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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 455
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S31 198. About to Give Birth

“Hello, Brandon. Welcto our event,” Louis shook his classmate’s


“Hello, Louis. Happy birthday. | hope you live a long and healthy life,” the blonde boy said, occasionally glancing

at Emily.

“Thank you, Brandon. Did you calone?”

Brandon nodded. “Yes, my parents had to attend another event. So, only the driver tookhere.”

After one blink, Brandon offered his hand to Emily. “Happy birthday too, Emily. You're so beautiful tonight.”

Emily shook Brandon’s hand with a sweet smile. “Thanks, Brandon. You also look cool tonight. The jacket suits


Brandon blushed. His lips twitched to suppress the excitement in his


“Thank you, Emily. | deliberately asked my mother to look for the best outfit. | want to look cool at this event.

“Your mom has a good sense of fashion,” Emily nodded before glancing to the side. “Louis, | think you should try

a regular tie like Brandon. You're five years old. It's tfor you to leave that bow tie behind. You should try

something different.”

Brandon nodded quickly. “Yes, Emily is right. A tie like this makes us look more mature, Louis.”

Hearing that suggestion, Louis’ lips pursed. His hand rose, grasping the black ribbon under his chin.

“But this is my favorite tie. Mom bought it when she got her first



bonus. And | think a bow tie is cooler than a regular tie. It's classier because adults only wear it when attending


“If that’s the reason, it’s okay, Louis. Everyone has unique tastes. The important thing is that you are

comfortable and happy.” Emily patted Louis’ shoulder. “Oh, your tie is crooked.”

While Emily fixed Louis’ tie, Brandon didn’t blink at her. The greater Brandon’s admiration for Emily, the redder

his cheeks became.

Silently, Brandon shifted the tie around his neck.

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“Emily, is my tie crooked?” he asked when Emily finished straightening Louis’ tie.

Emily stared wide-eyed at Brandon's tie, which almost reached his shoulders. Beside him, Louis was laughing.

“Brandon must have twisted his tie on purpose so you would fix it.”

Brandon gasped at the accurate guess. “No. | think my tie is askew because | was wiping sweat earlier. | wasn’t


“Sorry, Brandon. I've never worn that adult tie before, so | don’t know how to fix it. Maybe you could turn it to

the front. At least it will stay straight with the buttons on your shirt.” Emily nodded slowly.

Brandon's lips curved downwards. With a languid movement, he rewound his tie. “Is it straight?”


Emily reached out, giving Brandon's tie a light nudge. In an instant, the boy’s face becbrighter than a 100

watt lamp.

“Thank you, Emily!” Brandon exclaimed while holding his breath. He didn’t want the pleasure to escape through

his lungs.

“You're welcome, Brandon,” Emily said lightly. “Louis, what if we ask Daddy and Mommy to teach us how to wear

ties? When we become



businessmen, we will often wear ties.”

“Do women wear ties too? I've never seen them in the office.” Louis tilted his head.

“I'll make it a trend later. You'll see. When | wear ties when | grow up, other women will be inspired. They'll want

to buy ties by designer Emily Harper.”

“Emily, you're so cool!” Brandon gave two thumbs up.

Emily covered her laughter with her hands. “Thank you, Brandon.”

Still with sparkling eyes, Brandon took out his phone. “Emily, let's take a photo together. I'll save it in my best

photo album.”

Louis lowered an eyebrow. “Just the two of you? | wasn’t invited?”

Brandon grimaced. “Okay, three of us, but Emily is standing in the middle. She's a girl.”

“That's a great idea. Let's ask someone to take a photo of us!” Emily. looked around, searching for Philip. What a

coincidence, the uncle,

was Ww

towards them.

“Uncle!” Emily waved.

Louis did the same. “We want to take a photo with Brandon. Can you take our photo?”

Brandon extended his hand politely. Instead of taking the boy's

phone, Philip showed his own.

“Sorry, Brandon. We have to postpone that. Barbara just called me. Louis and Emily’s mother needs to be taken

to the hospital


The three kids widened their eyes. “What's wrong with Mommy?” Louis asked.



“She’s about to give birth.”

The twins’ mouths opened wide. “Russell is coming out? Where is Mommy now?”

At that moment, Barbara arrived in front of them. “Louis, Emily...."”

“Auntie, where is Mommy? How is she doing?”

Jeremy, Ava, and the others also approached.

“What's wrong, Philip? Why did you tell us to gather?”

“Did something serious happen?”

Philip glanced at Barbara. The woman took a deep breath.

“Kara is about to give birth. Frank and Wela are taking her to the hospital. Rony wants to follow. Who wants to go

with him?”

Everyone was wide-eyed. Only the Twins raised their hands quickly?

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“You're having a party, Twins. What about the guests if you go to the hospital?” Jeremy asked quietly.

The hands of the two toddlers went down. “But we want to see how

Russell comes out.”

“I think your uncle is right. It’s your birthday. The other guests and | will be sad if you leave us. You haven't even

blown out the candles, right?” Brandon put on a pitiful look.

The twins puffed out their cheeks together. They felt guilty because they had been selfish.

“Okay, we will not shirk responsibility.” Louis nodded firmly. “Let's


finish this event first. After that, we can go to the hospital.”

Emily moved her head. “Okay, let's blow out the candles now. Besides, it's about time. The guests have all


Jeremy and the others felt proud of the twins.

“Are you two okay? Aren’t you sad that your parents couldn’t blow out the candles?” Vivian inquired while

rubbing their little shoulders.

“We're okay, Mrs. Bell. We understand that this situation is against our will,” Emily said in her sweet voice.

“Then who wants to go with Rony? He's still waiting.” Barbara pointed to the exit.

“Grandma Susan! Mommy needs Grandma more than us.” Louis poked his chest with his thumb.

“Are you okay with Grandma not blowing out the candles?”

The twins nodded.

“We've celebrated our birthdays with Grandma for four years. This year, it's okay if Grandma doesn’t accompany

us to blow out the candles. But next year, Grandma has to be there. We'll celebrate our birthday with Russell.”

Susan hugged the twins. “Thank you, Louis, Emily. | am proud th you have such wise thoughts. Have fun at your

party, hmm? | will you know if Russell cout before you arrived.”

“Okay, Grandma.”

After Susan left, the twins rushed to continue the event. They sang and blew out candles together. After the

guests dispersed, they drove straight to the hospital where Russell would voice his first cry.