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Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 36
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Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 36

36 Hard Decision

Lily POV

Once we are in an exam room, Dr. Neilson checks my mother over. “Iris, your vital signs are all stable

and besides some bruising that is already fading, you look perfect.” My mother laughs and I love to

hear that sound. Amelia was right when she said he couldn’t break her spirit. “I am far from perfect, but

thank you.” “I don’t think there is any reason you will need to stay in the hospital tonight” Dr. Neilson

says. He leaves and I can’t help myself. I wrap my mom in a hug again. I was so worried that I wouldn’t

make it to her in time and she is here. She pulls back and pushes my hair behind my ear. “I’m safe, Lily,

and I wouldn’t take back anything that I did to protect you.” I smile “I have someone who will want to

see you.” I take her hand and lead her down the hall. I open the door and lead her inside. She gasps

and starts to cry when she sees my aunt. She runs over and they hug. “Iris, oh my goddess you’re

alright” my aunt says as they embrace. My aunt looks so much better and the doctor said she can

leave the hospital tomorrow. The door opens and ‘John walks in with Neal. Neal wraps me in his arms

and I melt into him. I hear someone clear their throat and I look up to see my mother smiling at us.

He comes to stand next to me. “Mom, this is my beloved Neal.” “Neal, this is my mother, Iris.” He walks

over and I can feel the nerves through our bond. My mother isn’t going to care he is a wolf, but I’m sure

he is uncertain. He reaches out his hand and she pulls him into a hug. I feel the moment his body

relaxes. She pulls back, “Neal, I know you will take good care of my baby and I wouldn’t care if you

were a purple unicorn as long as that happens.” Neal laughs and looks back at me. My mother turns to

me, “Lily, can you go make sure that Pheobe is OK?” “Of course, mom” I say before I head to the

nurse’s station. The nurse smiles at me. “Can I help you Lily?” “Yes, the young lady that came in with

us can you take me to her.” “Of course” she says and leads me to a room down a long hallway. She

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knocks and opens the door. I walk in and it looks like Pheobe has just finished dressing. “Thank you” I

say to the nurse and she leaves, closing the door behind her.

“Pheobe it’s nice to finally meet you in person.” She smiles but it falls as quickly as it came. “I’m sorry

for what my brother has done.” I step toward her. “Did you hurt my mother, Pheobe?” She looks

affronted by my question. “I would never hurt your mother.” “It sickened me every day I couldn’t get her

out of there.” “Then you have nothing to apologize for.” “In fact, you are the only reason she is safe

right now.” I pull her into a hug. She stiffens but after a few seconds she wraps her arms around me.

My heart breaks for this girl. I can feel her turmoil. I step back, “Pheobe, can we talk for a minute?” She

nods and we both take a seat. “Pheobe, I can’t imagine how torn you must be.” “I’m not torn, I did what

was right and I would do it again.” “I may be a black magic witch because I was born one but I don’t

agree with hurting people.”

Pheobe POV

“I just meant that despite what they have done, they are your family”, Lily says. She doesn’t understand

that Lucas has never been a brother to me and my mother acts like he can do no wrong. “I love my

mother but she will never go against Lucas.” “She wouldn’t even believe me when I know he killed our

father.” Lily has a look of sympathy for what I lost. “My brother is a monster that needs to be stopped.”

“I couldn’t stand by and watch him torture your mother.” “I wish I was stronger so I could have stopped

him myself.” “Maybe my father would still be alive if I was stronger.” She is quiet for a minute and I

wonder what she is thinking about. “Pheobe, do you know what strength it took to go against your

brother and save my mother.” “I heard my mother say that Lucas was there before we arrived at the

hotel.” “He was and honestly I have no idea what happened but something helped me.” Now she looks

at me with confusion. I dig into my pocket pulling out the amethyst ring. I tell her about the whisper and

the sphere that formed when I placed it on and chanted” She smiles “Pheobe, can you do me a favor

and make a small energy ball in your hand.” I’m not sure why she is asking me this but I do what she

asks. As soon as the energy ball forms, it is white in color. That can’t be. I don’t have white light magic.

She smiles, “it appears the goddess thinks your strong Pheobe.”

