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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 328
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S31 71. Not an Accident

Jeremy glanced at Ava briefly. “I’m just judging from your

movements. Is my analysis correct? Is that what makes you a stiff woman?”

Ava’s breath came out quickly. “I regret coming to the airport with

you. I should have gone to the hospital myself.”

“Aren’t you afraid? Moore’s men are still after you.”

“You threaten me?”

Jeremy shook his head briefly. “I’m worried about your situation. You

act bravely without thinking about the consequences.”

Ava leaned her head against the back of the seat, snorting in annoyance. “You want to

bring up my decision to help Sophia some time ago?”


“Stop the car. I’m tired of hearing your judgment.”

Jeremy ignored her. He focused on the road. The light at the

intersection ahead showed green. If they’re stuck at a red light, Ava would definitely get


“I said stop the car. You don’t have to drive me to the hospital.”

Jeremy instead stepped on the gas.


Suddenly, something big hit them from the side. Window glass shattered. Some stuck into

their skin. While Ava gasped, Jeremy groaned, trying to control the wheel. However, their

car kept spinning as if the asphalt had turned slippery.



“Frank,” Kara entered the CEO’s room with a sweet smile, “Grandma just told me. They

have been called to board the plane. Everyone is safe.”

Frank leaned back, putting on a cheerful face. “Thank God. That

means my guess was right. The Moore wasn’t targeting Grandma.”

Kara nodded. “Now you can work peacefully, hmm?”

“I’m always in peace. It’s you who can now work peacefully.” Frank narrowed his eyes.

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Kara laughed lightly. “Okay. I admit I was a little worried. But now that I think about it,

maybe they don’t hold a grudge against us, right? Sophia herself was the one who was


Frank nodded with a stiff smile. “Yes, now focus on your work. You have nothing to worry

about anymore. Kids will also be safe at school.

After kissing Frank’s cheek and letting him kiss her forehead, Kara walked towards the

door. “If you need help, just call me.”


With a sincere curve of his lips, Frank watched his wife open and close the door. He was

relieved that Kara was no longer afraid.

However, when he was about to straighten his pen, his phone rang. The name that

appeared froze the air around him.


Frank’s eyes suddenly dimmed. “What’s wrong?”

“Frank,” the man’s voice was hoarse, “they’re starting to move. Be careful. I just wanted

to give you a warning.”


Frank’s eyebrows knitted tightly together. “What happened?”

“My mother… she’s in the emergency room right now. She fell down the stairs. But I have

a strong feeling that it wasn’t an accident.”

Frank swallowed bitterly. His lungs were full of various assumptions.” Okay, thank you for

informing me of this. I hope your mother recovers. quickly.”

Frank hung up the phone and hurried to call Philip. After asking him to increase his

vigilance, he contacted Jeremy. However, unlike usual,

his brother did not answer the call.

“Pick up my phone, Jeremy,” Frank sighed softly. His index finger tapped on the table non-


Losing patience, Frank finally opened an application. After typing a few letters, his eyes

were glued to the screen. Jeremy’s GPS point stopped in the middle of the intersection.

Frank waited a few

seconds, but the red color didn’t move. Instantly, cold sweat beaded

on the back of his neck.


“Ugh,” Jeremy groaned as he caught his breath. The crash felt like it was breaking his


With ringing ears, he failed to catch the ringing of his phone whic was lying near his feet.

His vision was blurry; he couldn’t see the panicked faces of the bodyguards who were

running towards his car

“Mr. Jeremy? Mr. Jeremy?”

Slowly, the mist in Jeremy’s eyes cleared. The voice of the bodyguard patting his shoulder

was detected.

“Mr. Jeremy? Is there any serious injury?”

Jeremy straightened his back from the backrest. The bodyguard

helped him unfasten his seat belt. However, when the guard was about to carry him out,

he dodged it.

“Wait. Ava?” Jeremy looked to the side. Seeing Ava’s eyes closed, his heart jumped even

higher. “Ava?”

Jeremy changed his sitting position so he could examine her. Apart from a cut from glass

shards on her hands and a bruise on her

temple, there were no other injuries. However, her lips were pale and her breathing was


“Ava? Ava?” Jeremy patted her shoulder. Getting no response, he got

out of the car himself.

“Have you called the ambulance and police?” Jeremy asked before opening the door next

to Ava.

“Yes, Sir.”

Carefully, Jeremy unbuckled Ava’s seat belt. Just as he was about to examine more closely,

her eyelids lifted. Seeing that, Jeremy breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thank God, you’re awake,” he muttered before grabbing Ava’s fingers. “Ava, can you

hear me?”

Ava moved her head slightly. Her blinking looked helpless. “Jeremy?

“Yes, it’s me. Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?”

Ava shook her head faintly. “Just my head is a little dizzy.”

“No broken bones?” Jeremy examined her hands and feet.

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Jeremy took a deep breath. “Okay, listen. I’ll move you to a safer place. Tell me if you’re in

pain, okay? Guard!”

One person immediately approached. While Jeremy held Ava’s upper

body, he held her legs. After placing Ava on the safer side, Jeremy surveyed the situation.

Traffic was now blocked. His car and the escort car on the shoulder of the road were

actually not that much of a barrier. However, the other car that hit them stopped in the

middle of the intersection.

“How is the driver’s condition?”

The bodyguard contacted his colleague via a small device attached to his ear.

“Sorry, Sir. When our team checked him, he was already lifeless. It looked like he was

having heart failure.”

Jeremy grimaced. His teeth were chattering, furious at the enemy’s cunning strategy that

was willing to sacrifice one life.

“They’re really heartless,” Jeremy muttered as he reached into his pocket. However,

realizing that his phone was not there, he let out a small snort. “Can you look for my

phone? I think it fell in the car.”

“It’s here, Sir.” A bodyguard ran from the direction of the car.

“Please keep an eye on Ava,” Jeremy ordered before reaching out, taking the phone.

There was a crack on the screen. However, it still worked. Three missed calls from Frank

were still displayed on the notification Without thinking, Jeremy called him back.


“Jeremy? What happened? Why did you stop at that intersection?”

Jeremy pinched the bridge of his nose. “You checked my GPS?”

“Yeah, Finnic called earlier. He warned us to be more careful because his mother just fell

down the stairs. He didn’t think it was a natural accident. So, what happened to you guys?

You’re okay, right?”

“A car hit us from the side. I’m okay. Ava seems to have minor

injuries. The car was badly damaged. But I think we still need to go to the hospital for

further checks.”

Frank’s heavy sigh was audible. “Okay, take good care of yourself,

Jer. Don’t let your guard down. Tell the guards to stay on guard near you.”

“Okay, then your plan?”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!