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Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 10
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Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 10

10 Pack

Amelia POV

I can’t believe I’ve agreed to go to the Nightfire Pack. “It’s the right thing to do, Amelia”, Star says. I

know she’s right, but I still hate that I’m involving others in my problems with Atlas. “I know Star, I just

hope that we can convince the Elders about what Atlas has done so we can raise our pup in peace.”

“Have faith, Amelia” she says before she recedes in my mind. I’m in my room with Lily gathering more

clothes to take with me. I know she is still hurt that I was leaving without telling her because she has

been quiet since we came into this room. “Lily, I’m sorry that I was going to leave without telling you.”

She sits on the bed and I can see unshed tears in her eyes when she looks up at me. “I truly

understand why you thought leaving was the right choice.” “I was just upset because since I have left

home and my mother, you’re the first woman who has felt like family to me.” “I know how crazy that

sounds because we haven’t known each other long but if I could pick a sister Amelia, you would be it.” I

wrap her in a hug. “I don’t think that sounds crazy, I feel the same way.” “I promise I won’t try to leave

again without talking to you.” “Thank you, now let’s get you packed so we can decorate your new

room.” I plan to come back to my apartment when everything is settled but it will be nice to make the

room I stay in my own. We head back out to the living room where Michael and Lincoln are waiting. I

can tell Michael is concerned about Lincoln’s offer to take me to the pack.

I have stayed quiet in my life far too long. “Beta Michael, are you alright with me coming to the pack?”

“Amelia” Lincoln begins to say, but I give him a look that leaves no room for discussion. Michael looks

at Lincoln when I ask my question. “Michael, I won’t be offended, please speak freely.” I turn to Lincoln,

“please give him permission to speak freely.” I can tell Lincoln isn’t happy about my request, but, he

does as I ask. “I mean no disrespect Amelia but I’m concerned about Atlas and his plans.” I’m just

about to speak but he continues. “Despite those concerns I completely agree with Alpha Lincoln on

protecting you and your pup at the Nightfire pack.” I smile “thank you Beta Michael for your honesty.”

Lincoln takes my bag and I see a slight smile in the corner of Michael’s mouth as he watches Lincoln. I

don’t say anything as we head for the elevator. Once we are in the parking garage I walk toward Lily’s

car and I can see that Lincoln wants to say something but he doesn’t. “Looks like the Beta even noticed

how Alpha Lincoln is with us”, Star says. “Star, we are not going to have this conversation again.” “He

is just being kind, like a good Alpha should.” “Elias would do the same for someone in need.” “You can

lie to yourself but I know you feel something toward him and that he is being more than kind to us.” I

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push her down as he sticks my bag in Lily’s car. I slide into the passenger seat waiting for Lily to get in.

Lincoln POV

I get Lily’s attention before she gets into the car. “Lily, when you get to the pack, please take her into

the dining room until I speak to my father.” “I’m sure he will be waiting after I left so abruptly and I don’t

want him to insult Amelia because he thinks she is a rogue.” “No problem, Alpha” Lily says. “Lily, you

know you don’t have to use my title unless we are in a formal setting.” “I know but after what you just

did for my friend you deserved to be called Alpha.” She winks before she gets into the driver’s seat. I

roll my eyes and chuckle, heading to our car. Once I’m in the car, Michael drives out of the parking

complex. He starts to drive toward the pack and I can see Lily’s car is following us in the mirror. Talon

and I had been on edge since we got the call from John so he is finally calm. “Alright, what is up with

you with this she-wolf?” At first I think about just telling him to drop it, but Michael is the only person I

can talk with beside Talon about this.” “I’m not sure Michael.” “What does that mean?” “Besides that

taking her to the pack is the right thing to do, I feel some connection to Amelia.” “Lincoln that’s not

possible.” “She is still mated to that do*chebag that cheated on her.” “I know Michael but Talon feels it

too.” “I can’t explain it but I need her and the pup to be close to us and I would kill anyone that tried to

hurt her. “Well, I meant what I said about protecting her.” “Thank you for what you said and trusting

what I’m saying.” “Lincoln you are not only my Alpha, you are my best friend.” “If you say she’s

important to you then she is important to me.”

We pull into the parking near the pack house and I ask Michael to take her bag up to my floor. “Please

take it to the room next to mine.” He nods taking the bag and heading up the walkway. I take Amelia’s

hand, helping her out of the car. Every time I touch her skin, the feeling and connection seems to be

more intense. She doesn’t pull away, but I can tell by her expression she feels it too. “Amelia, Lily is

going to take you into the dining room while I speak to my father.” “Of course, I’m sure you have a

million things to do besides entertain me.” “Please don’t feel like you need to rush.” “I’m sure Lily can

take me to my room.” “I won’t be long and I will show you to your room” I say because I’m sure she is

going to wonder why she will be on the Alpha floor. She smiles and I feel the warmth in my chest. “Well,

I’m starving so the dining room is perfect.” We walk into the pack house and my father is sitting in the

living room just as I knew he would be.” As soon as he sees Amelia, he stands coming toward me. Lily

leads her to the dining room as I asked before he reaches us. “Lincoln, what the hell is going on?”

“Come to my office father, we can speak there.” I’m grateful when he follows me and doesn’t make a

scene, so Amelia hears.

