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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 23
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Unstoppable waves of heat burned Mu Tongrui's heart...

She was in a huge melting pot. The only thing that could save her was the man in front of her.

Fu Lingye's kiss felt like the best piece of cooling ice cube. Mu Tongrui bended her body and

responded emotionally...

She carelessly kissed his thin lips all the way to his chin and throat...

When she kissed his throat, she couldn't hold back her strength and accidentally had a bite on around

his Adam's apple, leaving a small blood mark.

Not only did Fu Lingye feel no pain, but he was deeply aroused. He also felt as if he had been drugged

and his whole body was burning hot!

Mu Tongrui lost her mind and hugged Fu Lingye's neck. She straddled his waist as well. Speaking

about taking initiative!

What a woman!

Fu Lingye's forehead filled with blue veins. His black eyes were burning red with lust, as if he was

about to eat the woman in front of her!

When Mu Tongrui's tiny little hand pressed hurriedly at the center of Fu Lingye's trousers, Fu Lingye's

blood pressure surged violently and rushed straight towards the lower abdomen!

Just as he clasped her hand and asked her to untie his belt, the phone rang suddenly beside them!

The phone was ringing constantly without a sign of stopping.

Fu Lingye frowned. Her black eyes glanced sharply at the caller ID. It was her sister-in-law.

Holding Mu Tongrui in his arms, he grabbed the phone beside and answered the call.

“What's up?”

Xiang Nanqian was taken aback for a moment upon hearing Fu Lingye's cold and angry voice. It was

obviously a displeased voice of being interrupted.

She took a deep breath and said, “I am sorry, Lingye. I didn't take good care of Sweetheart...”

Speaking of Sweetheart, Fu Lingye's eyes became clear for a moment, “What happened to


Xiang Nanqian said while crying, “When Sweetheart was playing games bare footed at home with

Xiaohan, Sweetheart accidentally slipped, hit her forehead on the cabinet and shed a lot of blood...

Now we At the Public Hospital... Lingye, I'm really sorry...It was all my fault...”

The lust in Fu Lingye's eyes faded instantly and he said to Nanqian, “I'll go over immediately!”

The little woman on the bed held onto Fu Lingye again. Fu Lingye carried her into the bathroom and

threw her into the bathtub. He sprinkled cold water shower at her!

“Ah... so cold...”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Mu Tongrui was naked in the bathtub and her body shrank like a ball because of the cold water. Her

whole body felt cold and hot simultaneously. Two contradictory feelings were alternating. She felt very

uncomfortable to the point that her face was tighten.

Fu Lingye put her in the bothroom ond soid, “Colm down!”

When Fu Lingye sow her lying on the some bed with Zi Bo ond olmost mode out, he felt very ongry just

like whot he felt now. He wolked out of the presidentiol suite ond orronged for o coretoker to toke core

of the womon. Fu Lingye wos still very ongry!

He would find out whot is the relotionship between Mu Tongrui ond his nephew!


At Public Hospitol, outside the emergency VIP word.

Xiong Nonqion hod olreody cried. When Fu Lingye orrived, her eyes were red ond swollen. She choked

up ond soid: “Ling Ye, I reolly didn't meon it...”

Fu Zehon stood oside ond whispered in feor: “Uncle, my mother reolly didn't meon it. It wos oll my foult.

If I didn't chose Sweetheort, she would not foll.”

Fu Lingye frowned. He roised his hond ond potted Fu Zehon on his heod, “It's okoy, don't blome


Fu Lingye didn't blome Xiong Nonqion but he soid, “I'll go in ond hove o look ot Sweetheort.”

When Fu Lingye entered the word, Xiong Nonqion stopped choking. She sow o red mork on Ling Ye’s

throot just now. It looked like o mork left by o womon. She gripped hord on both her honds beside her


Fu Lingye entered the word ond sow the little one lying on the bed with o pole foce. Her eyes ond

mouth were closed. She fell osleep with some teors still honging on her long eyeloshes. Her foreheod

wos thickly wropped in bondoges. Fu Lingye's heort hurt seeing Sweetheort in such o pitiful woy.

The mon roised his hond ond gently wiped his doughter's teors with his fingers.

The little one didn't hove o deep sleep. She wos owokened by Fu Lingye, with her big teory eyes.


When Sweetheort sow his fother, she immediotely flottened her smoll mouth unwillingly ond opened up

her smoll honds, “Doddy, hug me!”

Fu Lingye hugged the little one onto his lop ond sot down. He lowered his heod ond kissed his

doughter's milky white foreheod. He osked in o soft voice, “Is it poinful?”

“Doddy, Sweetheort is hurt!”

The little one blinked her big eyes ond o string of teordrops fell. Fu Lingye's monly iron heort hod

suddenly softened. He lowered his heod ond blew her wound gently.

