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His Second Wife by Favor V April

Chapter 18
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~Christopher’s POV~

Today, I’m trying a lot of new stuff. I don’t drive SUVs, yet here I am traveling to school in this G-wagon,

trying to be a subservient spouse. I believe I am mentally ill. Claudia could not compel me to do

anything like this.

Could it be that I’ve never really loved her? I was just taking pleasure in the sex.

As I drove, I adjusted my tie, trying to think clearly.

This girl made me perspire. If I ever fall in love with Camille, I vow she’ll be the one wearing pants in

our relationship. Camille is a no-go area.

Today, I’ve made a fool of myself. I drove Liam to school and I am also picking him up for the very first

time in my life. I’ve never dropped or picked up this boy before in my life.

What makes that girl so unique? She has me wrapped around her little finger.

I’m at school, like any good parent should be, waiting for my kid. Fuck! I resent the attention. I slipped

on my sunglasses as I waited for my son’s arrival.

A woman led Liam outside, attempting to strike a conversation with me.

“It’s a pleasure to have you here today, Mr. Grayston.”

She stretched out her hand to shake me. I was already enraged by my idiotic acts. When I saw the lady

reaching out to shake my hand, I stuffed both of my hands inside my pocket. I really don’t have time for


“Save all that for my wife. I didn’t come here for greetings.” I howled like a mad wolf. Hell! I’m pissed.

I got inside the car and drove away. Liam was engrossed in his iPad while we were on our way to the

rink, not even glancing at me, he didn’t even ask me the whereabouts of his mother. The trip was quiet,

with two arrogant individuals crammed into a single vehicle. Arriving at the stupid ice rink, he got out of

the car and made his way to where he does his training. I was continually glancing at my wristwatch. I

noticed that Liam was done,

“ Let’s go.” I yipped.

“I am not done.” With a hard gaze, he growled back. I couldn’t believe that my son was as frigid as I

was. He changed into his soccer shirt and boots and walked out on me and made his way to the soccer

field to play. The soccer field was just next to the rink. I was so fucking angry, I was supposed to be

making money and here I am, watching soccer and that. I’m going to go grocery shopping. Who wears

pants? Camille or I?. An hour later, Liam was done with his soccer practice. Now, I am happy to get off

this soccer field.

“I completed all of my tasks today, and now I’m ready for my reward.”

“What!” I barked. The boy did not flinch.

“My ice cream.” He said, I muttered a curse under my breath.

“Where can I find the shop?”

“You’ve got to go back.”

Right inside my skull, the only thing I was shouting was,

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“fuck, fuck.”

Cursing myself for consenting to such folly. I couldn’t believe I was now going to spend my money on

ice cream rather than generating millions or rather billions, come to think of it, I fucking postponed an

important meeting because I hated the idea of anyone looking at my wife’s sinful body. Hell, I will have

to warn her not to dress sexy. Here, I am standing at an ice cream shop. Liam wanted a bigger cup. I

feel like that ice cream is too big for him and he might catch a cold, but then, Madam’s orders, so I

bought the ice cream and we then headed to the mall for groceries. Journalists spotted me grocery

shopping while pushing a shopping trolley and holding the stupid shopping list. I purchased everything

on the damn list and returned home. I took my anger out on Robin. I yelled angrily at him to help me

take all the items from the vehicle. I then followed Liam inside. As we entered the house, Camille was

busy reading a magazine. She saw what Liam was holding and went and took the cup of ice cream

from him and came up to me.

“What is the meaning of this?”

I had no idea what she was talking about. I looked at Liam, but the kid just shrugged and walked

upstairs. I couldn’t believe I’d been duped by a 4-year-old. I can’t even believe that I even had to turn

my fucking car around to buy the fucking ice cream. I stood in front of Camille, stunned that my own

son had done such a thing and now I will have to face the angry lioness. Practically, Liam left me alone

to explain a cup of ice cream that I didn’t even lick.

What an arrogant, crafty scoundrel you are, Liam.

I was dragged back to reality as I heard Camila’s fingers cracking.

“Camille, listen,” shit I sound like a little mouse caught in the act, “Liam said you buy him ice cream

when he finishes both practices, so I did.” I fucking sound like a child.

“Are you listening to yourself, Chris, you have been duped by a four-year-old. Is that what you’re trying

to say? If you ever buy this enormous cup of ice cream again, you will never be able to lift my kid.” I did

not nudge; I just went ahead and ascended. When I walked back, Camila was already preparing


“Don’t bother waiting for me. I’m going to be late.” I said to her, not even giving her room to say

anything because she knew I was going to fuck. I don’t fucking need to say it out loud.

~Claudia’s POV~

“I’ve been keeping an eye on Chris and his petite épouse. He’s falling in love, I believe.”

“What do you mean, he’s infatuated?” I was adamant. Her remarks made no sense to me. Christopher

was insanely in love with me and pledged never to fall in love with anybody else. When I inflicted so

much pain on him, I knew he still loved me. He used to regard me as if I were the only woman in the


“He is infatuated with the woman he married. She may be a young child, but it seems as if she has him

wrapped around her fingers.” I came to a complete stop and whirled around to face her.

“Married? Does Chris have a wife?”

“I assumed you knew Claudia. He’s been married to her for a long time. His wife is the most beautiful

girl I have ever seen, yet she is just an adolescent girl.”

