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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63

“Cecilia must've been spicing things up in front of Hogan.”

Pretty standard, really.

When collaboration was at stake, why would Cecilia happily join forces with us?

But what was in it for her if the partnership went south?

Beats me.

“What do we do? Hogan doesn’t seem to be joking around,” Wallis said with a grave look. “If Rainbow Capital

really plans to cut us off. I'm afraid we're sitting ducks this time.”

| rubbed my temples and said, “Let's wait and see what Simon has to say.”

Simon reached out to Wallis the next afternoon, regretfully informing us that the two foreign. investors we had

previously contacted had heard srumors and decided to bail on us.

Thinking back to Hogan in the CEO's office, with his spot-on foreign accent, my thoughts were

in turmoil.

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He was one step ahead in this game.

In the afternoon, Wallis calledinto his office, saying, “Assistant Zachary called, the contract termination is

scheduled for the day after tomorrow.”

The company was in hot water.

| clenched my fist, trying to stay cool, “We've got to give it another shot.”

“You're going to reach out to Hilary?”

| shook my head, “Cecilia.”

At the café, Cecilia looked up with her big doe eyes, “What can | do for you, Xaviera?”

I wouldn't dare order her around.

| ordered her a juice, and said casually, “Director Irwin, I'm sure you have caught wind of

Rainbow Capital wanting to pull out, our project is likely doomed.”

Cecilia was unfazed, “Hogan seems really mad this time.”

“Yeah, | followed her lead, “in the end, he’s just looking out for you, not wanting to drag you into the mess,


Cecilia looked up, “Xaviera, you're givingtoo much credit.”

Her words were modest, but the pride in her eyes was unmistakable.

| coaxed her, “But it's everyone's project. Without it, you lose out too, right?”

“No worries,” Cecilia confidently said, “Hogan mentioned that with Rainbow Capital getting into

Chapter 63

the mobile gaming scene, lots of projects are coming our way. I'll find something fitting.”

A clear refusal to reconcile.

She was starting to act like the wife of Rainbow Capital's CEO.

| nodded, “True, but with your graduation looming, finding the right project isn’t easy. Plus, they

might not have the chops. Since you have heard ofat N University, you must know

carries sweight, doesn’t it?”

| was subtly hinting that our gcould bring her fand glory.

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Cecilia chuckled, “You're really not one for modesty, Xaviera.”

my name

With that said, beating around the bush seemed pointless, so | pulled out the printed document from my bag and

handed it to Cecilia.

She gavea suspicious glance. “What's this?”

“I've listed all of Hilary's preferences,” | said with a knowing smile, “If you are good, we're all good.”

Cecilia's confused, probably doubting the document’s authenticity.

| sighed inwardly.

Originally, | planned to use this to bargain for more from Hogan.

But | wasn’t in a hurry, waiting for Cecilia to make her move.

After a while, she finally slipped the document into her bag and said, “Don’t worry, Xaviera. Hogan's probably

just blowing off steam. Ill try to talk to him.”

Her nonchalant tone stung a bit.

| thought of how Wallis and | had been running around over money issues these past days.. while she was acting

like it was no big deal.

We just led different lives.