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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72

Soon, the dishes were being served to the table. Noah, who stood guard outside the private room,

opened the door. “Mr. Lewis, Mr. Clark of Halston Corporation wishes to see you,” said Noah.

Christopher nodded calmly. Then, Zachary walked into the private room with Jodie. He held a wine glass

in his hand as he said, “Mr. Lewis, I didn‘t expect to see you here. It‘s my pleasure to meet you.”

When Jodie saw Margaret, she stuck out her tongue at the latter. Jodie was forced to stand by Zachary‘s

side to play her role as a good daughter.

Margaret smiled and mimicked her expression. Meanwhile, Christopher observed their interactions

silently. He could not move his gaze away from Margaret for a long moment.

Jodie gave Margaret a meaningful wink, and Margaret finally came back to her senses. She poured

some wine into Christopher‘s glass until it was half–full.

Christopher raised his glass at Zachary and took a sip of the wine. He nodded slightly in response to

Zachary‘s greetings.

Zachary did not stay longer. “I shall leave now. Please enjoy your meal,” he said.

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Christopher‘s lips faintly curled as if smiling. Only Margaret knew it was not a smile at all.

After Jodie left, Margaret‘s phone kept ringing as messages came in. She was chatting with Jodie joyfully

when Christopher interrupted out of the blue, “Eat properly.”

Margaret quickly replied to Jodie with a shushing emoji and kept her phone away.

Then, she picked up the fork and ate her food obediently. Her actions were so smooth without any

hesitation, just like when she was being scolded for playing with toys during meals when she was a


Seeing her reactions, Christopher was in a trance for a split second. He was reminded of their memories

together and realized that there was not only hatred between


Margaret sensed his gaze on herself and became slightly nervous. “What‘s wrong...?”

Christopher looked away as he poured her some wine.

He never drinks with me... Margaret was bewildered.

She hesitated for two seconds before holding up her wine glass and clinking it with his.

When she gulped the wine, Christopher asked out of nowhere, “Do you know what day it is today?”

Remembering the lesson of forgetting his birthday before, Margaret tried hard to recall that day‘s date

and got the answer in an instant. “Our wedding anniversary?”

As she replied, she felt suspicious. Why did Christopher bring this up? Only loving couples would talk

about wedding anniversaries, so she had never given it a thought. Margaret assumed the sole reason

Christopher restrained his temper and treated her nicely was that they were currently outside, having a


Christopher looked satisfied with her answer. He poured her some wine again.

Margaret knew she could not hold her liquor well, so she dared not drink too much. She was afraid that

she might be out of control afterward, or she would even ruin Christopher‘s good mood. However, she

did not dare to refuse him. After deep consideration, she finished the wine in a gulp again.

At the end of the meal, her vision became blurred, and she was half–conscious. Her face was red like an

apple waiting to be devoured.

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Christopher was not drunk at all, given his good alcohol tolerance after so many years in the business

world. He called upon the waitress for the bill.

“Our boss knew you‘re here today, and he said your meal is free,” said the waitress politely.

Christopher broke into a faint smile. “Tell Steven I‘ll treat him to a meal next time.” Steven operated

Water Bay Restaurant just for fun. After all these years, Christopher had become used to the taste of the

food here, so he was a regular customer of the restaurant.

He saw Margaret stagger as she stood up. Thus, he stepped forward and pulled her into his arms. “Let‘s

go,” said Christopher.

Margaret seemed to have become bolder under the influence of alcohol. She had forgotten the identity of

that man before her as she patted his face. “Hold me properly! You‘ll need to compensate me if I fall!”

A complicated expression appeared on Christopher‘s grim face. Is this her true personality...?

Putting up with her antics, Christopher helped her into the car. Margaret insisted on winding down the car

window and letting the cold wind blowing in her face. He tried to close the windows in a few attempts but


Margaret talked to him firmly, “Do you know I have motion sickness? Every time, I have to bear the

dizziness in the car. I don‘t want to bear it anymore!”