“How long have I been away? My husband divorced and remarried. And I didn’t know anything about it.

That guy was unable to tolerate the sight of another woman. I thought you said he was fucking around?

How did he get married? Life was more enjoyable while he was fucking prostitutes since I knew he

would ask me to return, but he married. Who exactly is she?”

“A beautiful young woman, about twenty years old, or younger. I’m just aware that she is Mrs.

Grayston. I like the girl, she is good to Liam. Chris started doing things he had never done with you. I

heard two months ago that he took over the whole Roberson empire because Jack Roberson was

lusting over his wife in front of him.”

“What did he do?”

“It is alleged that he instructed him to apologize in one minute for eye-fucking his wife, but Jack went

and apologized after five minutes. For the next few minutes, he was busy thinking he didn’t know that

Chris had already bought the entire empire. I’m not sure what’s going on with him and his wife, since

he’s always fucking hookers around daily.”

After hearing what Chris did for another woman who was not me, my chest ached. He has never done

such a thing to me. Who is the woman he married? How did he manage to forget about me so fast, as

if I didn’t exist? My luggage was swiftly packed. I am going back to that house. That house is mine!

~Camila’s POV~

I could tell by the clicks I heard outside that the person was trying out a lot of keys.

I then requested that one of the helpers check to see who was at the door. When the helper opened the

door, a woman shoved the helper aside and pulled herself inside the villa.

“Who had the audacity to alter my locks?” The woman yelled as she walked in. Nobody responded. I’m

not sure why, but my blood began to boil.

“Hey, you take this to my bedroom and my husband’s.” That is what she said, pointing towards Robin.

“I’m very sorry, Claudia; as you can see, the locks have been changed; the present Mrs. Grayston now

owns this residence. And I am unable to show you the master’s bedroom since it is shared by the

master and his new wife. As his ex-wife, I would encourage you to wait for him to return.”

“So she is the ex-wife.”I saw the woman carrying her belongings to my and Chris’ bedroom. Robin

glanced at me. I gave him a head shake, indicating that he should leave her alone. I’m not going to

spend my efforts conversing with her. She approached the table and sat with us. She helped herself.

Liam and I walked away from the table. She was now dining alone. She did not speak to me; instead,

she came to my home, which was once hers but is now mine, and began making demands. I escorted

Liam to his room, read him a bedtime story, and then returned to mine. I snatched up my bathrobe and

laptop and made my way to the guest room. I really had the urge to remain in this room and see what

Chris would do when he comes back to his room and was greeted by his ex-wife and his wife in the

same bedroom. I brushed the thought away and showered and then put on my panties and bra. I put

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on my bathrobe and headed to the cellar. Since Chris and I married, the cellar has become a friend.

Alcohol is the only thing that comprehends the magnitude of the burden I bear at my age. I grabbed a

glass and went back to the guest room. I was drinking and cheering for my perfect life.

~Christopher’s POV~

I opened the door to my bedroom. My biggest horror awaited me. Claudia was dressed in lingerie and

posed in the center of my bed.

Where the fuck is my wife?

“Where is my wife, and why are you in the bed that was meant to be mine and my wife’s?”

“We are both aware that you are not fucking that child, so please quit behaving as if she is your wife.

You already have an odor of sex. So it is true, after all, you married her but you cannot touch her.”

She rolled on my bed. There is no point in standing here and arguing with this horrible woman; I need

to locate my wife. Camille, I’m sure, left the room for her since she was averse to fighting. I swear, in

the few times I spent with that girl, I learned how she thinks, and right now I know she left because she

doesn’t know the relationship Claudia and I have. I really understand because I refused to tell her what

transpired between me and Claudia. I hope she doesn’t think less of herself because of this.

“Robin, what room is my wife in?”

“The last chamber on the left.”

There was no lock on the door. I walked into the bathroom and showered. If she smells someone on

me, I’m certain we’re going to fight. She has no objection to me fucking anyone, but she despises the

traces. I’m sure she’s aware I fucked someone, but because there are no headlines and I took a

shower before speaking with her, we’re not going to quarrel. She remained by the window, sipping her

wine and gazing at the stars. I’m not sure what overcame me, but I held her from behind. She did not

attempt to push me away. Claudia was standing at the door, peeking inside the room, but she stepped

aside when she saw me holding Camille from behind.

“What are your plans for Liam’s mother?”

“I’m unsure at the moment.” She turned and locked her gaze on me, determined. My wife Camille, I

love her when she stares at me with such wrath in her eyes. It’s seductive.

“While you’re debating what to do, make certain she stays the fuck away from my kid; if you want to

fuck her, fuck her; but no one, absolutely no one, should touch my baby.”

I could see the terror in her eyes when she said it, and I knew she meant it. Liam was the center of her

universe. I noticed her tears begin to pour. I wiped the tears from her eyes and reassured her.

“No one, Camille, not even I, will ever take your son away from you.” Her expression relaxed, and she

wrapped her arms around me.

“If you want her, that is OK, but keep her away from my son. I will slay her if she dares.”

I arched my brows. I could sense her fear. I know that our marriage is more akin to a roommate

relationship, but this is one thing I will never take away from her. Camille loves Liam in a way that

Claudia does not. If the worst-case scenario occurs, I’d rather lose Liam to Camille than to that terrible
