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Broken Bond by C.J. Primer

Chapter 11
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Read Broken Bond by C.J. Primer Chapter 11



My heart‘s pounding as I stick the key in the lock of my apartment door, twisting it to hear the heavy click

of the deadbolt unlocking. What the fuck am I doing?

This is my safe space; my sanctuary. It isn‘t somewhere that I bring girls for hookups. Hell, I rarely even

let my own friends come inside.

We could‘ve stayed at the packhouse. There are plenty of guest rooms to go around, and that‘s where I

usually crash after a party anyways. I bet I could‘ve gotten Nessa to follow me into one of them, just like

she followed me into my apartment building from the truck. The thought crossed my mind. Still, I invited

her here. It didn‘t feel right to ask her to steal away to a room in the packhouse with me like a cheap

hookup. She deserves better. So, she‘ll be the first woman to enter my space, and I‘m choosing to ignore

the significance of that right now because I‘ve had a hard on for this girl since the first time I laid eyes on

her, and I‘m pretty sure we‘re about to seal the deal. I‘m not going to cockblock myself by getting caught

up in my own head. “This place is really nice,” Nessa comments, glancing curiously around the interior

hallway of the apartment building.

“Thanks,” I mumble as I turn the knob and push my apartment door open. I feel her wander in behind me

as I step inside, and though it‘s dark, I don‘t bother hitting the lights. Instead, I whirl around to face her,

half–drunk on the scent of her arousal and the frantic pounding of her heart. “Come here.” I yank her in

with a growl, pressing a hard kiss to her lips and swallowing her little gasp of surprise while I kick the

door closed behind us.

She makes this cute little ‘umph‘ sound, almost in relief, and her arms wind around my neck instantly, her

lips and tongue fitting with my own like her mouth was made for me to kiss. I drag her lower lip between

my teeth as I pull back, my hands cruising down to rest on her hips. “I‘ve been waiting to do that all

night,” I rasp, my forehead falling against hers. She‘s panting, staring up at me through her eyelashes in

the dark. “Then why didn‘t you?” “I prefer not to have an audience,” I murmur, nipping her lips. “Want you

all to myself.” I slide my hands around to her ass, a pained groan slipping from my throat as I grab

handfuls of her round cheeks. Is there anything about this girl that isn‘t absolutely fucking flawless?

Almost in answer, Nessa‘s lips crash into mine again, pouting and twisting and sending my pulse

skyrocketing. I scoop her up by the backs of her thighs while claiming her mouth in a filthy hot kiss,

trapping her between the wall behind the door and my own body. Her long legs wind around my waist,

thighs tightening against my hips, and I can feel the heat of her center through the fabric of my jeans. My

dick‘s straining painfully against the zipper, fighting for release from its denim prison. Fuck, I want her so

much that it physically aches. I grind against her shamelessly, her head falling back against the wall on a

breathy moan.

“Callum...” I‘ve never liked the sound of my own name– especially my full name– until I heard it from

Nessa‘s lips. Now, it may just be my favorite sound in the fucking world, second only to the little moans

and whines she‘s currently driving me crazy with. Wrapping one arm around Nessa‘s waist and sliding

the other underneath her ass, I back away from the wall, turning to carry her down the darkened hallway

to my bedroom as she kisses her way up my neck. My bed‘s unmade, the sheets a tangled mess– a

testament to how impulsive the decision was to bring her back here. I bend at the waist, gently laying her

down at the bed before rising to my full height, standing over my prey and casting my shadow down onto


Her little skirt has ridden up– it‘s bunched around her waist, revealing a simple pair of black cotton

panties. Nothing fancy or fussy, but just perfectly her. I‘ve been thinking about those panties since that

day at the hot springs, and this time, when I slide my thumbs beneath the waistband at either side of her

hips, she doesn‘t stop me from peeling them down.

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I drag them down her thighs, her legs pressing together modestly as I slide them all the way off over her

booted feet, slyly tucking them into the back pocket of my pants. Mine. Then I pull off her boots one by

one, dropping them unceremoniously to the floor with a resounding clunk.

