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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 420
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Chapter 420 A Creeper

Bourdamun was a neighboring city to Muborough. However, the former’s economy

couldn’t match Muborough. Although close, Bourdamun lacked a coastline, which slowed

its development.

Matthew hadn’t taken projects in Bourdamun in recent years because of its sluggish

development. I hadn’t even considered anything in Bourdamun. A client from there visited

today, and I was curious to

Yearn about it.

Jeremiah smiled sincerely, but his words were doubtful. He said, “Yes, we’re in the

development business. I heard Tanum Corporation’s interior design and construction are

leading in Foswood. I’ve always wanted

to work with you, but the timing was never right.

I smiled calmly and responded, “That’s an overstatement, Mr. Jeremiah. Tanum

Corporation is just an ordinary company. It’s been a rough year, so I wouldn’t dare claim

it’s leading in anything.

“We do our best to uphold honesty and quality to satisfy our clients. Do you have any


construction projects?” I didn’t want to stall. Instead, I cut to the chase.

“Oh, you’re being modest, Ms. Chloe,” Jeremiah never broke eye contact, making me

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uncomfortable as he

continued, “There’s a project we consider key in Bourdamun this year. However, the

authorities request

we build a benchmark for Bourdamun.

“Naturally, we must raise our standards with different plans, so we must be cautious.

That’s why I wanted

to meet you today.”

I was curious when he mentioned the key Bourdamun project. “Thank you, Mr. Jeremiah.”

Still, I couldn’t help but feel Jeremia was unfit to be associated with such a significant

project. It wasn’t

that I judged him by his appearance, but one’s appearance often reflected one’s inner


I thought the slick middle–aged man before me didn’t possess the integrity he claimed.

How he looked at me made me doubt his intentions even more. Unless he referred to his

dad when he mentioned the ”


We continued discussing and exchanging empty promises for a while. Then, I asked

Jeremiah for relevant

materials. However, he mentioned the project documents were still undergoing process

and would send

them to me as soon as he returned.

felt annoyed because Jeremiah had come to discuss a project yet arrived unprepared. I

thought it

wasn’t a pleasant joke, It seemed he thought I had plenty of time to waste. Even if I did, I

wouldn’t want to


entertaining someone like him.

Fortunately, Carol entered.

I took the chance and said, “Mr. Jeremiah, please bring the relevant documents for a more

detailed discussion. We haven’t worked on anything in Bourdamun, so I look forward to our



Carol understood my underlying tone and said, “Ms. Chloe, the meeting at 10 o’clock is all


Perfect.” I nodded and told Jeremiah, “I apologize, Mr. Jeremiah, but we’ll have to end our

discussion today. I have another meeting soon.”


“Uh, oh, of course!” He quickly stood up and extended his chubby hand toward me. “T–

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That’s fine. I won’t trouble you further, Ms. Chloe. I’ll make sure to bring the documents

next time.”

I felt slightly disgusted but couldn’t ignore him since he was a guest. I reluctantly shook

his hand, but he surprisingly held it firmly, saying, “I’m sorry for bothering you. We’ll meet

again soon. I’m confident we’ll work together successfully.

I raised an eyebrow and gazed at his hand coldly. Then, I withdrew my outstretched hand

and said, “Carol,

Please see Mr. Jeremiah out for me. Goodbye.”

Carol quickly stepped forward and gestured for him to leave. Once he left, I hurried to the


restroom to wash my hands. When I came out, Carol returned from sending Jeremiah off.

She looked at

me and asked, “What’s with that guy?”

“Ugh! He’s creepy, and his words were weirder!” I complained, tossing Jeremiah’s

business card to Carol. Tell Grayson to look into him. I feel something’s off about Jeremiah.

Check if Bourdamun has any key.

projects this year, too.”

“Sure, I’ll get to it right away.” Carol turned and left.

I sat back in my chair, thinking about Bourdamun and its ‘key‘ project.