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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 419
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S31 162. A Very Beautiful Gift

“Good morning, All.” Jeremy entered the resort dining room with a happy face. Beside him, Ava greeted with a


“Uncle Jeremy! Auntie Ava!” the twins welcin unison. Their eyes reflected the light.

“Has Auntie Ava finished doing the test?” Louis asked.

“How did it go? Is there a baby in Aunt Ava’s stomach?” Emily brought her hands together and placed them next

to her cheek.

As the others prepared their ears, Ava and Jeremy exchanged glances. After a smile, the couple who were still

standing nodded in


“Yeah, we found two lines,” Jeremy sighed.

In an instant, sighs of relief filled the space. Vivian and Diana hugged, Frank and Kara exchanged smiles, while

the newlyweds wore jealous looks. Only the twins were unmoved, Blinking, they looked at their


“Mommy, do those two lines mean Ava is pregnant?” Louis tilted his


Kara nodded. “Yes, Little Bee. Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Ava will give little cousin soon.”

Louis and Emily’s jaws dropped. After reading the joy in each other eyes, their laughter warmed the air. They got

out of their chairs and hugged Ava.

“We know the results will definitely be positive. Our hunch is strong! Welcome, Baby Cousin!” Emily stroked Ava

with her chubby cheek. Louis followed.

Smiling sweetly, Ava stroked the heads of the two toddlers who were leaning on her hips. “Thank you, Twins.”

“You're welcome, Auntie.”

After the twins got out of the way, Vivian ambushed Ava with a hug. ” Oh, my future daughter-in-law! Thank you

for givingsuch a beautiful gift. Take care of your health, hmm? Givea grandchild who is healthy and

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smart like Louis and Emily.”

Ava patted Vivian's back “Amen. Pray for us, Mom.”


Then, one by one, they took turns congratulating Ava and Jeremy. The atmosphere was so cheerful and full of

hope. However, when it was Mrs. Connor's turn, the air suddenly froze. Everyone was silent,

watching what she was going to say.

“Ava ...."” Mrs Connor walked slowly towards her daughter. When Ava

held her elbows, her hands immediately grabbed Ava’s shoulders.

“It feels like it’s only been a while since | treated you right. It turns out now, we have to separate?”

Ava frowned. “Why did you say that, Mom?”

“Soon, you will get married and have a child. Your attention will be

focused on them.”

“But | will still pay attention to you. I'm still your daughter,” Ava interrupted gently.

Mrs. Connor smiled wryly. “But it won't be the same. You no longer fully belong to me. You belong to your future

husband and child.”

Ava pulled her lips inward. She didn’t dare argue. That was true. While holding back the emotion, she let her

mother stroke her hair.

“Sorry if | haven't loved you properly, Ava. Don’t follow me, hmm? Be a good mother to your child. A fair and

loving mother. Use your bad memories as a lesson.”

Ava furrowed her brows. The tremor in her heart had spread up to her chin. “You're a good mother, Mom.”

Mrs. Connor shook her head faintly. “No. You're a too good girl, Ava.”

While both of them hugged each other again, Emily pouted. One of her hands tugged at Kara's shirt.

“Will Mommy also cry when | have a child?” Her small voice was


Seeing tears gathering at the edges of her daughter's eyes, Kara sighed softly. “That's still a long tto go,

Little Angel.”

She lifted Emily on her lap. Frank helped her so that Emily wasn’t too heavy.

“Yes, it's still a long time, Princess. You don’t need to worry.”

“But it’s still going to happen, right, Daddy?” Emily's nose turned red.

Laughing a little, Kara kissed her chubby cheek. “Yes. Therefore, as long as we are still together, cherish every

second. Even the smallest moments are precious. Let's do more fun things from now on.”

While biting her lips to hold back tears, Emily nodded. Her cheeks looked plumper and cuter.

“I always appreciate every moment that passes, Mommy. It’s Louis who often complains. He says he wants to

grow up quickly.”

Realizing Emily’s finger was pointing at him, Louis widened his eyes.

“I just say it, Emily. It's an expression of annoyance because we are often forbidden from interfering in adult

matters. But deep in my

heart, | always enjoy every moment. Like yesterday's party and this breakfast.” Louis pointed his finger

downwards, poking the air.

Feeling amused, Frank lifted Louis onto his lap. “So, do you want to grow up quickly or not?”

Louis furrowed his brows, thinking. “No, | want tto just go on normally. That way, we can make lots of

memories together.”

Kara leaned to the side, kissing Louis’ cheek. “I am so proud of you.”

“We are also proud and happy to have wonderful parents like Mommy and Daddy.”

Then, Frank kissed Louis’ head, Emily’s, then Kara's lips. Witnessing that, Barbara smiled meaningfully.

“Our family will be as warm as theirs, right, Philip?” she whispered.

While grabbing her hand under the table, Philip nodded firmly. “Yes. Or maybe, warmer. Let's fill our

togetherness with smiles and laughter, hmm?”

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While Barbara nodded, Melanie cleared her throat. “So, have you decided where you will honeymoon?

Barbara turned her head. With a high arch of her eyebrows, she nodded. “We're not going to go on a long

honeymoon. Just rent a room at a beach resort. Philip has already spent a lot of money on our wedding and

renovating his apartment.”

“Our apartment, Babe,” Philip whispered affectionately.

“Sorry, | forgot. Our apartment.” Barbara looked at her mother again Our home.”

“Are you sure? A honeymoon is only once in a lifetime. You have to make it memorable. It will be one of the most

important memories in your life.”


smiled faintly. “Honeymoons can happen everywhere. What's important is that we both go have it together.”

While Melanie sighed in disbelief, Vivian chuckled lightly. “I think Barbara has changed a lot now. She's much

more mature and wiser.”

“Yes, Philip taughtmany things. One of them is about how to manage finances more wisely.”

“How about a honeymoon in Europe then?”

Everyone shifted their gazes to Jeremy in unison.

“Europe?” Barbara frowned.

Jeremy glanced to the side. Ava nodded silently. When he saw Vivian, his mother showed the sresponse.

“My mother gave Ava two tickets to Europe. Because Ava was pregnant, we planned to cancel it. But | think

there's another option! now. What if you guys take it?”

Barbara stared wide eyed. She glanced at Philip for a moment, before speaking again, “Isn't that a birthday

present from Mrs. Bell to Ava?”

“I don’t mind,” Ava smiled.

too. | actually gave Ava those tickets so she could have twith Jeremy and quickly givea grandchild.

That has ctrue.” Vivian

nodded her head.

“If you want, | can help you reschedule. It will be in the summer. you want to go this weekend, | don’t think it's a


Barbara exchanged another glance with Philip. “What do you th Baby?”