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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 91
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Bob was in a constant state of anxiety during the entire meeting, and he glanced at the child sitting there

quietly from time to time.

His hair was neither long nor short.

He looked like a boy, but his delicate features and fair skin made it seem like he could also be a girl.

“Eighteen plots of land will have the best development prospects in New York in the future, but we simply

cannot afford such a huge project.”

The project manager who had come along with Bob looked at Justin respectfully and asked, “Mr.Hunt,

may I know if you’re interested in working with us?”

Bob hurriedly retracted his gaze and looked at Justin.

He was leaning back on the chair the whole time while the project manager was talking, and his entire

self exuded an air of indifference.

Although he didn’t say a word throughout the whole process, the project manager pretty much glanced at

him every time he finished a sentence.

Justin didn’t do anything, yet the entire negotiation was under his control.

His eyes were as deep and bottomless as a well, and the beauty mark at the corner of his eye even

added a bit of a mysterious aura to him, making it impossible for anyone to read his thoughts.

His slender fingers with distinct joints tapped lightly on the black marble tabletop, causing everyone

else’s hearts to also pound along with the rhythm.

Bob was also a well-respected and influential man in New York, but in front of Justin, he nevertheless

didn’t dare to even breathe a little louder than usual.

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While his imagination was running wild, Justin slowly said , “No, I’m not interested”

Bob and the project manager’s eyes widened suddenly and they looked at each other incredulously.

It was thanks to their investments in real estate that the Hunts had surpassed the Smiths to secure their

position as the number one family in the States.

Over the years, the Hunt Corporation had also spread their net even wider and successfully purchased

quite a lot of land.

Very few plots of land had been put up for sale in New York during the past two years.

It really was no easy feat to get such a large plot of land.

Bob had used a lot of connections before he managed to purchase the plot of land.

Even when the funds needed had exceeded what he could provide himself, what he had thought of was

still to have others join him instead of giving up the plot of land.

In their opinion, Justin really shouldn’t refuse such a good deal.

Bob stood up.

“Mr.Hunt, this piece of land is really something that only comes by once in a blue moon.Are you sure you

don’t want to consider it further?”

Justin stood up, his tall and lean figure making even the entire office seem a little cramped.

He neatened his suit and said, “See the guests out, Sean.”

Bob still wanted to say more even when Justin said that, but when his gaze met Justin’s expressionless

countenance, he subconsciously closed his mouth.

Even after Sean saw them out of the office, Bob still couldn’t recover.

Why had the Hunts suddenly changed their strategy? Next to him, the Lowes’ project manager was

chatting with Sean.

He asked, “We’re old buddies, Sean.Can you give me some insight as to why Mr.Hunt rejected the

partnership offer?”

The reticent Sean glanced at him and said, “Mr.Hunt is in a bad mood today.Even the project manager

couldn’t help but fall silent.Just because he was in a bad mood, he had rejected a huge project worth a

few dozen billion dollars.Mr.Hunt sure was willful! Tumultuous waves, however, churned in Bob’s heart.

He asked tentatively, “Is it because of his child?”

Had Mr.Hunt caught wind about what had happened in the kindergarten? Was that why he had rejected

his offer? While he was wondering, Sean nodded.



He wanted to ask further, but Sean refused to reveal any more.

Bob and the project manager didn’t dare to pester him further, either.

They could only ask Sean to relay their message to Mr.Hunt and ask him to reconsider carefully before

they went downstairs.

On the top floor, inside the office.

After they left and the door closed, Justin walked over to Pete and stood in front of his desk.

Pete lifted his head and looked at him.

Father and son stared at each other for a long while before Justin finally asked, “Are you going to cut

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your hair or not?”

Pete replied simply and concisely, “No.”

Justin, His son’s hair had already reached almost under his ears.

If he continued to let it grow, he would even be able to braid them soon! Had it been before, he would

definitely have held his son down and forced him to cut his hair.

Now, though…

The family doctor had said that his personality switching back and forth was a sign of mental illness.

He mustn’t force him to do things he didn’t want to do during such moments.

Justin suppressed his anger and asked as calmly as he could, “What must I do before you’ll cut it?”

Pete lowered his head and returned to his homework.

He replied, “You’re a man, Daddy.Why do you keep staring at my hair? If you’re that free, why don’t you

think about how to woo Mommy instead?”

He needed to switch places with his sister once in a while.

If he cut his hair too short, wouldn’t they be exposed? He wanted to let Cherry grow out her hair, so even

though the grown-out hair was uncomfortable, he would just grin and bear with it until they acknowledged

one another.


Wasn’t the only reason why he had become such a naggy father the unpredictable changes in his

behavior?! Besides…

Justin frowned and said seriously, “You got it the other way round, Pete.Your Mommy is the one who’s

wooing me.I’m in the midst of considering whether she’s qualified to become Mrs.Hunt.Pete…”

He looked at his father, who had always been very strong, powerful, confident, and in control of


However, his baseless confidence in this instant instead rendered him speechless.