It‘s quiet. All I can hear is our ragged breathing, but for once, I‘m not itching to fill the silence. I don‘t want

to miss a single sound Nessa makes; I want to hear every cry of pleasure I can draw from her body and

commit it to memory. I nudge her knees apart and she lets them drop open unabashedly, revealing her

pretty pink pussy, shining with arousal. “Damn,” I growl, licking my lips as I gaze down at her. “Gonna

need to taste that pretty pussy of yours, baby.” She props herself up on an elbow, hitting me with a

mischievous smirk as a blush forms on her cheeks. She swings her thighs back together with a smack.

“Why are you still dressed?” Nessa queries, arching a seductive brow.

Fair question. I reach behind my back, grabbing onto my shirt and yanking it off overhead, tossing it on

the floor beside me. By the time I do, she‘s already got her own shirt off, and I watch with rapt attention

as she slips off her black bra, her tits spilling out, nipples hardening into stiff peaks as they hit the air.

“Goddamn...“I can‘t even complete that thought before I pounce on her, gathering her tits in my hands

and kneading the soft flesh, flicking her nipples with my thumbs and drawing a gasp from her throat. Her

hands tangle in my hair as my mouth descends on one of her nipples, sucking and biting it gently at first,

then harder until she‘s squirming beneath me on the bed.

I give her other breast the same treatment as the first, then drag my tongue down the valley between her

tits, licking around her navel, her hipbone, until I reach the apex of her thighs. The sweetness of her

scent makes me dizzy, and she fists my hair and cries out when I lick into her slowly, tortuously, dragging

my tongue up her slit and flicking her clit. “Callum!” she screams, her back arching off the bed as

pinpricks of pain break out over my scalp from her grip on my hair. “Don‘t stop, don‘t stop...” I chuckle

against her and she shudders at the vibration. I‘m not planning on stopping anytime

soon. I could die between this woman‘s thighs with no regrets. I continue my assault on her pussy with

languid strokes of my tongue, circling her clit, then dipping down to thrust my tongue into her opening,

fucking her with it. She‘s alternately fisting my hair and the sheets, scratching at my shoulders, panting

and writhing and moaning. It‘s the most beautiful symphony I‘ve ever heard.

I feast on her until I feel her reach her peak, acutely attuned to every sound and movement she makes.

Her thighs tighten around my ears, her muscles trembling, and I suction my mouth over her clit to push

her off the edge. A wanton scream tears from her lips as she goes off like a rocket, riding my face while I

savor every drop of her release on my tongue. Her climax seems to go on forever, and I‘m smugly

satisfied that I was the one to draw it out of her; to deliver the pleasure that she‘s reveling in.

Nessa‘s breathing is labored as she comes back down, and I lift my head to grin up at her, licking my

lips. “You shatter so fucking beautifully,” I murmur, kneading her thighs with my fingers. She sits up

suddenly, pressing her palms against my chest and pushing me backwards until my feet hit the floor and

I‘m rising to stand over her once again. “My turn,” she purrs, gazing up at me with a mischievous glint in

her eye as she reaches forward for the button of my jeans. I don‘t stop her this time. I hold my breath as

she pops the button and drags the zipper down, then grabs onto my pants and boxers at my hips,

yanking them to the floor. Her eyes widen in the most adorable way when my cock springs free, bobbing

right in front of her face with a drop of pre–cum shining from the tip. I‘m completely unprepared when she

leans forward and darts her tongue out to lick it off. I groan, burying my hands in her hair and tipping her

face up, her eyes meeting mine through the darkness. “You‘re going to fucking ruin me,” I rasp, dragging

my thumb across her pouty lower lip. I dip it inside her mouth, pressing down on her tongue as I continue

to stare into her eyes intently. There‘s no way she doesn‘t see the monster lurking beneath the surface. I

drop my mask, stripping myself bare for her so she can gaze into the blackness of my soul, see what

she‘s getting herself into if she doesn‘t turn back now. I‘m giving her an out, though part of me hopes she

doesn‘t take it.

