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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori (official version)

Chapter 1466
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Dustin said calmly, “You claim you’re from the Food and Drug Administration, but you don’t even have an arrest warrant. So, on what basis are you arresting her?”

“That’s true! You can seize the drugs, but you have no right to arrest her!” Matteo was quick to react.

Every department had its responsibilities. It was true that matters of medical products were under the control of the Food and Drug Administration. However, they had no authority to arrest people.

“You’ve broken the law. As a governmental department, we are responsible for taking charge!” the bald man declared.

“Oh, drop the act, will you? We didn’t break any laws. Besides, even if we did, it’s not your place to arrest us.” Dustin remained cool as a cucumber.

“How dare you?” The bald man glared at Dustin, feeling his authority challenged. He shouted in frustration, “Hey, bastard! I’m warning you, you better not obstruct us, or we’ll arrest you too!”

“Arrest me? Do you have the authority to do that?” Dustin scoffed.

“Insolent bastards! Arrest them all!” the bald man roared.

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“Hold it right there!” Just then, a voice rang out from behind them. Everyone turned back to see a well- dressed young man approaching them.

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The man had long hair and held a lighter in his hand. He looked like the perfect definition of a distinguished gentleman. It was none other than Bo Dawson!

As usual, Bo was surrounded by a team of bodyguards. He looked magnificent. Anyone who attempted to approach him was blocked.

“Bo Dawson?”

When they saw who it was, Eleanor and Ezra frowned. They felt unsettled.

They had had a fallout with him due to what happened with Rejuvenaid. Now that he suddenly showed up here, they worried he might not come with good intentions.

“Mr. Dawson? Why are you here?”

The bald man felt a bad premonition. He enthusiastically went up to welcome Bo. The Dawson family owned the largest drug manufacturing company in Oakvale. Their connections and their status were unshakable.

Even the highest authority in the Food and Drug Administration had been put in place by the Dawson family. It was clear just how powerful they were.

He was merely a manager in the Food and Drug Administration. Of course, he had to flatter and get into the good books of the future leader of the Dawson family!

“Mr. Zagatti, what authority do you have?”

Bo huffed. “So you overstep your authority and arrest people as you wish these days, do you? Without even bothering to find out the truth? Who gave you the fucking guts to do that?”

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“What?” The bald man, Mr. Zagatti, was stunned and lost. He didn’t think he’d offended him before, so why was he questioning him immediately?

“What do you mean ‘what’? You’re nothing but a measly manager, and yet you’re already going around kicking up a fuss as you wish.

“If you were to be promoted to a higher position, wouldn’t you be strutting around and making a king out of yourself already?” Bo looked at him with displeasure.

“I-I Well-” The bald man was flustered, sweat beaded on his forehead.

“Mr. Dawson I’m only just acting in accordance with the law. Please forgive me if I’ve offended you in any way.”

With someone of Bo’s power, all it took was one word from him to get Mr. Zagatti fired. If Bo decided to take things up a notch, he might even end up imprisoned!

“Acting in accordance with the law? Like hell you are!” Bo berated him on the spot. “The Dawson family worked with the Camron family to develop the Dew Balm.

“It has been through rigorous checking in every relevant department, and they all turned out fine.

“But now you’re telling me that it contains harmful substances? Are you implying that the Dawson family is breaking the law knowingly?”

“What? The Dawson family?”

Mr. Zagatti was so shocked to hear that that his knees buckled.

Damn it! Didn’t they tell him he was only going up against the Camrons? How did the Dawson family get involved? He was in deep trouble now!

Oh, Ezra Swanson! You fucking got me in deep shit!