“I don’t understand what’s happening.” “I can’t be sure how or who gave you that ring but it is very clear

the goddess has a plan for you.” I look down at the ring on my finger. “Why would the goddess pick

me?” “She knows what you can’t see yet.” “What’s that Lily?” “That what you were born as doesn’t

define who you become.” “Now I know you’re not ready to sit with Michael yet so I have some people I

would like you to meet.” “Lily, I can’t stay here.” She looks at me like I’m crazy. “What do you mean you

can’t stay here?” “First of all, it’s a wolf pack and I’m a black magic witch.” “Not anymore” she says very

matter of fact. “Do you really believe that the Alpha of this pack is going to just accept me?” “That isn’t

how Alpha wolves work.” “Without a doubt.” “Lincoln isn’t any Alpha.” “Besides you’re the future Beta

Female.” “Lily” I say but she cuts me off. “Introductions now and conversation with Michael later.” I

chuckle because she isn’t asking me. She leads me to another room where Iris is waiting.

Michael POV

I feel like I’m losing my mind sitting here like a love sick pup just waiting to get a glimpse of my mate. “I

don’t care if we have to sit her all night” Jaxon growls. I ignore him and a few minutes later Lincoln

comes through the double doors. He looks at me with a look of confusion. “What’s going on” he asks. I

explain everything with Lily’s mother. “That’s wonderful news.” “I know Amelia was worried so I’m glad

we can put her mind at ease.” “Me too.” He looks at me for second trying to read me like the Alpha he

is. “What aren’t you telling me Michael?” “The witch that helped Lily’s mother escape is my mate.” “Oh,

my goddess that’s awesome Michael.” “Why do you look so sh**ty if you found your mate?” “I think she

plans to reject me.” I see his eyes flash black. “Calm down Talon” I say and his eyes turn back. “Why

the f**k would she reject you?” “Honestly Lincoln, I don’t know.” “She hasn’t even spoken to me.” “I’m

on the verge of losing my mind and Jaxon is ready to shift.” “Well I understand why.” “I would have lost

my mind if Amelia had denies our bond.”

He puts his hand on my shoulder, “have faith that she will make the right choice.” I stand and Lincoln

pulls me into a hug. “Why don’t you come to Amelia’s room and I’ll make sure that she doesn’t leave

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until you get a chance to speak with her.” I nod and follow him to the room. When we get inside, I stop

in my tracks. Jaxon is pushing to the surface and I push him down. “Lincoln, this is Pheobe, she helped

Iris escape”, Amelia says. My mate looks at me and all I want to do is wrap her in my arms and breathe

in her beautiful scent, but I keep myself rooted to this spot. Lincoln walks over and takes her hand to

shake it. I can’t stop the growl that escapes me. Amelia’s eyes shoot in my direction and then to


Amelia POV

Lincoln left because I was hungry and I wanted ice cream. He really is the best mate and I was lucky

that the goddess blessed me with such an amazing man. Bean is moving all over the place and I’m so

happy to feel it. I know the doctor said he would be fine if I delivered early, but I’m glad he has more

time. A knock sounds on the door and Lily comes in with two women. “How’s my bean doing?” I laugh

“he’s doing somersaults in my belly.” The older woman comes over and places her hand on my belly. I

smile looking at Lily. “Amelia, this is my mother, Iris.” I reach up and pull her down into a hug. “I’m so

glad you’re safe.” “I knew you were strong, just like your amazing daughter.” She pulls back with a huge

smile on her face. She takes my hand “this is Pheobe, she helped me escape.” “Pheobe, welcome to

the Nightfire pack.” I see her look at my belly. “I’m very pregnant, do you want to feel the pup move?”

Her eyes get big but she still walks toward my bed. She slowly places her hand on my stomach. A few

seconds later, I watch her smile when bean kicks her hand. “That’s amazing”, she says.

The door opens and Lincoln comes in, followed by Michael. Michael stops when he sees Pheobe. The

minute he growls when Lincoln takes her hand, I know. She is his mate, but why haven’t they accepted

each other? She drops her head and I look at Lily. She nods and I need to help this happen. Michael

needs his mate and if I’m right, Pheobe does too. I look at Lincoln and Michael. “Gentlemen, I believe

that girl talk is in order.” “Are you kicking us out love” :Lincoln asks. “Absolutely, now give me a kiss and

hit the road.” He laughs but does what I ask. Michael looks back at Pheobe one more time before he

leaves. I turn to her, “so Michael is your mate.” “Yes, he is my beloved, but I have to reject him.”