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Chasing The Rejected

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75 -DAMON- 63% After they unlocked the chains bindingto the cave, Clara and Luca pulledout and hadsit out on the bench for a while to clear my head and mind completely.

As soon as my mind was clear, I turned to glare at Luca.

"Why did you bring her here? Are you s**d?" I questioned and he bowed his head.

"I'm sorry Alpha" Luca murmured.

"I asked him to bringhere and we're leaving here together. I'm not letting you suffer in there" Clara muttered, turning my attention to her.

"This place is f**g dangerous, Clara. I could have seriously hurt you if Luca hadn't jumped in to protect you" | muttered and she sighed.

"It wasn't your fault. It's because of the spell..

“It doesn't still f**g matter, Clara, I could have hurt you, is that what you want?" I raised my voice as I stared at her. How could she be so careless? "You didn't hurtso it doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that I'm not leaving you here. You're coming hwith me" She uttered and I sighed.

"Go home, Clara. I'm going to finish my punishment and then I'll be back. You didn't have to waste your tcoming here" I muttered as I stood up and was about to walk back inside when she scoffed.

"I call the way here because I was worried and because I missed you but the first thing you do is shunaway?" She questioned and Isighed.


*Save it. Die in there for all I care" She muttered then stood up and hurriedly walked away while I stared at her back till she disappeared.

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I let out a sigh as I turned to Luca.

"Go after her and make sure she gets hsafely" Imuttered and was about to walk away when Luca spoke; "Why are you angry at her? She was just worried about you" He uttered and I turned to him with a glare.

"I'm not angry at her, I'm angry at you. I gave you strict instructions not to bring her here because I didn't want her seeingthis way you regarded my orders and did so anyway" I muttered through clenched teeth "Because she missed you, Damon. She has not been taking the miscarriage very well and she needed you. I'm sorry if I decided to prioritize your wife's well-being over your orders" He uttered and I frowned.

"What happened?" questioned and he sighed.

but "A woman accused her of trying to kidnap her child at the pack yesterday and said Clara was trying to kidnap her son because she lost hers. It triggered Clara and she couldn't stop crying last night" He toldand my eyes widened and I clenched my fist as an indescribable anger surged through me.

"Did you find the woman?" I questioned and he shook his head.

1.3 63% Chapter 75 *Clara didn't wantgoing after her so she didn't tellanything about the woman and her guards and personal maid won't tellanything either" He muttered and I groaned.

"Why didn't you tellthis sooner?" i questioned.

"You didn't givethe chance to" He murmured and I sighed, "Stay here, I'll go talk to her" I muttered before running off in the sdirection Clara did.

I saw the car up ahead and immediately ran towards it and found Clara seated at the back seat crying.

I let out a sigh before opening the door and climbing into the car. She wiped away her tears as she stared out the window, refusing to look at me.

"Look at me, Clara" i murmured softly and she shook her head.

"I don't want to. Get out and leavealone" She murmured and I sighed before grabbing her face and gently turning her to face me.

"I hope you won't mind if I kiss you" I murmured as 1 eyes trailed down to her lips.

"Why do you want to kiss me?" She questioned while I caressed her cheek.

"Because I missed you so much" I murmured before slamming my lips on hers and she welcomed my kiss the samount of hunger and f**k, she tasted so good.

I pulled her close till there was no more space between our bodies as I deepened the kiss.

After a while, I pulled away and rested my head on her forehead as we listened to each other's breathing "I'm sorry. I just didn't like the idea ofhurting you and that's why I reacted like that but I missed you and the thought of you was the only thing that gotgoing in that cave" I murmured and she smiled slightly before resting her head on chest.

"Please chwith me, I need you right now" She murmured and I sighed before placing a kiss on her head.

"Okay baby, let's go home" After I said that, I mind linked Luca to cand seconds later, he got into the car and drove off.

are all your stuff?" Clara questioned with her head till resting on my chest.

"I just carried those luggage so you won't be suspicious, Clara" i murmured and she hummed and after a while, she fell asleep. “Delilah said she didn't really..." Luca began but then he trailed off as the car cto an immediate halt, jolting Clara awake.

"What the f**k is your problem?" I questioned as i glared at the back of his head.

"I'm sorry but Delilah cwith us. I'll call her now to see if she's still there" Luca muttered as he brought out his phone and dialed Delilah's number.

After several rings, she picked up.

"Where are you?" Luca immediately uttered into the phone and I could hear Delilah telling him she had to leave immediately because of something "And you couldn't tell me?" He questioned and she sighed.

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"I didn't think you'd care" That was Delilah's reply and as soon as she said that, Luca ended the call and started the car, 2/0 11:56 Tue, 2 Jul Chapter 75 M S+03 "She's fine, I'm sorry for waking you up Clara" He muttered as he drove up while Clara just glanced up atthen placed her head back on my chest.

"If it's because of Delilah then it's okay. You seem to really care about her" Clara murmured and I scoffed.

"Of course he does, she's my sister and ultimately his sister as well since we all grew up together" I murmured and she glanced up atwith a pout.

"I wasn't talking to you though" She replied and I placed a kiss on her lips.

"Yeah but if you were implying anything else by your question then diminish such thoughts. Delilah and Luca are like siblings" I uttered and she frowned.

"Why are you speaking for them and dictating their relationship? Who knows, they..." "I see Delilah as a sister and nothing else, Clara so Damon is right" Luca interjected and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"See? I know you're worried about how Delilah has been single since you met her and you're trying tom match make her with my Beta so we can all be one happy family but don't do it. Besides, she's too young for a relationship" I uttered and she scoffed.

"Too young? She's older thanby a year? If she's too young then you and I shouldn't be maried She countered and Trolled my eyes before wrapping my arms around her. "You and I are already attached at the hip, there's no separating us. Aren't you glad you bumped intothat night And threw up all over my expensive suit?" I questioned.

"Shut up, it was an accident" She murmured and I grinned.

"Well I think you were just trying to get my attention. You couldn't just let a handsguy such as myself walk right past you without trying to get my attention, could you?" I teased and I could f eel her rolling her eyes.

"If you keep talking, I'm going to throw up all over you"....