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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 690
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Chapter 690 The Legend Of The Blood Parasite

Cassidy approached Rayna and used a torchlight to inspect her whole body. In the end, she noticed a small scar on

her right wrist and mumbled in disbelief, “It's on her right hand.”

Curtis traced Cassidy's gaze and noticed the small scar on Rayna's right hand as well. A dark glint flickered across

Curtis' eyes as he queried, “How did this happen? Why isn't it noticeable under normal circumstances?”

“Because someone concealed it using a special medicine.” Cassidy drew a deep breath and buttoned Rayna's shirt.

“Blood parasites come in pairs. This could only mean that the other one is already implanted in another person.”

The image of the man who abducted Rayna popped into Curtis' mind right then.

“What exactly is the purpose of cultivating blood parasites?” For some reason, Curtis couldn't shake off the strong

sense of unease in his heart.

“Actually, there is not much to gain from cultivating blood parasites other than the fact that the toxic secreted can

be distilled and used as medicine. Then again, there is also the concern of the suitable use of the medicine,”

Cassidy explained. She poured herself a glass of water and sat on the couch opposite Curtis. “But, I also remember

another legend about this practice.”

She paused for a moment and eyed Curtis carefully. “Could you tell me how you met Belle?”

Curtis fastened the last button on Rayna's shirt before turning to shoot a sharp look at Cassidy. “What do you want

to know?”

“Nothing. I'm just asking,” Cassidy replied. Then, she casually took a sip of her coffee as she eyed Curtis curiously.

“It was an accident,” Curtis replied tersely.

Cassidy quirked her brow and said, “It's fine if you don't wish to divulge further. However, are you sure you want to

know more about cultivating a blood parasite?”

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She turned to gesture at Yasmin and said, “Go and fetch the bowl of nuts in the living room.”

Yasmin hummed in acknowledgment and hurried over to the courtyard.

After Yasmin was gone, Curtis nodded.

Cassidy took a deep breath and scanned the inner courtyard before parting her lips to mutter, “I heard about this

legend from my great-grandfather. They say that if two blood parasites are implanted into two different individuals,

especially a man and a woman, the cultivator of the blood parasite will dominate over the other and can subjugate

the other to fall in love with the cultivator.”

Cassidy's explanation was clear and concise. She cast an inquisitive glance at Curtis and asked, “Do you have

anything you'd like to say?”

Curtis lowered his gaze to the woman in his embrace before saying, “So the person who implanted the blood

parasite in Rayna is hoping that, one day, Rayna will fall in love with him?”

“According to the legend, yes.” Cassidy nodded and added, “However, it is not something that can be done in a day

or two. It only takes effect during the mating period of the blood parasite. The catch is, these blood parasites only

go into heat once every few years. I don't know for sure just how many years either, as I've never studied them.

“Then again, my great-grandfather told me this legend is not credible either. A few years ago, a study on these

blood parasites has shown that they will emit a substance that excites the nervous system, resulting in the release

of hormones in the other person,” Cassidy muttered. After she was done talking, Yasmin returned with the bowl of

nuts in her hands in an eager manner.

“Personally, I lean more toward the second explanation. Besides, I suspect that the man who implanted the blood

parasite in Belle is aware of the Arachrede toxin present in her body.” Cassidy reached out for the nuts and started

to peel them. “Arachrede's toxin will usually stimulate the growth of parasites. It acts like some sort of mutating

agent. However, I'm not sure if it is also effective on blood parasites.” Cassidy contemplated for a moment before

adding, “Well, these are only my speculations. There is no evidence to validate them right now. What I told you

earlier is only a legend.”

Curtis had reservations about Cassidy's words. He held Rayna's thin wrist, and his gaze landed on her emerald

bracelet. A glint fleeted across his deep-set eyes.

“I think the condition of Belle's eyes is mostly caused by the blood parasite in her body, not any blood clots.”

Cassidy noticed the blood test report on the coffee table and said to Curtis, “By the way, a woman cannot wear this

emerald bracelet for a prolonged period. It's detrimental to her health as it's too cooling. However, not wearing it

may also be problematic as it makes it harder to keep the blood parasite under control.”

“I'm going to take a look at my herbs,” Cassidy said, getting up from the couch. “You don't need to be so concerned

about Belle's eyes. Feel free to stay here for a few days if you guys have the time. I'll try to condition her body with


Curtis lifted his gaze to Cassidy and said, “Thank you.”

After Cassidy left, Yasmin merrily hurried over to the couch beside Curtis and patted Fluffy. “It seems like Fluffy's

fever has subsided.”

Curtis reached out to feel Fluffy's temperature. Its fever is indeed gone.

Cassidy's voice echoed from the courtyard. “The fever's really gone?”

Yasmin eyed Cassidy, who had returned with an ice pack, and nodded. “Yes. Fluffy's fur is even a little cool to the


Cassidy stood by the door and threw the ice pack to an empty couch off to the side. “Here, use it on Fluffy. If it runs

a fever again, we don't have a pet hospital nearby here. I know a vet, but he's quite far away. Oh, and the vet's also

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really old, so I'm not sure if he'd be of much help.”

Curtis passed the ice pack to Yasmin and asked Cassidy, “Is it possible to know why Fluffy had a fever?”

“No,” Cassidy immediately snapped. Her face scrunched in disgust. “I hate furry animals!”

Curtis said nothing in response.

“You're afraid of it!” Yasmin pointed out flatly.

Cassidy glared at Yasmin and said, “Shut up!”

Paying no further heed to Yasmin, Cassidy asked, “How about I go upstairs and prepare a room for you and Belle to

stay here tonight?”

“Sure,” Curtis replied.

It was already evening when Robin received Curtis' call. As per Curtis' orders, he moved Furry and the luggage from

the hotel to Cassidy's place.

“Hello, I'm Mr. Faymon's assistant.” Yasmin refused to let Robin in. Hence, he could only explain himself to Cassidy

through the door.

Cassidy came over and noticed the luggage in Robin's hands. “Yasmin, let him in.”

As Robin carried the luggage into the house, he couldn't help but look around the courtyard full of flowers and

plants. Curtis walked out of the inner courtyard when he was about to ask something and said, “Ah, you're here.

Bring the luggage over.”

Curtis turned back around to head inside afterward.

Yasmin walked over to Cassidy, her voice soft and curious. “Ms. Cassidy, that man called Mr. Faymon seems to be

quite rich.”

Cassidy spat out the nuts in her mouth and lowered her head to look at Yasmin. “Why? Do you want to find

someone rich like him?”

Yasmin's face tinged pink at Cassidy's question.


Cassidy reached out and flicked the girl's forehead, saying, “You're just a child, not even an adult yet. Why are you

already thinking about such things?”