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Her Twin Pregnancy Turned The CEO Into A Wife Aholic

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30 Happiness Snatched from Her Hands “Get ready to pack your luggage. When I’m done with the documents, we’ll go to the airport.” Hearing

the order, Mason nodded and glanced at the clock. It was still early. He reminded, “Young Master

Greens, when we return to China, we will go to Ms. Armstrong for acupuncture as soon as possible.”

Lucas nodded. It was time to get treatment as soon as possible. Then, they rushed to the airport and

set off to return home. After getting off the plane, Lucas rubbed his temples. After more than ten hours

in the air, he was exhausted. When they left the airport, the Greens family’s driver was already waiting

there. When the driver saw Lucas, he bowed respectfully and said, “Young Master Greens, the

chairman said that you should attend the wedding ceremony of the young master of the Johnson

Group, Charles Johnson, at eight o’clock tonight.” Hearing this, Mason frowned and looked at his

watch. “Eight o’clock? It’s already six. We would have to go straight over now? Young Master Greens

has been tired for a week and needs to rest.” He was worried that Young Master Greens’ body would

not be able to take it. In his opinion, the top priority was to contact Ms. Armstrong first and treat the

young master.

The driver was a little embarrassed. He stared at Lucas and waited for his decision. Lucas looked at

the time and said, “We’ll go.” Mason had no choice but to nod.

The car drove to the wedding venue. At this time, in the banquet hall on the fourth floor of the Blue

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Whale International Hotel, there were many guests arriving. Among them, there were business people

of high society and there were also celebrities.

Today, the young master of the Johnson family and the young miss of the Armstrong family were going

to get married here. The marriage between the Johnson Group and the Armstrong Group was a grand


The scene was romantic and grand. The floor was made of luxurious white marble, the walls covered in

red silk, and the

crystal lights flickered with dazzling light. In the hall, on the huge screen, there was a short video of Mia

and Charles. William and Emma, all dressed up, stood at the door with Henry Johnson, Charles’father,

and his mother, Beth Osmond. They were all smiles. “Young Master Johnson, congratulations!”

The wedding guests all smiled and filed through, each giving their red envelopes. “Thank you”

Charles smiled and responded politely.

“I’m really happy that you can come to attend Mia and Charles’ wedding.”

Emma was polite. It was also Mia’s good fortune to be able to climb up to the Johnson family. With

more capital behind her, she would have better resources in the entertainment industry. “Mia is so

beautiful. She and our Charles are a perfect match. Oh right, where is Mia?” Beth Osmond added, she

hadn’t seen Mia this whole time. William replied, “She’s still changing upstairs, she’s a bit slow in these

kinds of matters. Mrs. Johnson, in the future, your Charles will have to be more tolerant of her.” Beth

smiled until her eyes curved. “We will be relatives in the future. After the wedding, Mia will be a

member of our family. We will definitely treat her well!” Both sides were very satisfied with this

marriage. In this way, the foundation of the Armstrong Group and the Johnson Group would be more


The flash of cameras and the clicking of lenses rose and fell. In addition to businessmen and

celebrities, there were also many media outlets gathered at the scene.

Mia was a rising star in the entertainment industry. She had already posted on Weibo about her

marriage. ‘The Marriage of Mia Armstrong and Charles Johnson’ had been a trending topic on Weibo

for 2 days already. “Young Master Johnson, can you share your feelings now?” “How did you get

together with Ms. Armstrong? Can you tell us the details?” The media reporters surrounded Charles

Johnson and asked him questions in succession. He answered politely. “I am very happy to be able to

marry Mia.”

In the bridal lounge upstairs, Mia had already dressed up. She was wearing a white wedding dress,

exquisite and beautiful. She looked at herself in the mirror with satisfaction. “How is it?” Her manager

and assistant stood at the side.

“Ms. Armstrong is so beautiful!” The assistant flattered her and touched her skirt. The texture was soft.

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“With your looks, what do you not look good in?” Mia slapped her assistant’s hand away in case she

dirtied the dress.

She smiled a perfect smile. “I think I look the best today.” Her manager, Amy, held her phone and said

as she looked at it, “Your fans are all blessing your marriage on your Weibo. This wedding is being

watched by everyone. You are now the most dazzling bride!”

Her assistant Ruth was envious. She really wanted to get married too. “Miss, Young Master Johnson is

really good to you. Look at the fresh flowers that were specially shipped back from abroad, as well as

the twelve-carat diamond wedding ring, the wedding dress that was custom-made half a year ago, and

was specially designed for you. Oh my god, you’re the most enviable bride in the world!”

Amy sighed, “Is this what it’s like to marry your soulmate?” She did not hide the jealousy in her words.

“Just think about it. If Charles was not good to me, who else would he spoil?”

Mia said as she raised her eyebrows. “Yes, yes, you are a blessed pair.” Amy rolled her eyes. Mia’s

eyes were filled with sweetness and pride. Such a good Charles would belong to her, and her alone in

the future. She had stolen everything from Emily. But what did that matter? It was her right! She should

have it all!

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