The part that‘s standing tall between my legs, hard as stone for her.

To my surprise, there‘s no fear in Nessa‘s eyes. Only desire. She wraps her lips around my thumb,

sucking it hard and releasing it with a loud pop. Then her gaze drops to my rock–hard cock and she dips

down, taking the head between her plush lips and sucking.

I groan loudly, thrusting forward into her warm mouth, reveling in the sight of my dick slipping in deeper.

She takes me eagerly, inch by inch, until I‘m bumping the back of her throat, making a guttural sound

and barely managing to hold back from blowing my load. Another fucking mystery, where this girl‘s

concerned. In past hookups, it always took me a while to get off. I‘d eventually have to close my eyes

and focus completely just to tip myself over the edge. Not with Nessa, though. Everything about this girl

has me feeling like a two pump–chump, hovering on the precipice of an embarrassingly early release.

Everything about her just does it for me.

She wraps a hand around the base of my cock, squeezing gently and pumping in time with the bob of

her head. She‘s good. I won‘t allow myself to consider how much practice she’s had, because I suddenly

realize that the thought of her with anyone else makes me murderous. She‘s too pure, too perfect. Too

mine. I pull back, staring down at her with a wild look in my eyes as my thoughts rage.

I shouldn‘t.

But seeing her looking back up at me, so demure and sweet with her dark hair falling in front of her face,

I know I don‘t have the willpower to stop.

I stoop down and gather her in my arms, dragging her back to the center of the bed as my lips find hers.

Her legs part, her slick center rubbing against my cock while her arms wind around me, her tongue

tangling with my own. My dick is throbbing, eager to get inside her, to take and claim and ravage her.

Breaking the kiss, I prop myself up on an arm, staring into her eyes as I reach down to fist my cock. I

want to look at her when I sink inside; see every expression play out on her face so I can commit it to

memory. I rub the head of my cock along her slit, gathering moisture and teasing her a little before I

press the tip to her entrance. I‘m about to shove in when she stops me by pressing a hand firmly to my

chest. “Just,” she gasps, looking into my eyes earnestly. “Go slow?” Her teeth sink into her lower lip, a

coquettish smile tugging at them. “It‘s my first time.” I freeze, my brain short–circuiting.

What did she just say?

My dick twitches in my hand, impossibly hard and ready to plunge into her wet heat. “What?” I growl out,

rocking back to sit on my heels. “You‘re a virgin?” I blink down at her through the darkness, my mind still

playing catch–up with her admission. “Well yeah.” Nessa props herself up on her elbows, innocently

tilting her head in question like she didn‘t just drop an atomic bomb. “That a problem?”

I scrub a hand over my face, gritting my teeth.

Yes, it‘s a fucking problem.

The realization of what I‘ve been trying to figure out about Nessa all this time comes crashing in– that

she‘s truly as pure as she seems. She‘s not hiding anything behind a mask or concealing her damage

behind that sweet and innocent façade; she really is exactly who she portrays herself to be, honest and

uncorrupted by this cruel world.

I won‘t be the one to taint that.

I won‘t be the one to ruin her for the sake of a goddamn bet. “I can‘t do this,” I grumble, lurching

backwards and stumbling off the bed. Nessa‘s eyes round in confusion, her mouth falling open. “What?”

She gathers the sheet in her hands, pulling it over her body and sitting up. I fist my hair, shaking my head

as I back away from the edge of the bed. “I can‘t... take that from you.”

Her brow furrows, anger and embarrassment flashing in her eyes. “Isn‘t that my decision?” She scoots to

the edge of the bed, rising to her feet and letting the sheet drop. It slides away from her body, and fuck

me, she‘s so stunning that my heart trips over its valves. “I want you, Callum,” Nessa purrs, stepping

closer and setting a hand on my chest, right over my frantic heart. It inexplicably calms at her touch. I lift

a hand and wrap it around her wrist, lifting hers off my skin. “No, you don‘t,” I rasp, staring down into her

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wide eyes. “You just don‘t know it yet.”

