that." There was a maniacal darkness in his eyes, one that resembled the man I had first met more than the one who was in my room last night. "The only shis I couldn't do it sooner. I would have, in the first week itself, if I wasn't so fucking consumed by you." I gulp while he walks closer to me. “So?" He asks again, the psychotic grin making its way to his mouth. "Surprised?" Fear twitches at my insides, tearing it into a hundred pieces. "Are you," My voice is a broken whisper, "Are you going to hurt Jenny?" "Depends." My heart drops. "Depends on what?" "Will you marry?" I gasp, oxygen suddenly feeling short. He did not just say that. He did not just say that. He did not. "Alex," Tears fill my eyes. "Will you hurt Jenny if I don't marry you?" "If I have to." He tilts his head. "I asked you to not test my limits, Mia. And guess what? You did exactly that." The tears fall. "You're a monster!" "Your monster." "Alex," I plead. "Please don't do this."

"I am not even doing anything, baby." His eyes were dark. This is who he always was, and always will be. A N cold, nefarious monster. A man who lies and threatens and crosses any limit to get what he wants. 17:33 Sat, 6 Jul Chapter 121 And the thing that he wants happens to be me.

"But you will? If I don't marry you, you will hurt Jen?" I asked, hating the hope I still had.

"A lot." He nonchalantly replied. "Starting with Bakshi's hospital refusing medical care." "You can't do that." +5

"But I can." There was a twitch in his eyes, as if he was enjoying this. ill be soon to m "Other hospitals will follow.

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ollow. Ndon't have to remind you what will happen to Jenny's small, compact, helpless lungs if she doesn't return to the ventilator for her evening oxygen dose, do I?" My vision blurs from the tears clouding them.

His nature, his world, he had turnedon once. That was when bm watched him threaten the world to keepsafe. Being at the receiving end of it? It was makinghateful.

I sniff. "You won't send her back to the hospital if I don't say yes." More of an accusation than a fact.

"You will watch her lungs give out right here, in front of you, she'll die in your-" His words pause when I slap him with as much strength I could assemble and his face tilts the other side. When he looks back at me, I assthere to be anger. Retaliation.

There was nothing of that sort.

He puts his hand around my waist, pullingto himself. I gasp when I feel his erection rub against my lower abdomen.

"Save the freakiness for the bedroom, Mrs." He smirks.

His black eyes were monstrous and soulless when they locked with mine, and I questioned how I could have fallen in love with them.