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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 32
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The man subconsciously slowed down his steps and walked to the side of the small bed in the

children's room. He gently moved Sweetheart's small arms away from Mu Tongrui and then carried Mu

Tongrui up horizontally. No matter how gently he moved, Fu Lingye still awakened Mu Tongrui in his


Mu Tongrui's eyes were pale and obviously didn't get enough sleep. She hung her arms around Fu

Lingye's neck subconsciously and buried her small, wrinkled face in his chest. She mumbled, “Dad...”


Fu Lingye's mouth twitched.

Did this woman just treat him as her daddy? Was he that old?

After carrying Mu Tongrui out of the children's room, Fu Lingye took her to his bedroom.

Fu Lingye carried the woman onto the big bed. He was about to cover her with a blanket before she

grabbed his big hand and put it on her reddish face and muttered, “Please don't go...”

Mu Tongrui's soft and coquettish voice soften Fu Lingye's heart slightly. He bended his body and sat on

the edge of the bed, letting her hold his big hand. Mu Tongrui said in her dream, “Daddy... please don't


Fu Lingye frowned. Did Mu Tongrui have daddy issues?

Fu Lingye gently took away his big hand after Mu Tongrui fell asleep completely, and went into the

bathroom for a shower.

When he got out of the shower and went to bed, the woman lying next to him spontaneously hugged

him. Mu Tongrui slept awkwardly, holding Fu Lingye's neck with both hands and feet wrapped around

his waist like a little kangaroo. The sleeping posture was exactly the same as Sweetheart's.

That little one inherited her guts to love a person.

But the lady in his arms was not Sweetheart. It was a woman who could arouse his desires!

Her sleeping posture and her height, and also her soft forbidden body part, perfectly and awkwardly

rubbed against the most sensitive area of a man.

Fu Lingye's forehead trembled and his dark eyes stared at the sleeping woman. Mu Tongrui's innocent

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sleeping pose made Fu Lingye undecide whether to laugh or to be angry.

She never knew that every move she made now was like playing with fire!

Fu Lingye clearly felt the changes in his body. The muscles all over his body were tense and even the

blood rushed towards his lower body. Fu Lingye frowned and stared at Mu Tongrui. His thin lips uttered

in a cold voice, “Mu Tongrui.”

But the woman in her arms could not hear what he said. Her pink frosty lips moved twice and showing

her white teeth. Fu Lingye was very aroused as he watched.

“Mu Tongrui, get down and sleep by yourself.”

That request felt like a command. Not only did she not let him go, but the woman cheekily grumbled

and complained, “I don't want...”


Fu Lingye raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and breathed heavily.

He had never seen such a “cheeky” woman.

But Fu Lingye's chest seemed to be gently slapped by a small hand. He felt as if a small wave was

stirred up by Mu Tongrui.

The small wave came together with Mu Tongrui's restless movements, gradually expanded in Fu

Lingye's heart...

Fu Lingye's tolerance was good enough, but he was still a man after all. He pressed Mu Tongrui's back

with his big hand, her black eyes were staring at her for a full five seconds. The man's tolerance

seemed to reach its limit point. Fu Lingye suddenly bowed his head and held Mu Tongrui's red lips.


While asleep, Mu Tongrui felt something warm on her lips and a body was on top of her. She was

almost out of breath!

She frowned and opened her eyelids slowly. A big handsome face suddenly appeared in front of her!


She was so frightened that she quickly used all her strength to push away the man in front of her!

When Fu Lingye let go of her slightly, Mu Tongrui slapped him hard on the man's right cheek!

“You...you are shameless!”

He took advantage of her while she was asleep!

But after the slap, Mu Tongrui's vision became clearer and she suddenly saw the man in front of her. It

was none other than Fu Lingye!

She slapped Fu Lingye...

The man put his hands on her cheeks and his black eyes stared at her coldly without saying a word. He

was like a falcon full of anger and about to explode in rage!

Mu Tongrui only felt that the temperature of her whole body had dropped below zero degree. Her hot

body felt a sudden chill. She smiled in embarrassment and looked at Fu Lingye, “I... I thought it was a


Her small chin was pinched by the man's long fingers, “Rapist? Which rapist has such a low taste in


Mu Tongrui wanted to blurt out, you...

But she dared not speak. Why did Fu Lingye kiss her if he had such a high taste? He kissed her while

she was asleep!

Fu Lingye’s dark eyes were clear. He knew what was in Mu Tongrui's mind. He snorted coldly and said,

“If you didn’t lie in my arms, refused to get down, and took advantage of me by rubbing around my

body, do you think I’ll sleep with a corpse?”

He really didn't say this for the sake of his own ego. Fu Lingye was not interested in a sleeping with a


Mu Tongrui's blushing face bulged, “I'm asleep. How can I take advantage? Don't accuse me.”

But when she looked up and saw the obvious slap mark on the man's right face, she felt guilty for no


“I, I'd better go to Sweetheart's room to sleep...”

She was just about to get up when the man grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. She staggered and

fell into his arms, facing his eyes directly.


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Her heart was pounding fast with complicated mixed feelings.

Why was she so nervous...?

Fu Lingye glanced at her indifferently. He pulled her wrist away, turned over and lay on the big bed on

one side, “If you go to sleep with Sweetheart now and wake up the others, they will think that we have

a fight.”

Mu Tongrui lowered her face and said “Oh”.

She was very sleepy at first but now she was completely awake. Mu Tongrui irritably blew the hair on

her forehead in the dark.

After being silent for about ten minutes, Mu Tongrui asked restlessly, “Are... are you free tomorrow


The man responded coldly, “Not free.”

He had an important dinner with the representatives of GK Corporation tomorrow night.

She whispered “Oh” again. Her heart tangled and she was anxious. If Fu Lingye did not show up

tomorrow night, she needed to kneel down and bow three times to Shen Wanyue.

She continued to ask without giving up, “Then... when will you be back tomorrow night? I... I can wait

for you.”

Fu Lingye suddenly turned his head, squinting her black eyes and looked at her, “Why are you waiting

for me?”


The look in his eyes was like she was waiting for him to do something sinful. Mu Tongrui's face was


“No, nothing, it's just a friend who asked me to go to a party, and everyone is bringing a male partner...

Forget about it, since you are not free, I'll go by myself!”

Fu Lingye twisted her eyebrows slightly, with an inquiring sense on his eyes, “You really want me to


“Huh...? If you don't want to go...”

There was another voice in her heart 'roaring wildly'. Mu Tongrui, put down your ego and invite him! Tell

him that you really want him to go with you!