She scowls, flinching back like my words have physically assaulted her. I can‘t look at the hurt in her

eyes, so I turn away, stooping down to snatch my jeans off the floor. I stumble into them clumsily and

yank them up my hips. When I straighten and turn back, Nessa‘s no longer in front of me– she‘s rooting

around for her own clothes, tugging them on hurriedly.

Something in my chest squeezes painfully. “Nessa, L...” She whips around to face me, straightening her

skirt. “Just don‘t,” she snaps, her gaze shuttered. “I already know what you‘re going to say. It‘s not me,

it‘s you, right? Because you‘re bad and I‘m good and I should be scared of you. But guess what,

Callum?” She steps closer, getting right up in my face and glaring at me in challenge. “I‘m not scared.

You are. So let me know when you decide to stop self–sabotaging and actually allow yourself to have

something good in your life. Until then, I‘m out.” 6. She scoops her boots off the floor, strands of her long

hair whipping my chest as she turns sharply and struts out of my room.

I‘m rooted to the spot I‘m standing in, unable to move. Unable to breathe. Distantly, I hear the front door

of my apartment open and then slam closed, but I‘m still frozen in place. The silence creeps in, my throat

tightening as Nessa‘s words echo in my mind.

She‘s wrong, though. I don‘t deserve anything good in my life. She‘s just too sweet and naïve to see me

for who I really am.

A monster.

That ugly, black thing inside of me unfurls, my vision tinting red. My fists clench, my feet move. Suddenly

I‘m in front of Miles‘ apartment door, rapping my fist against the wood so

violently that my knuckles split. The door swings open, a sleepy looking Miles appearing on the other

side. “What the fuck, bro? Can‘t anyone get some sleep around here?” “Bet‘s off,” I growl, turning away.

“What?” Miles blurts, blinking the sleep from his eyes and furrowing his brow. “Why?” I twist around to

face him again, struggling to take measured breaths. “She‘s a virgin.” 1 His face lights up like a damn kid

on Christmas, a delighted smile splitting his lips. “No shit?” Miles chuckles, scrubbing a hand over his

face and shaking his head. “Damn, that makes this even better. Bet‘s still on, and the first to pop her

cherry...” I take a threatening step toward him, my fists clenching at my sides as my wolf rears to the

surface. “Stay the fuck away from her, Miles,” I growl menacingly. “I‘m warning you.”

He laughs in my face, and it takes everything in me to keep my shit together rather than releasing my

inner beast on my friend. “A bet‘s a bet, Cal,” he tuts with a patronizing smile. “You can‘t just call it off. If you want to forfeit, then you‘ve gotta pay the price. You know what that is.”


He shrugs. “Your spot on the mission.” “No.” “Then we‘re still on?”

I growl in frustration, stabbing my fingers through my hair. “Why does this matter so much to you?” I

demand, still seething. “You already know she‘s into me. You won‘t win.”

“I‘ll win either way.”

“How do you figure?”

He grins, and it takes everything in me not to punch that stupid smile off his face. “Because even if I lose

the bet, you‘ll fuck things up with her. You know you will. And then she‘ll need someone to lean on while

she‘s all heartbroken and shit, and I‘ll be right there, waiting.” He waves a hand flippantly. “I don‘t really

care if you break her in first, I‘ll still get her in the end.” 4


The thought of that has me seeing red again, but I keep my monster tightly caged. “She‘s not a fucking

object,” I mutter in disgust. “No? Then why‘d you take the wager in the first place?” Bile crawls up my

throat. I grind my molars, shaking my head firmly. “No, we‘re not doing this. Bet‘s off.” I point a finger at

him, leaning in and pressing it to his chest in warning. “And if you know what‘s good for you, you‘ll stay

the fuck away from her.” 1 Before Miles can object and start spewing more of his bullshit, I turn away,

stomping down the hall back to my own apartment. He calls something after me, but I don‘t hear it over

the blood rushing to my ears.