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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17

Bella‘s POV: I went back to my office. Joey came up to me and asked, “What did the boss ask you to

do?” I touched the underwear in my pocket and tried not to tell the truth for the first time because it was

too embarrassing. “Oh, nothing. It‘s just something about the budget.” I was not good at lying, and my

cheeks became hot again. Joey tilted her head and said, “Oh, dear, why do I feel that the boss is very

special to you?” Timmediately said, “He hates me and wants to drive me out of the company, but I won‘t leave so easily. Just work hard. I‘m going back for a vacation!” With that, I carried my bag and left. I

couldn‘t let Joey continue to ask. I don‘t want any misunderstandings from Joey, and I don‘t want her to

know about underwear. After I walked out of the building behind me, I took out the underwear in my

pocket and looked at the pink sexy underwear. I was very annoyed and then threw it into the trash can

next to me.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I was so tired that I fell on the bed when I got home. When I woke up again, it was already another day.

stretched, turned over and lay on the pillow again. I haven‘t slept in bed for a long time. I miss it so


My hand accidentally touched the phone. I took it and glanced at it. There were thirty–eight missed calls.

Opened it and saw that it was all from Hank. Bella frowned. Could it be that he had something urgent to

discuss with me? Then, Bella quickly called back. “Bella, where are you now? Are you okay? I called you

for a day and a night. Why didn‘t you answer it?” As soon as the phone was connected, Hank asked a

series of questions eagerly. “... I was too sleepy at home. I slept for a day and a night, so my phone was

muted,” I said. Bella heard the person on the phone heave a sigh of relief “It‘s good that you‘re fine. I

thought something happened to you.” Hearing this, I was touched. There were only two people who

cared so much about me. “It seems that your work has come to an end. I don‘t know if I have the honor

to invite you out for a meal tonight?” Hank invited. Because he had invited me several times before, but I

didn‘t agree. This time, I was a little embarrassed to refuse, so I agreed. I said with a smile, “Of course I

can‘t refuse Professor Hank‘s invitation.” “That‘s settled then. I‘ll pick you up at six o‘clock in the

evening.” Hank‘s voice was filled with obvious


“See you tonight.” I hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone screen, I was a little absent-minded.


In fact, I knew that Hank had a good impression of me, but I didn‘t like him.

I know very well that I don‘t like him. Hank‘s financial condition was really good. He was rich, decent in

his profession, handsome, and gentle. In any case, Hank was a very suitable person. Isn‘t it said that

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

love can be cultivated? Maybe we‘ve been together for a long time, or maybe I can fall in love with


I‘ll meet Hank at the appointed time.

This evening, we had a very pleasant conversation. Hank was gentle and considerate. When I was with

him, my heart felt like being baptized by a spring. O

After three days of rest.

On the fourth day, I stepped on high heels and went to work in a good mood. I looked up and puffed out

my chest as I walked along the corridor. At a glance, I saw two people walking side by side in front of me.

The man was dressed in a black suit, cold and handsome. The woman had brown and red curly hair and

was dressed like a fashionable guard.

I walked towards them and got closer and closer. Although I didn‘t want to see them, I had nowhere to
