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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1822
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Chapter 1822 Hard To Hold Back

“Will we be separated after we go back to Chanaea, Gaspar?” Anna was experiencing a mild headache as she stared at Gaspar.

She didn’t expect that her father and Abigail would want to travel to Chanaea too. What a coincidence.

“I'm only going to stay in Chanaea for a few days. You can leave withwhen the tcomes.” After spending twith her for a

few days, he felt that she was too pure and too cute. It made him want to protect her under his figurative wings.

When she heard that, her eyes sparkled. She thought they would be forced to separate after arriving at Chanaea and didn’t expect

that he would only be staying for a few days. In that case, once he leaves, I'll be able to follow him. | won't need to live under

Daddy's watchful eyes anymore!

“You're so cool, Gaspar!” Anna said as she hugged Gaspar’s neck with both her arms and kissed his lips. Following along with her

moves, he held the back of her head and kissed back. It wasn’t until she almost had trouble breathing that he let her go. He stared

at her red cheeks and swollen lips before pulling her into his embrace and gazing at the scenery in the distance.

Before he met her, he hated kissing a lot. That was why he would avoid kissing women whenever he bedded them. However, ever

since he met Anna, he realized that not only did he not hate her kisses, he even looked forward to kissing her somehow.

At night, when Vinson returned home, Susanne was already sleeping as usual.

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When Arielle heard the footsteps from upstairs, she knew he had returned. Immediately, she covered her body with the blanket,

leaving only her head outside of it, and stared at her phone.

After Vinson entered the bedroom, he spoke to her briefly before going into the bathroom. When he emerged from the bathroom,

he saw her drinking water by the table. His body promptly experienced changes.

“Sannie...” There was a touch of resignation in his voice. It would've been fine if she was just drinking water, yet she was wearing a

black erotic outfit that made it difficult for him to hold back his urges.

“What's the matter?” Arielle pretended as if she didn’t know anything as she turned to face him.

While she appeared calm, she was panicking inside.

That outfit was something she bought after she read a response to an online post. Her purpose for doing so was quite obvious.

Hmm, Vinson’s already looking excited!

Staring at Arielle, who was still playing dumb, he strode toward her. Then he pressed her against the table before holding her waist

with both of his hands. Sexual desire filled his eyes as he stared at her deeply. “Are you seducing me?”

“Hmph!” She put the empty cup on the table. “Who's seducing you? | wear this outfit because it makesfeel cool.” Then her

eyes narrowed at him. “I only changed my nightie. Why did you...”

Vinson was on the verge of laughing from anger. What does she mean by “only changing her outfit?” Does she think | don’t know

the purpose of that nightie?

Instead of listening to her nonsense, he lowered his head and kissed her lips. His hands swiftly removed her clothes before he

further lowered his head and kissed her collarbone. Then he kept going downward...

After Arielle was showered with Vinson's kiss, he carried her to the bed and grabbed a condom. However, much like last time, she

stopped him.







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