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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 17
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Upon returning home, Rachel entered the house and saw Rodney coming down from upstairs. She sat

down angrily and said, “Rodney, that Amber Stone was extremely shameless. We had underestimated

her all that while.”

“Mum, you went to find her?” Rodney frowned slightly.

“It wasn’t me who looked for her, she’s the one looking for me. This morning, she suddenly came to see

me and asked me to give her a hundred million dollars.” Rachel wanted to smear Amber, so her words

were naturally twisted.

“She looked for you? Why would she be looking for you?” Rodney asked in return.

“She must be unsatisfied! She’s living a poor life after her divorce with you. Seeing that your company

is getting bigger and bigger and that you’re going to get engaged to Celia soon, she wanted to

blackmail me for a sum of money. She said that if we don’t give her the money, she will disclose that

Celia was pregnant previously and cause both of you to lose your reputation.”

“Did she really say that?”

“Of course it’s true. How can your mother lie to you?” Rachel was well-prepared when she went to

meet Amber. She took out a recording pen from her bag and played it for Rodney to listen.

Hearing Amber asking for money in a cold tone, stating a price of a hundred million dollars, and even

threatening his mother, Rodney’s eyes gradually became gloomy.

Rachel could tell that her son was angry. “Rodney, this Amber Stone isn’t a good person. It wouldn’t be

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good if she really were to disclose the news. You have to find a way to drive her out of the South City,

never to come back!”

“I got it. Mom, you don’t look for her. I’ll handle this!” said Rodney as he picked up his coat and left.

After driving for a while, his cell phone rang. Rodney picked it up and saw that it was a text message.

“Your card ending **** was charged 20,000 dollars.”

Rodney was stunned for a moment. This was the bank card he had given to Amber on the other day.

She actually began to cash out. It seemed that she was really short of money.

As he was still thinking about it, another text message came in. “Your card ending **** transferred

50,000 dollars.” Rodney pondered for a moment and picked up his phone to call his assistant, Deon.

“Check on Amber’s situation and see if she’s recently in urgent need of money.”

“Mr. Barron, I was just about to contact you.” Deon continued, “Madam’s uncle is diagnosed with

uremia and is currently hospitalised. I heard that he needs a kidney transplant.”

“Is that so? Contact the sources of donor kidneys immediately!” After hanging up the phone, Rodney

immediately turned the car around and went to the hospital.

After asking for Ashton’s ward number, Rodney hurriedly went to the ward area. At the hall of the ward

area, he saw Elliot there. Elliot, a young master who never did a chore, was holding a fruit basket in

one hand while dialling a number with his other hand. “Where are you? You went home? Which ward?”

After hanging up the phone, he turned around and saw Rodney. He smiled and said, “Ah, Mr. Barron?

What a coincidence! You’re also here to visit a patient?”

Rodney felt uncomfortable the moment he saw Elliot. “What’s this for, Mr. Thomson?”

“My woman’s uncle has uremia. He’s staying in the hospital, so I came to visit. In the meantime, I wish

to build a good relationship with him.”

Hearing this, Rodney’s face immediately darkened. It was obvious who Elliot was referring to as his


Suppressing the burst of anger in him, Rodney didn’t enter the lift. He turned around and left the ward

area. He waited at the entrance for half an hour and saw Amber coming in a hurry with a thermos in her


Rodney went forward and stopped her. “Did you ask my mum for money?”

Amber took a step back, her face full of disgust. “Are you out of your mind?”

The disgust in her eyes annoyed Rodney. He had been holding back his anger and his tone became

more and more harsh. “Amber Stone, why are you pretending? If you need money, just say it directly.

Why are you sneakily doing things behind my back?”

“What do you mean? Mr. Barron, make it clear!” Amber’s face turned red. Seeing Rodney, she was

reminded about being divorced without any share of the property. “Mr. Barron, even if I need to f*cking

beg, I won’t take your sh*tty money. Stop disgusting me, okay?”

“Hah, take a look at this!” Rodney picked up his phone and showed Amber the text message sent by

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the bank. Amber was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing. “Did you think that I transferred

the money?”

“If not you, who else?”

“I too don’t know who it is. Don’t you have a lot of money, Mr. Barron? Weren’t you sending me away

like a beggar? I see that you are full of kindness and morality outwardly, but inwardly, you’re just filled

with despicable things. I was just worried that your bad deeds would affect your descendants, so I gave

your sh*tty card to a beggar on your behalf. This money should be transferred by the beggar. Good for


Amber laughed as she spoke. Rodney’s face was livid and he was extremely angry. Amber’s mocking

laugh triggered him, then he ruthlessly said, “Since you’re so noble-minded, why did you ask my mum

for money?”

“Ask your mum for money? Hah, have your mum given it to me?” Amber sneered. “Mr. Barron, I know

how stingy your family is like from a long time ago. Don’t mention a hundred million dollars, just a

million dollars would be enough to distress you already, isn’t it? I’m saying this because I know exactly

what kind of people your family is. To be honest, I don’t f*cking want your sh*itty money!”

Her words were full of sarcasm and her face was full of disdain. Rodney’s heart was aching to the

extreme. “How could it be like this? Why was it like this?” he thought.

She was clearly the one who was at fault. What right did she even have to act so self-righteous?