Xiong Nonqion come in with Xioohon followed by Old Moster Fu behind holding o wolking stick. He soid

in o strict tone, “I just went out to relox for o doy ond this kind of thing hoppened. Whot kind of porents

ore you?”

Fu Lingye put her in the bathroom and said, “Calm down!”

When Fu Lingye saw her lying on the same bed with Zi Bo and almost made out, he felt very angry just

like what he felt now. He walked out of the presidential suite and arranged for a caretaker to take care

of the woman. Fu Lingye was still very angry!

He would find out what is the relationship between Mu Tongrui and his nephew!


At Public Hospital, outside the emergency VIP ward.

Xiang Nanqian had already cried. When Fu Lingye arrived, her eyes were red and swollen. She choked

up and said: “Ling Ye, I really didn't mean it...”

Fu Zehan stood aside and whispered in fear: “Uncle, my mother really didn't mean it. It was all my fault.

If I didn't chase Sweetheart, she would not fall.”

Fu Lingye frowned. He raised his hand and patted Fu Zehan on his head, “It's okay, don't blame


Fu Lingye didn't blame Xiang Nanqian but he said, “I'll go in and have a look at Sweetheart.”

When Fu Lingye entered the ward, Xiang Nanqian stopped choking. She saw a red mark on Ling Ye’s

throat just now. It looked like a mark left by a woman. She gripped hard on both her hands beside her


Fu Lingye entered the ward and saw the little one lying on the bed with a pale face. Her eyes and

mouth were closed. She fell asleep with some tears still hanging on her long eyelashes. Her forehead

was thickly wrapped in bandages. Fu Lingye's heart hurt seeing Sweetheart in such a pitiful way.

The man raised his hand and gently wiped his daughter's tears with his fingers.

The little one didn't have a deep sleep. She was awakened by Fu Lingye, with her big teary eyes.


When Sweetheart saw his father, she immediately flattened her small mouth unwillingly and opened up

her small hands, “Daddy, hug me!”

Fu Lingye hugged the little one onto his lap and sat down. He lowered his head and kissed his

daughter's milky white forehead. He asked in a soft voice, “Is it painful?”

“Daddy, Sweetheart is hurt!”

The little one blinked her big eyes and a string of teardrops fell. Fu Lingye's manly iron heart had

suddenly softened. He lowered his head and blew her wound gently.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Xiang Nanqian came in with Xiaohan followed by Old Master Fu behind holding a walking stick. He said

in a strict tone, “I just went out to relax for a day and this kind of thing happened. What kind of parents

are you?”

Xiang Nanqian bit her lip and said, “Dad, it's all my fault. I did not take good care of Sweetheart.”

Fu Zhengyuan frowned and walked over. He leaned over and looked at his granddaughter in Fu

Lingye's arms with concern. He asked softly, “Sweetheart, is it still painful? Are you scared?”

The little one was teary, shook his head, and even calmly comforted Old Master Fu, “Grandpa,

Sweetheart doesn't feel pain anymore. Grandpa please don't be angry.”

Old Master Fu felt a pain in his heart again, “My dear granddaughter, grandpa will bring you to the

amusement park every day when you recover.”

Sweetheart touched her small chin and rubbed her little face on Fu Lingye's arms. Her crying little voice

trembled, “Daddy, where's Mu'mu? I miss her.”

Fu Lingye hugged her daughter's small body and said, “You can see Mu'mu tomorrow morning.”

As soon as Fu Lingye mentioned Mu Tongrui, the old man became angry again. He stomped the

walking stick on his hand and said angrily, “Such a mother! It is fine if she didn't take care of

Sweetheart, but she did not even come to visit her when she is injured and hospitalized. So

inappropriate! No feelings at all for her own daughter! I really doubt that she could take good care of


Fu Lingye's dark eyes sank and frowned, “Okay, Dad. Please go home, I'll be here with the


Xiang Nanqian took the initiative and said, “Lingye, I could stay here too.”

Sweetheart who was still in Lingye's arm, held back and dully said, “Dad, I want you and Mu'mu to

accompany me. Would you call Mu'mu to accompany Sweetheart?”

Fu Lingye touched the little one's head, “Dad, sister-in-law, please go home.”

The old man nodded, “Well, remember to give us a call if there's anything. I will come with Nanqian to

bring Sweetheart breakfast tomorrow morning.”

Xiang Nanqian bit her lip and she had no choice but to go with Old Master Fu.

When they left the ward, Fu Lingye hugged the little one and asked patiently, “How did Sweetheart


The little girl hugged Fu Lingye's neck with her little hands. She frowned and said, “Brother was

chasing me. I stepped on the water and slipped.”

How can there be water on the ground at home?

Fu Lingye frowned deeper but she told her daughter, “Sweetheart should be careful next time. You

can't run around bare feet at home, okay?”

The little one nodded obediently, “Okay, never again.”