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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 57
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Chapter 57


Once Gian left. I let ten minutes pass before walking out of the interrogation

room. The hallway was empty. The fiickering lights madefeel like I was in a

suspense movie, and someone would cout of nowhere to kill me. When I

reached the holding cell, the men who beatup stared atwith wide eyes.

I guess they didn’t expectto walk out of here alive.

“How are you walking out of here?” The guy with a skull tattoo on his n*eck


I looked at them one by one, committing to memory each of their faces. Once

this is over, I will make sure to pay them at visit and ask them kindly who

ordered them to hurt me.

Wordlessly. I walked away from there. Tis of the essence, and I need to get

the f uck out of here. Reaching the lobby, the officer manning the front desk

didn’t look surprised to see me. In fact, he seemed to be waiting for


Ross. That’s the npinned on his chest.

“Your belongings,” he placed a clear resealable bag on the counter, my phone,

wallet, and wristwatch neatly tucked inside.

I took my belongings from the evidence bag one by one, confused as to why the

precinct was empty.

“Do you know the guy who bailedout?” I asked Ross, thumbing through my

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wallet and ensuring everything was there.

Ross shrugged. He was young, probably in his mid-twenties. Too young for the

big boy’s job and forced to do the paperwork at the most boring tof the day.

“Not really.”

I nodded, changing tactics. “Where is everyone?”

They’re searching for your ex-girlfriend,” he said without looking at me, fi*pping

over the record book. He turned it towards me. “Just sign here.”

Sonja. What the f uck happened to her? She was under police protection. But

Gian had already warnedto be careful with my next move. Someone was

orchestrating all of this, and they have Millicent.

I scribbled my signature on the logbook, turning my phone back on. Before I

left, I threw one more question at Officer Ross “Do you know what happened to

her?” his brows arched. “My ex

He tilted his head to the side, staring at me, assessing me. “She went missing

this morning. The officers on her security de were found unconscious in the

hospital. Her husband is here, burning the chief’s as s, so everyone is looking

for her.”


He doesn’t even love Sonja, so why the f uck does he care what happens to her?

Last I checked, he was on a Caribbean cruise with two new supermodels under

his wing. He’s here for a show. That’s the only reason he would cut short his

vacation and find Sonja.

Danny toldSilvethreatened to makepay for having a relationship

with Sonja. He was another issue I needed to deal with after finding Millicent.

I thanked Ross for the information. It was one in the morning, and the first thing

I did was call Danny. The fewer people who knew I was already out of jail, the

better. Danny cten minutes later, mirroring my confusion when I told him

who bailedout.

“How the f uck did he do that?” Danny shook his head, a frown on his face as we

walked into his apartment. “You think he’s really in the mafia?”

That one was on top of my list. That, or Gian was a freaking spy. I don’t know

which one is the lesser evil. As long as he’s not my enemy, I guess it doesn’t

really matter right now.

“Could be,” I said, heading to his fridge and taking out a water bottle. Relief

washed overas the liquid passed through my


09:30 Sat, Feb 10

Chapter 57


“Millicent is missing.” I informed Danny.

“What?” he looked up at me, a series of emotions crossing his face. Surprise,

confusion, then worry.

“Why do you think I accepted Gian’s help?” 1 ch ugged down the water to the

last drop, tossing the empty bottle in the bin.

“I should call Mon,” he murmured, pulling out his phone from his jeans.

“No.” I said. Danny pinnedwith a ‘why the f uck not’ look. “Mon is


Running a hand through his hair, Danny leaned against his kitchen counter, a

crease forming in the space between his forehead. “What’s your plan?”

I’m glad Danny could easily cope with what’s going on inside my head. He’s got

questions I do not have the answer to, but he knows my priority. He could ask

questions later. For now, we needed to find Millicent.

“You got ammunition here?” I asked.

Danny nodded. “I got a few,” he walked out of the kitchen towards the

basement. The basement was Danny’s man cave. The unmade bed indicates this

was where he sleeps. He went towards the desk with two monitors.

“Guns are in there.” He pointed towards the couch under the stairs.

While he worked on the tech stuff. I dragged up the couch seat. Danny had a few

handguns, knives, grenades, and assault rifie hidden under the couch.

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“I can call a friend and ask more,” he murmured, his eyes glued on the monitor.

He was tapping on the camera at Felicity Adams restaurant.

“Are these safe?” I asked. Danny hummed. I don’t need the cops tracing these

guns back to Danny. “These will do,” I said. grabbing the backpack from the shelf

and stuffed the assault rifie in it along with four grenades.

“Natalie Bauer,” he said, grabbing my attention from c ocking the Glock 19. “She

was in the ladies’ room with Millicent.”

“Follow her,” I said, comprehending why Natalie would hurt Millicent. She had

motives. Hunter ended his relationship with Natalie, intending to get back into

Millicent’s good graces. But Sonja doesn’t add up to the equation. Then I rem

Gian’s words. Someone is backing up whoever took Millicent.”

“She finished her shift at Crave Boulevard,” Danny announced. “She’s smart. No

one would think she had anyth with Millicent’s disappearance like this.”

“Not at first,” I said and stood behind Danny. He followed Natalie’s car on the

highway until she disappeared throu Highway 89. There were no street cameras

on that route. There was nothing there but miles and miles of empty fie bad I

grew up in this city and knew where Natalie was going. “Gear up. I know where

she took Millicent.”




09:30 Sat, Feb 10 AM