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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 414
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Chapter 414 Nowhere To Go

The fatty's subordinates understood that if they couldn't kill Harold, there was no chance they could

escape alive. Additionally, if they did succeed, they would receive one hundred million as a reward.

Hence, they roared and started shooting Harold.

Meanwhile, the fatty backed away and sent a message to his superior about Harold's identity. He also

contacted the helicopter and snipers for assistance with his satellite phone. There's no way we can

beat him. Our best option is to summon the helicopter here to extract us.

“How insolent! Die!” Harold was furious when he saw his adversaries launching their crazed assault on


After he took out three enemies in the same direction, he tossed the corpses at the other combatants to

knock them out.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He wiped out the entire squadron except for the fatty in less than two minutes.

When Harold saw the fatty was sending messages to someone, he flung the dagger in his hand toward

the latter with great force.

The dagger punched through the fatty's body and was nailed to a big tree in the distance.

Even until his dying breath, the fatty couldn't believe he was taken out like that.

Harold was astonished when he removed the fatty's mask because the latter resembled Xander.

However, after a brief contemplation, he dismissed the idea that his opponent was Xander. Logan told

me about him. He said the fake God of War has his own fake subordinates! I didn't expect Jinrich's

people to be involved with that fake God of War.

Speedily, he picked up the satellite phone to check if the fatty's messages had been sent.

Unfortunately, the message that revealed his identity as the God of War had been delivered to


Enraged, Harold crushed the phone into pieces. Now the fake God of War will know my identity! While

I'm not afraid of him, I'm worried my foster parents, Isabella, and the others may be in danger!

When his train of thought ended there, he put on the gas mask he snatched from an enemy's corpse,

put Evelyn down, and removed two sets of protective gear from the fallen opponents.

“Put this on!” He then handed one set of protective gear to her.

“This is a dead person's clothing! I... I don't want to wear it!” stated Evelyn timidly as she stared at the

clothes in his hand.

“Wear them unless you want to die!” After tossing the protective gear at her, he prepared to put the

other set on.

Unfortunately, before he could do that, the sound of a helicopter approached them.

Upon hearing the helicopter noise, he turned to the satellite phone he destroyed and assumed his

whereabouts were exposed because the pilot locked on to the device's location. “Not good! We need to

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Promptly, he ignored the protective gear, carried Evelyn in his arms, and bolted away.

Startled by his sudden action, she inquired, “What's going on?”

She got her answer a few seconds later when she saw bullets raining down from the sky and landing

on the spot they had previously stood at. Oh my gosh! If he hadn't carried me away in time, I would've

been full of holes by now! Crap, the helicopter is locked onto us, too, considering the bullets are

following us! But we don't have anywhere else to go! There's only a cliff in front of us!

“There's nowhere else for us to go! What do we do?” Initially, Evelyn had been burying her head in

Harold's chest because she was afraid. However, when she sensed he had ceased his movements,

she raised her head reflexively and paled upon seeing the scene before her.

He raised his head and glanced at the helicopter. Seeing the bullets still following them, he said, “If we

jump, we may have a chance to survive!”

Then he leaped off the cliff with the screaming Evelyn.