Amelia POV

When we get into the dining room, the smell of the food makes my mouth salivate. “Come on Amelia,

let’s grab some food while we wait for Alpha Lincoln.” As we walk to the buffet, I feel like everyone is

staring at me. Which is probably true because I’m an outsider. We get our plates and go take a seat at

a table near the front of the room. I put the first bite of roast beef in my mouth and I moan because it’s

so good. “I take it you like the food” Lily says with a chuckle. “Yes, the food is delicious.” “What do you

think you’re doing sitting here” a woman’s voice comes from behind me. Lily’s head snaps in the voice’s

direction. “I suggest you walk away from this table Jennifer, unless you would like us to step outside”,

Lily says. I go to stand next to her. “Did you just threaten the future Luna of this pack, witch?” Star

growls in my head at her words and I feel a tinge of jealousy, but I push it away. Star is at the surface

and I growl. She whips her head in my direction. “Did you just growl at me you filthy rogue?” This b**ch

is so lucky there is a pup in my belly right now. I place my hand on my belly without even thinking about

it. “Oh, I’m sorry, my mistake, you’re a w***e besides being a filthy rogue.” Before I can stop her, Lily

slaps the she-wolf across the face. If she really is the future Luna, Lily will be in big trouble for hitting

her whether she is a witch or not.

“What is going on here?” We all turn toward the voice. “Luna, that vile witch slapped me” she says

pointing at Lily. “I was simply trying to tell them they can’t sit at the Alpha table.” “Is this true Lily?” “Yes

Luna, I slapped her for the way she spoke to a pack guest.” She looks to me and I bare my neck.

“Luna, this is Amelia.” “Alpha Lincoln brought her here today and Jennifer just insulted her.” To my

surprise she whirls on Jennifer. “You insulted a guest of the Alpha?” “How was I to know she was his

guest?” “That’s exactly the point of this conversation Jennifer” the Luna says. “You have no right to

speak to anyone rudely.” “I suggest you leave this room and think about your behavior.” I can see she

wants to scream but she maintains her composure. “Yes Luna” she says before she leaves the room.

“Now Lily why don’t you introduce me properly to our guest.” I smile and we all take a seat. “Luna

Lorraine this is Amelia.” “Amelia this is Alpha Lincoln’s mother, Luna Lorraine.” “It’s nice to meet you,

Luna.” “It’s nice to meet you as well, Amelia.” “How far along are you?” “I’m about three months.” “What

are you having?” “I’m having a boy.” “Boys are sweet but I’m partial since that is what I had.” I chuckle

“Amelia, I’m not going to ask you why you are here but I want you to know that you will be treated with

respect by this pack no matter the reason.” “I apologize for Jennifer’s behavior but hopefully I have

made myself clear to her.” “Now please eat, I’m sure the pup is making you hungry all the time.” “I know

Lincoln made me into an eating machine.” “I like her” Star says and I completely agree. We continue to

talk and just her presence has made me more comfortable.

Lincoln POV

As soon as we reach my office and the door is shut my father lets loose on me. “What the hell are you

thinking about bringing a rogue into this pack?” “First of all, father, I don’t appreciate your tone.” “Sit

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down and we can have a civilized conversation.” “Secondly I am Alpha and I know what the hell I am

doing.” I know he hates that he isn’t in charge but he respects me as his son and Alpha. My father

takes a seat and I do the same behind my desk. “Now, if you would like to know why Amelia is here, I

am glad to answer your questions but her being here is not up for debate.” “So, you’re going to let a

rogue stay in our pack.” Talon comes to the surface and I growl at my father. I have never growled at

my father. The look of shock on his face is comical. “Did you just growl at me?” “Yes, I did and after I

explain everything you will understand why.” “Amelia is not a rogue, she is a pack wolf.” He looks at me

confused. I tell him about why she left her pack while she was pregnant with Atlas’s pup. “What kind of

mate does that?” “I’m not sure, father, but it seems whatever has happened in the Darkmoon pack,

Amelia’s mate has become Alpha.”

“Lincoln, I understand you wanting to help this young lady but you know that what you’re doing is

against werewolf-law.” “You cannot keep and Luna from her mate.” “Father, I’m aware of our laws but

she was never made Luna and once I speak with the Elders hopefully, they will understand why I had

to take her in.” “That is a phone call you need to make sooner than later son.” “I will be making the call

today after I get Amelia situated on my floor.” Again, my father looks like he can’t believe what he just

heard. “Lincoln, there are guest rooms that would be more appropriate for her to stay in.” Talon growls

again and my father crosses his arms over his chest. “Do you want to explain to your father why your

wolf has growled at me twice over this she-wolf.” I really hadn’t wanted to bring this up to my father but

I guess I have no choice. “Talon and I feel connected to Amelia.” “Lincoln she is still mated and has a

pup in her belly.” “I know father but I’m telling you she and her pup mean something to us.” “I need to

protect her.” He smiles “you know that your mother and I will support you no matter what but please be

careful.” I come around the desk and hug my father. I am very fortunate to have such wonderful


My father and I head downstairs and walk into the dining room. My mother is sitting with Lily and

Amelia. She looks happy and comfortable. We walk up to the table and as soon as she sees us, she

smiles. “Dad, this is Amelia.” “Amelia, this is my father, Alpha Charles.” She bares his neck to him. “You

can just call me Charlie, I’m not Alpha anymore.” “It’s very nice to meet you, Charlie.” “I’m going to steal

Amelia and Lily to show them where Amelia will be staying.” “Goodbye Luna and Charlie” she says and

we head upstairs. We reach my floor and walk down the hall till we reach her door, “this is your room.” I

point to the door next to it “this is my room.” “This is the Alpha floor” she says like she can’t believe

what I just said. “Yes, it is, now I’ll leave you and Lily to decorating your new room.” I don’t give her a

chance to argue. I walk away smiling and Talon is prancing in my head. “Really a big bad Alpha wolf

prancing.” He growls but I ignore him. I’m just happy she is here and safe.